Kui Xie, Vanessa W. Vongkulluksn, Sheng-Lun Cheng
xie.359@osu.edu, vongkulluksn.1@osu.edu, cheng.850@osu.edu
Educational Studies, Learning Technologies
PANEL: Successful Technology Integration Essential Agents and Resources
This session discusses the conditions necessary for successful technology integration
efforts, including targeted professional development, teacher beliefs, quality digital resources, and research-to-practice school outreach. The research and school outreach presented in this session are part of the Evaluating Digital Content for Instructional and Teaching Excellence (EDCITE) project, supported by the Straight A Fund from the Ohio Department of Education.
Rebecca Dore, Jessica Logan, Johana Chaparro
dore.13@osu.edu, logan.251@osu.edu, chaparromoreno.1@osu.edu
PANEL: Technology in Early Childhood Education
Technology has transformed society and early childhood education is no exception. Here we highlight examples of how technology and early childhood education intersect in three areas: the use of technology by children, the use of technology for early childhood educators, and the use of technology for researchers studying early childhood education.