Farm Doc Provides Look at PLC and ARC-CO Decision for 2024

Don’t miss the deadline of March 15, 2024.

OSU Extension appreciates permission to cross-post this article written by Farm Doc and published on January 16, 2024.

First Look at PLC and ARC-CO for 2024

by: Nick PaulsonGary Schnitkey, and Ryan Batts Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois, and Dr. Carl Zulauf, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics, Ohio State University

Because the 2018 Farm Bill was extended, farmers will have the same commodity title choices in 2024 as they have since 2019.  These include the Price Loss Coverage (PLC), Agricultural Risk Coverage at the county level (ARC-CO), and ARC at the individual level (ARC-IC) programs. For the first time, the effective reference prices in 2024 for corn ($4.01) and soybeans ($9.26) will be above statutory reference prices ($3.70 for corn, and $8.40 for soybeans). Wheat’s effective reference price will remain at the statutory level of $5.50.  Those effective reference prices are well below 2024 ARC benchmark prices: $4.85 for corn, $11.12 for soybeans, and 1 for wheat.  As illustrated in the recently updated 2024 Farm Bill What-If Tool — a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet — ARC-CO will trigger larger payments when county revenues are driven by low yields, while PLC payments may be larger with moderately low prices and higher yields, as well as in scenarios with extremely low prices.

Payments from either PLC, and ARC-CO remain relatively unlikely for corn, soybeans, and wheat, even with lower prices expected for 2024.  There is a higher likelihood of ARC-CO triggering payments on corn and soybean base acres given the higher benchmark prices compared with PLC’s effective reference prices. However, PLC may be attractive if an individual is concerned about corn and soybean prices falling below $3.75 and $9.00 per bushel, respectively.  In addition, producers interested in using the Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) insurance program will want to enroll in PLC.

Continue reading Farm Doc Provides Look at PLC and ARC-CO Decision for 2024

NW Ohio Agronomy Day

Join Henry County Extension at their NW Ohio Agronomy Day at the Bavarian Haus in Deshler, OH on Wednesday, February 7 from 8:00 AM until 3 PM.  If you plan to attend, please take a moment, and register on the registration link.  CCA, Commercial, and Private Pesticide Credits will be available. Speakers will include Bruce Clevenger (Economics of Drainage), Dr. Vinayak Shedekar (Drainage Water Recycling), Alan Leininger (Spray Drones), Michael Staton (Management of White Mold in Soybeans), Greg Labarge (Fertilizer Management). Additionally, if you need fertilizer or pesticide credits the day will continue from 3:00 – 4:00 PM.

See the official agenda here


Ohio State Farm Succession Survey

Do you operate a farm in Ohio? If yes, your participation in a survey about the future of agriculture and farm succession plans across the state would be greatly appreciated. OSU Extension is pleased to be assisting Ryanna Tietje (OSU Senior studying agribusiness at The Ohio State University) with a honors research project. Ryanna is conducting a survey of Ohio’s farmers to gain a better understanding of farm succession in Ohio. If you are the primary operator of an Ohio farming operation, we would greatly appreciate if you would take approximately 15 minutes to complete the survey, which consists of about 45 questions.

The survey can be accessed at:

Please be assured that the survey does not ask for any personally identifying information. In addition, all responses will remain anonymous and cannot be linked back to your specific operation. This research is being guided by Dr. Margaret Jodlowski and David Marrison. Thank you in advance for your time and effort completing this survey that will help with the advancement of Ohio agriculture!

January Issue of the Ohio Fruit Growers News

Bunch of elderberries with ripe fruit.

The January issue of Ohio Fruit News is available here and also available on-line. In this issue you will learn about:

  •  Proposed changes to the registrations for Ziram, Thiram and Ferbam, three fungicides that are critical to fruit disease management
  • The current status of agricultural water standards for the Produce Safety Rule
  • Fruit disease diagnosed in 2023 by the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

If the PDF version does not open please follow this link:

eFields Available digitally

The 2023 eFields report will provide summaries of on-farm research trials conducted around the state. Printed copies are available to you at no cost via the Paulding County Extension.

You can see past reports online at Additionally, we would like your help in shaping the future of our research efforts. The following is a survey to help with our direction in 2024.

OSU Precision Livestock Farming education series

Technology is changing the way we manage plants and animals. When someone says Precision Agriculture, we often think about crop production but there are many opportunities for technology to enhance our abilities to care for livestock. This winter OSU Extension is offering a glimpse at some of these technologies through hour-long weekly webinars. Each week we will have an expert join us to discuss a precision livestock topic for the species of livestock they work with, or forage production. These technologies are allowing us to improve animal husbandry and management efficiency.

