Session III: Barbie Tootle Room

Session III Oral Presenters - Barbie Tootle Room (from left): Umar Abdullah, Juhyun Do, Carolyn Kaplan & Ruilan Zhao.

Session III Oral Presenters – Barbie Tootle Room (from left): Umar Abdullah, Juhyun Do, Carolyn Kaplan & Ruilan Zhao.

Umar Abdullah
Teaching and Learning, Foreign, Second & Multilingual Language Education
Keiko Samimy, Advisor

Title: Teacher Certification in Indonesia: English-Language Teachers’ Motives and Challenges
Abstract: Part of a larger mixed-method research project, this study looked specifically at motives and challenges of six high school English-language teachers, who pursued the 2013 teacher professional training, known as PLPG, at a public university in Palembang, Indonesia.

Juhyun Do
Teaching And Learning, Foreign, Second, & Multilingual Language Education
Alan Hirvela, Advisor

Title: “Teach Korea, Learn Korea”: Exploring Native English Speaking Teachers’ Experiences as Novice Language Teachers in Korea
Abstract: This paper reports on five case studies of Native English Speaking (NES) teachers in English Program in Korea (EPIK) as they experienced local Korean educational communities and larger Korean society for one or two years. The rich accounts of participants show NES teachers’ experiences in Korean educational contexts vary substantially.

Carolyn Kaplan
Teaching and Learning, Foreign, Second & Multilingual Language Education
Alan Hirvela, Advisor

Title: The Influence of Foreign Language Teachers’ Cognitions on Classroom-Based Assessment Practices
Abstract: Research has acknowledged a need for increased study of foreign language teachers’ thinking and practices related to student assessment. This multiple case study examines how four high school teachers’ cognitions (i.e., what they think, know, and believe) about student assessment, affect their classroom-based assessment practices.

Ruilan Zhao
Teaching and Learning, Foreign, Second & Multilingual Language Education
Alan Hirvela, Advisor

Title: Learning to Teach Source-Based Writing: A Qualitative Case Study of a Novice Second Language (L2) Writing Teacher
Abstract: This case study examined an early-career second language writing teacher’s understanding of and pedagogical practices related to source-based writing using qualitative data, including course-related documents, classroom field notes, and interviews, collected in a university composition course for multilingual students.