From Left: Shaina Ervin, Justin Haegele and Megan Parietti presented at the 2014 Student Research Forum. Copyright 2014 – The Ohio State University. All Rights Reserved.
Shaina Ervin
Human Sciences, Kinesiology
Dr. Donna Pastore, Advisor
Title: Exploring Organizational Climate and College Coaches’ Intent to Leave the Profession: A Human Resource Development Perspective
Abstract: College coaching has its set of advantages but the pressure to win and compete in the arms race of college athletics may be contributing to why coaches leave the profession. A human resource development perspective is taken to investigate the potential relationship between organizational climate and coaches’ intent to leave. Contact: ervin.137@osu.edu
Justin Haegele
Human Sciences, Kinesiology
Dr. David Porretta, Advisor
Title: Validation of a Talking Pedometer for Adolescents with Visual Impairments
Abstract: Adolescents with visual impairments typically exhibit lower physical activity levels than their sighted peers. Prior to conducting physical activity intervention research, appropriately validated instruments are needed. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to acquire validity evidence for the Centrios talking pedometer for adolescence with visual impairments. Contact: haegele.9@osu.edu
Megan Parietti
Human Sciences, Kinesiology
Dr. Donna Pastore, Advisor
Title: Parental Influence on Student-Athletes’ Academic and Athletic Behaviors
Abstract: The purpose of this proposed study is to examine how parents influence their children’s athletic and academic behaviors once that child is a college student-athlete. This study wishes to discover if parents have an influence on their student-athlete child and what that influence looks like. Contact: parietti.2@osu.edu