Session II Oral Presenters – Rosa M. Ailabouni Room (from left): Michael Fraina, Yilin Li, Xiuye Xie and Megan Parietti. Not pictured: Valerie Heiss.
Michael Fraina
Human Sciences, Kinesiology
Donna Pastore, Advisor
Title: The Influence of Socialization on Intrinsic Motivation of Youth Athletes
Abstract: The intention of this study is to examine the influence of socialization agents (i.e., parents, peers, coaches, mentors) toward a youth athlete’s development of intrinsic motivation. This four-part study will individually measure the influence of these four socialization agents toward individuals’ levels of autonomy, competence and relatedness.
Contact: fraina.1@osu.edu
Valerie Heiss
Human Sciences, Kinesiology
Rick Petosa, Advisor
Title: Social Cognitive Theory Correlates Of Moderate Intensity Exercise Among Adults With Type 2 Diabetes
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the psychosocial correlates of exercise in adults with type 2 diabetes. 181 adults completed an online survey. A set of Social Cognitive Theory variables explained 42.4% of the variability in moderate intensity exercise.
Contact: heiss.22@osu.edu
Yilin Li & Xiuye Xie
Human Sciences, Kinesiology
Weidong Li, Advisor
Title: Measuring Perceptions of Caring and Its Relationship To Motivational Responses In Physical Education Among Secondary Students
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a context specific measurement of perceptions of caring in physical education and examine how secondary students responded in physical education courses.
Contact: li.5524@osu.edu, xie.469@osu.edu
Megan Parietti
Human Sciences, Kinesiology
Donna Pastore, Advisor
Title: Parental Influence on Student-Athletes’ Academic and Athletic Behaviors
Abstract: This presentation explores the topic of how parents influence their children once they are collegiate student-athletes. Specifically, how the parents impact their child’s athletic and academic behaviors. Initial data from an in-progress study is discussed.
Contact: parietti.2@osu.edu