The webinars will be from Noon until 1:00 PM throughout the winter 2024 months on January 31, February 7, February 14, February 21, February 28, and March 6. You can register to attend all of the topics or just the one of interest to you.  Registration is located at or you can scan the QR Code below.  

Reach out to Jason Hartschuh at with questions. To see the official flyer on Precision Livestock Farming flyer

Monthly topics include:

  • January 31, 2024 – Utilizing Drones and remote imagery to determine forage quality and quantity in pastures and hay fields. Speaker: Dr. Josh Jackson, UK Extension
  • February 7, 2024 – How does precision livestock farming relate to swine health? Speaker: Dr. Talita Pilar Resende, OSU Extension
  • February 14, 2024 – Sprinkler Effects on Cooling Water Use, Litter Moisture, and Broiler House Environment. Speaker: Dr. Tom Tabler, UT Extension
  • February 21, 2024 – Benefits of Data collection at lambing using RFID and handheld recorders. Speaker: Dan Persons, Shearwell Data
  • February 28, 2024 – Activity and temperature monitoring systems for dairy calves, heifers, and cows, Speaker: Jason Hartschuh, OSU Extension
  • March 6, 2024 – Pen-side Diagnosis of BRD pathogen, Speaker: Mohit Verma, Purdue Extension

New Private Pesticide Applicator Crash Course – Saturday, February 24, 2024

Saturday, February 24th, 2024: New Pesticide Applicator Training – 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Basic Information

  • Registration on the day of event: 8:15 – 8:30 AM.
  • The meeting begins at 8:30 AM and will conclude by 11:30 AM.
  • Meeting Location: Youth Leadership Building, 503 Fairground Drive, Paulding, Ohio 45879 (This is a location change via the NW Ohio Newsletter in 2024)
  • Cost: $25
  • Registration Information: RSVP is MANDATORY with the deadline of February 20. Seating is limited, so no walk-ins will be available.
  • Registration: or scan the QR Code at the bottom to reach the registration link.

This class is geared toward those preparing to obtain a Private Pesticide Applicator License in Ohio. The class covers the basics of how the Ohio Department of Agricultural test is formatted, testing tips, the basics of the CORE category required to be passed by all private and commercial pesticide applicators as well as Category 1 (Agronomic Crops and use of restricted use pesticides). 

This new Pesticide Applicator “Crash Course” class is designed to help participants prepare for taking the Ohio private applicator CORE and Category 1 exams administered by the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Study guides need to be purchased separately. Registration will provide handouts and other resources. An additional study by the participants is encouraged beyond the time spent in class. Although this class will help prepare participants in CORE (applying pesticides properly and safely) and Category 1 (Grain and Cereal Crops), other resources will be made available for additional study in other certification categories. Participants can elect to test with ODA following the program on another date.

A light snack will be provided for the event. If you have previously purchased the Pesticide Applicator study materials, please bring those with you. The OSU Extension Office in Paulding County will also have those for sale before the event. 

This crash course will cover a study session in the primary area of CORE (General Pesticide Laws and Rules) and have additional information on Category 1 (Agronomic Crops and Pesticides). This course may help those trying to obtain a Commercial Pesticide license in Ohio with information on the CORE section of the Commercial Test. Please note: This is not the actual test offered by the Ohio Department of Agriculture. 

For more information, contact Sarah Noggle via email at or call 419-399-8225 and ask for Katie Gorrell to order study materials.

Water Quality Wednesday Webinar — Economics of Conservation Webinar Coming on January 31st

Have you ever considered implementing conservation practices in your operation, but wanted to learn more about the economic side of doing so? Join OSU Extension on January 31st from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. for the first Water Quality Wednesday Webinar of 2024: The Economics of Conservation.

Three speakers will provide insight into the economic benefits of utilizing different conservation practices, including cover crops and the use of manure as a nutrient source. Katie Wilts Johnson, Extension Economist, Center for Farm Financial Management at the University of Minnesota, will use FINBIN data to discuss short and long-term cash flow positions and how this relates to utilizing cover crops. OSU Extension’s Farm Business Analysis Program Manager Clint Schroeder will discuss how OSU can help you figure out exactly how different management practices can benefit your farm economics.  Glen Arnold, Field Specialist in Manure Nutrient Management at The Ohio State University will wrap up the session by discussing the yield and financial benefits of utilizing manure in-season as a nutrient source.

Certified Crop Adviser CEUs will be available during the live session. Register to receive the connection link at Can’t join live? The recording of this webinar will be posted to the OSU Agronomy YouTube Channel’s Water Quality Playlist following the event. Questions can be directed to Rachel Cochran, or (567) 344-5016.

