Farm Science Review is just around the corner!

LONDON, Ohio – More than 50 companies will join the ranks as exhibitors for the 61st Farm Science Review Sept. 19-21 at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center. The new exhibitors represent various sectors in the agriculture industry including livestock handling, equipment advancements, agronomic technology, agricultural policy, and more.

Paulding County Extension Office has tickets for sale at a discounted price total of $10 per ticket. Tickets will be for sale until Monday, September 18 at noon. Continue reading Farm Science Review is just around the corner!

Northwest Agronomic Field Day on August 31

This year’s Northwest Agronomic Field Day at the Northwest Agricultural Research Station (4240 Range Line Road, Custar, OH 43511) will be on Thursday, August 31st. Registration will start at 8:30 a.m. and the program will begin at 9:00 a.m. followed by a free lunch courtesy of the Ohio Soybean Council at 12:00 p.m. There’s no cost to attend, but RSVP is requested by August 25 at

2023 NW Field Day Flyer

Alfalfa Weevil is in the County

For those of you who have Alfalfa in the county, be on the lookout for Alfalfa weevil. These are pictures shared with me last week.  A few weeks ago in the CORN Newsletter information was shared about scouting for this pest.

Alfalfa fields should be scouted weekly for weevils until at least the first harvest.  Follow-up scouting may be needed after the first harvest in heavily infested fields.

Spot problem fields early by checking alfalfa tips for feeding damage – small holes and a tattered appearance.  Fields that have a south-facing slope tend to warm up sooner and need to be checked for weevil earlier.

Green alfalfa weevil larvae (the main feeding stage) at various growth stages, and brown adults. Photo by Julie Peterson, University of Nebraska.

Here is a video about scouting weevils in alfalfa: Continue reading Alfalfa Weevil is in the County

Paulding County host location for Regional Weeds University on March 3

Registration link:

OSU Extension invites crop producers, CCAs, and agribusinesses to attend a regional 2023 Ohio Weed University on Wednesday, March 1, or Friday, March 3 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at locations across the state.

Locations will include:

  • March 1 – Highland County, Knox County, and Mercer County
  • March 3 – Clinton County, Paulding County, and Tuscarawas County

This program is designed to keep agronomic producers on the cutting edge in weed control for their cropping operations. Topics addressed will include hot topics in weed control, local weed issues, biology, identification of weeds, control strategies, cover crop management in forages, and evaluating herbicides. Hands-on exercises will be included. Continue reading Paulding County host location for Regional Weeds University on March 3

Farm Survey

Farmers, ranchers, and their partners raising children wanted! Researchers are looking for primary caregivers of children under 18 to participate in an online survey about how they are juggling children and work. Full- and part-time farmers and ranchers are welcome to participate and may choose to enter a raffle to win one of fifty $50 checks.

For questions or to request a paper survey, contact Florence Becotat at 715-389-9379 or

To fill out the online survey, visit this link: 

2023 Small Farm Conference Registration Open!

Ohio State Extension announced plans to host a Small Farm Conference in Mansfield Ohio on March 11, 2023.  The theme for this year’s Mid-Ohio Small Farm Conference is “Sowing Seeds for Success.”

Conference session topics are geared toward beginning and small farm owners as well as farms looking to diversify their operations.  There will be five different conference tracks including Farm Office, Horticulture and Produce Production, Livestock, Agritourism/ Marketing, and Natural Resources.

Some conference topic highlights include: How to purchase our family farm, food animal processing, beekeeping, sweet corn, blueberry and pumpkin production, small ruminant nutrition, agritourism laws, fruit tree pruning, and cut flower diseases.

Anyone interested in developing, growing, or diversifying their small farm is invited to attend including market gardeners, farmers market vendors, and anyone interested in small farm living.

Attendees will have the opportunity to browse a trade show featuring the newest and most innovative ideas and services for their farming operations. The conference provides an opportunity to talk with the vendors and network with others.

The Conference will take place from 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the Mansfield OSU Campus in Ovalwood Hall, just minutes from I-71 and US Rt 30.

For conference and registration call OSU Extension Morrow County at 419-947-1070 or OSU Extension Knox County at 740-397-0401. Please follow this link to register for the conference:

2023 Session Descriptions

Small Farm Conference Brochure 2023

Enterprise Budgets from OSU Extension

I have had some calls about the location of the OSU Extension enterprise budgets for Corn, Soybeans, and Wheat. I thought I would share the information with the entire email list. Budgets are located at You will need to scroll down on the page and choose the budget you are looking for under 2023.

Have a great week!

