2018 Session I: Round Room

Jin-kyung Lee
Human Sciences, Human Development and Family Science
Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan, Advisor

Gene and Environment Interaction in Relation to Children’s Social-emotional Behaviors

This study tested the moderation of children’s tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH rs1800532) on the path from family poverty, parent-child relationship, and child gender to children’s social-emotional behaviors. 2,171 children from the FFCWS public and genetic data were analyzed.

Julie Maynard
Teaching and Learning, STEM
Paul Post, Advisor

Modeling Integrated STEM Education Through Project-Based Learning to Develop Preservice Teacher Self-Efficacy Beliefs

This mixed methods study examines preservice teachers’ technological, pedagogical, content, knowledge self-efficacy development during a media literacy course in which the instructor modeled how to integrate STEM education through project-based learning. Surveys, course reflections, interviews, and observations were used for data analysis.

Allison Ragland
Teaching and Learning, Multicultural and Equity Studies in Education Elaine Richardson, Advisor

#StayWoke: The Language and Literacies of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement

This project analyzes the language, new literacies, communicative, and rhetorical practices of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement, with an emphasis on its use of African American language traditions, Black grammar and vocabulary, music, protest tactics, and the technologization of the movement through social media, Black twitter, hashtags, and memes.

Vinta Tiarani & Trudy Giasi
tiarani.1@osu.edu, giasi.3@osu.edu
Teaching and Learning, STEM
Karen Irving, Advisor

Elementary Students’ Views About Engineering and Technology: The EiE-Ohio Project Year 1 and 2

This study aims to investigate the views held by elementary students about engineering and technology. Students from six elementary schools in the Midwest (n=414, grade preK – 6) completed two pre-/post-test assessments targeting their understanding of engineering and technology. Findings and the comparison between pretest and posttest are presented.