Session I Oral Presenters – Barbie Tootle Room (from left): Matthew Fullen, Sean Gorby & Hillary Tindall. Not pictured: Narmada Paul.
Narmada Paul
Educational Studies, Educational Psychology And Philosophy
Tzu-Jung Lin, Advisor
Title: Impact Of An Online Discussion Forum On Students’ Satisfaction Of Basic Psychological Needs And Perceived Usefulness Of Online Discussion
Abstract: This study will use a pretest-posttest research design to observe the effects of students’ participation in an online discussion activity supplementing a face-to-face instruction based course. Satisfaction of basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence, relatedness) and perception of the educational usefulness of an online discussion will be investigated.
Contact: paul.828@osu.edu
Matthew Fullen & Sean Gorby
Educational Studies, Counselor Education
Darcy Granello, Advisor
Title: Aging Well: Resilience And Wellness In Aging
Abstract: The Aging Well study consists of a ten-week psychoeducational curriculum that emphasizes the importance of resilience across multiple domains of personhood with aging adults in a central Ohio adult day center. Participants’ levels of perceived resilience, self-efficacy, and wellness are assessed using mixed methods in this action research study.
Contact: fullen.33s@osu.edu, gorby.45@osu.edu
Sean Gorby & Matthew Fullen
Educational Studies, Counselor Education
Darcy Granello, Advisor
Title: Understanding Meaning And Purpose In Aging Adults
Abstract: This study will look at how aging adults create purpose and meaning in life. The narratives of aging adults attending an adult day center in central Ohio will be explored through qualitative research to identify sources, contexts, and constructs that provide the individual life purpose and meaning. Contact: gorby.45@osu.edu, fullen.33s@osu.edu
Hillary Tindall
Educational Studies, Educational Psychology And Philosophy
Eric Anderman, Advisor
Title: Transition To Middle School, School Culture, And Discipline History: An Exploratory Study
Abstract: Originated from a larger study that investigated middle school transition and possible factors related to later high school dropouts, this in-progress exploratory study examines the relation between 6th graders’ discipline history and variables related to perception of school culture. Contact: tindall.27@osu.edu