Paulding County a host for Ohio Department of Agriculture Pesticide/Fertilizer Testing on February 7, February 23 and March 8

Testing for Private and Commercial Pesticide, Fertilizer Applicator License will take place on February 7, February 23, and March 8 in Paulding County at the Extension Office. While our office does not administer the test, we are the host and will do our best to provide you with information. Testing will start at 10:00 AM. You must pre-register via ODA’s website HERE. You will need to click the exam registration tab and choose exam by location as to where you want to sign up. Multiple exams may be taken during a session. Additionally, the Ohio Fertilizer Certification test is given at these locations.

General Information: Ohio Department of Agriculture offers an in-person testing option for Private and Commercial Pesticides examinations for 2023. Pre-registering with the Ohio Department of Agriculture is mandatory.

Day of in-person testing reminders: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ohio Department of Agriculture asks that every person taking the exam do a self-check before entering ODA’s campus or regional exam location. If you are feeling sick, please reschedule your exam.

  • Photo IDs will be required.
  • Pencils and calculators will be provided.


Need to check your pesticide test scores?  Go to this link:

Notes for Pesticide Testing Applicants must be 18 years of age and have a valid ID through the state of Ohio or potential for state reciprocity. Register via the ODA website.

New Factsheet: “Understanding How Soil Test Phosphorus Impacts Water Quality”

A factsheet discussing the relationship between the amount of Phosphorus in our soils and water quality, written by Greg LaBarge, Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems and Rachel Cochran, Water Quality Extension Associate at Ohio State University was released today. It discusses the importance of P management, as well as different studies that have examined the relationship between P levels and water quality. Many best practices for managing high P levels are discussed as well. View the factsheet at this link, or visit Ohioline and search for the factsheet ANR-0111.

Cover Crops Roundtables to be Hosted in Paulding County

Paulding County Extension is re-starting its Cover Crops Roundtable Series after a three-year hiatus. This series was created as a platform for farmer-to-farmer interaction, with OSU Extension serving as the discussion moderator. The goal of the series is to allow peer learning through networking, problem-solving, and idea sharing regarding the benefits and challenges of growing cover crops on the farm. Continue reading Cover Crops Roundtables to be Hosted in Paulding County

January 31 – Private Pesticide Re-Certification and Private/Commercial Fertilizer Re-Certification registration open.

By now many of you who are up for certification for Private Pesticide or Commercial/Private Fertilizer (Category 15) are receiving letters your renewal letters from the Ohio Department of Agriculture. If you have completed your total hours for re-certification, you may mail the invoice and payment into ODA for the $30. This is called the RENEWAL fee. Many times this is confusing as you only do this once every three years. (There is also an option to pay the RENEWAL online at To pay online with a debit/credit card, you will need to have the control ID/number on the back of your card. Unfortunately, if your card is worn out, and you can’t read the number, our office does not have access to it.  You would need to call ODA.)

If you have not taken the RE-CERTIFICATION classes, Paulding County is offering the class on Tuesday, January 31 (Fertilizer at 8:30 AM and Pesticide at 9:30 AM). The classes are $35 for Pesticides and $10 for fertilizer (If you need both, $45).  Online registration is required for the class. The link to register is  You may send in registration and payment to Sarah Noggle, ATTN: PAT/FERT,  503 Fairground Drive, Paulding, OH 45879. You will need to print and include the following registration form with your payment. 2023 Paulding PAT and FERT Registration Flyer Debit/Credit card payments are available for 2023 but you must use the online registration.

If you have any questions please email Sarah at

Webinar Series on Soil Health for 2023

Greetings Soil Heath Enthusiasts,
The Ohio State University Extension Soil Health Committee as part of the OSU Agronomy Team wanted to make sure you were aware of our upcoming soil health programs scheduled for this winter.

To participate in the SOIL HEALTH 2023 WEBINAR SERIES – Registration can be found at
CCA Credits will be available for each webinar.

Continue reading Webinar Series on Soil Health for 2023

Choosing and Evaluating Seed Varieties to Meet your Market Needs: A Grower Panel and Discussion

Growers of organic produce or those interested in organic varieties and production are welcome to join the Ohio Organic Farmer Researcher Network for their monthly online meeting Thursday, January 5 at noon. Denise Natoli Brooks and Matt Kleinhenz will host a small but varied panel of Ohio produce professionals. They will discuss their variety and selection processes and priorities, some of their best and worst experiences, and how their choices relate to marketing, labor, and other concerns. Panelist Q&A will be followed by an open discussion about what motivates us to choose certain seed varieties and how we decide where/how to source them. The primary focus will be on organic vegetable varieties that perform well in Ohio.

Connection details are available at Sign up for reminders and future meeting notices by emailing Cassy Brown. Continue reading Choosing and Evaluating Seed Varieties to Meet your Market Needs: A Grower Panel and Discussion

OSU Extension’s Water Quality Wednesday Webinar Series is back for 2023!

Join OSU’s Water Quality Extension Associates for their annual winter webinar series focusing on the interaction between agriculture and water quality. These webinars will take place monthly from January to March 2023. Continue reading OSU Extension’s Water Quality Wednesday Webinar Series is back for 2023!

Register for ‘Solve Problems and Reduce Risk with Healthy Soil’ Event

The Nature Conservancy is promoting an event for farmers and landowners to solve problems and reduce risk by making their soils healthy. This event will be held at the Hancock Hotel in Findlay, OH from 9AM-4PM on Wednesday, December 14th. Continue reading Register for ‘Solve Problems and Reduce Risk with Healthy Soil’ Event

Soil Health Tour 2022 Sites Finalized


The 18 in-person and 6 virtual tour stops for the 2022 Soil Health Tour have been finalized and are almost ready to be visited by farmers, conservationists, and soil-lovers around Northwest Ohio, Southeast Michigan, and Northeast Indiana. The tour officially opens Monday, September 19th at 8AM and closes Wednesday, September 28th at 5PM. A wrap-up event will be held Thursday, September 29th at the Paulding County Extension Office from 6-8PM to close out the tour. Register for the September 29th event at

The flyer with tour site information can be accessed here.

The in-person tour stops are as follows: Continue reading Soil Health Tour 2022 Sites Finalized

Soybean Diseases Are Showing Up in Ohio

By: Horacio Lopez-Nicora, Stephanie Karhoff, CCA

In early August, we recommended starting scouting fields for soybean diseases. At that time (two weeks ago), disease incidence across Ohio was very low to moderate. Conducive environmental conditions, however, are turning things around and more fields are developing disease symptoms.

Figure 1. Soybean field in southern Ohio are severely affected by sudden death syndrome (SDS) with premature defoliation in the R5/R6 growth stage (A); symptoms begin with interveinal yellowing (chlorosis) of a leaf (B); eventually, leaf tissue dies and becomes brown but veins remain green (C). The fungus infects the root and produces toxins that are responsible for the above-ground symptoms.

Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS)

We are finding fields in Ohio severely affected by sudden death syndrome (SDS) [Fig.1 and Fig. 2]. SDS is caused by the fungal pathogen Fusarium virguliforme. This species is the most prevalent in the region, however, other Fusarium species can cause SDS. SDS above-ground symptoms can be confused with those produced by a different fungus (Cadophora gregata) that causes brown stem rot (BSR). To distinguish SDS from BSR, symptomatic plants should be dug out and stem cut open longitudinally. SDS-infected plants have white, healthy-looking pith, while BSR-infected plants present brown discoloration of the pith. Moreover, fields with severe SDS symptoms can also have high levels of soybean cyst nematode (SCN). Visit here for more information on SDS.

Continue reading Soybean Diseases Are Showing Up in Ohio

Pre-Harvest Herbicide Treatments for Weed Desiccation

Note from Sarah: As a drive the insect scouting loop in Paulding County, I am noticing many fields invested with water hemp which is a great concern in weed control. Other things to make note of are barnyard grass, velvet leaf , marestail and volunteer corn.

By: Mark Loux


Waterhemp infestation.

There are plenty of fields with late-season weed problems this year. Weeds that come through the crop canopy late may be small or spindly or sparse enough to be handled easily by a combine. Other fields can benefit from a preharvest herbicide treatment to kill/dissociate weeds, which makes harvesting easier and can reduce weed seed production and foreign matter in harvested grain. Information on preharvest herbicide treatments for field corn and soybeans can be found in the “Weed Control Guide for Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois”, at the end of those crop sections (pages 75 and 146 of the 2022 edition). Products listed for corn include Aim, glyphosate, 2,4-D, and paraquat, and for soybeans include Aim, dicamba, paraquat, glyphosate, and Sharpen. Keep in mind that Aim and Sharpen have relatively narrow spectrums of activity, and will be less effective than the others across a broad range of weed species (i.e. make sure the target weed is something that they actually control). Continue reading Pre-Harvest Herbicide Treatments for Weed Desiccation

Summer Ag Events in NW Ohio


Hi all,

I wanted to share the upcoming events in NW Ohio Extension related to Agriculture to get those events on your calendar. Here is the link or you can download the PDF of the newsletter 2022 Summer NW Ohio Newsletter PDF Version. I hope to see you at these summer events.