Water Quality Wednesday Webinar Series Flyer

January 2024 Water Quality Wednesday: The Economics of Conservation

Save the Date – Spring Tee Off 2024

Spring Tee Off, formerly Grounds & Greens, takes on a new look this year. Two separate tracks will be offered at the Spring Tee Off: BEST+ and Leadership. BEST+ takes the BEST Program to a new level, with hands-on laboratories for the identification of turfgrass species, seeds, weeds, diseases, and insects, all led by the OSU Turf Team. This track is geared toward recent entries to the turfgrass industry, Extension professionals, or veterans interested in brushing up their identification skills. Without correct identification of turfgrasses and pests, significant dollars and labor are wasted on improper pesticide applications. In the worst case, these applications can lead to loss of turf.

On the other side of the 4-H Center, leadership specialists from Ohio State University’s Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership will lead interactive seminars on topics not often featured at turfgrass events. However, these topics are critical to be effective in managerial or ownership positions, regardless of whether you are a golf course superintendent, lawn care operator, or sports field manager. These topics include leadership strategies, workplace culture, communication, and conflict management. You will leave these seminars with plans to attack each of these areas in your workplace.

More details about registration, speakers, and a final program will be released by the end of January and will be found at Until then, prepare to be in Columbus on March 7 for a new experience.

2024 Small Ruminant Feed and Water Use Efficiency Survey

Thank you for your interest in responding to this survey.

Before proceeding, please review the following information related to the study and your rights. By completing the survey you will help us determine the average level of awareness and base knowledge of feed and water use efficiency in small ruminant livestock. This online survey will direct you through a set of questions. You can access the survey at or this QR Code

Continue reading 2024 Small Ruminant Feed and Water Use Efficiency Survey

Ohio Beef Cattle Feeding School in Northern Ohio

What is the outlook for feeding beef cattle in this cattle cycle? Garth Ruff, Beef Cattle Field Specialist will cover how the beef supply looks for the coming year and what goals concerning quality has the industry set for itself in the long term. This year the Beef Cattle Feeding School will focus on risk management within the cattle feeding enterprise. Each evening we will have a speaker discuss how Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) can be used as a tool to manage risk when feeding cattle.

To wrap up each of the programs, Allen Gahler, OSU Extension Sandusky Co., and Jason Hartschuh Dairy Management and Precision Livestock Field Specialist will deliver a Beef Quality Assurance Training.

Offered January 23 in Crawford County and January 30 in Wood County as a free program.

To view the official registration flyer and agenda click 2024 Ohio Beef Cattle Feeding Flyer.

Northern Ohio Crops Day

Join OSU Extension in Sandusky County for the 2024 Northern Ohio Crops Day on Thursday, February 1, 2024, from 8:00 AM until 3:30 PM at Ole Zim’s Wagon Shed (1387 SR 590, Gibsonburg, OH 43431). Registration Deadline: January 25, 2024. Call OSUE Sandusky County to RSVP at (419) 334-6340. The cost is $55.

Education Credits offered:
•3 hours private pesticide applicator Categories 1,2,3,6 and core. Others by request
•2.5 hours commercial pesticide applicator Categories 2A,2B, Core
• 1-hour fertilizer applicator re-certification
•Certified Crop Advisors CEUs

To view the official flyer and schedule click the 2024 NOH Crops Day agenda.

Registration required for 2024 Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification in Paulding County on January 30, 2024

Greetings all,

Registration is required for the January 30, Fertilizer and Pesticide Recertification in Paulding County.  We now have a link to register online and we now also have a credit card payment option. You must have an email address to pay by credit card. You may also scan the QR Code to register and pay.

  • Date: Tuesday, January 30, 2024: Fertilizer Recertification 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM; Pesticide Recertification 9:45 AM – 12:45 PM
  • Pre-registration is mandatory for this event. Spots are limited. No walk-ins.
  • Location: Paulding County Extension Office, 503 Fairground Drive, Paulding OH 45879
  • Cost: PAT $35, FERT $10, Combo $45
  • Registration Information: RSVP by January 26. Limited seats for this meeting. Light snacks are provided with registration.
  • Contact: Sarah Noggle,, (419) 399-8225
  • Registration Link:

You are invited to the 2024 Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Annual Meeting

Dear Past, Present, and potential Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Members,

You are invited to attend the 2024 OFGC Annual Meeting that will be held on Friday, February 9, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Deerassic Park Education Center in Cambridge, Ohio. We encourage all Ohioans with an interest in forage production to attend. We hope you will consider attending and renewing your OFGC membership. The mission of OFGC is to enhance the profitability of Ohio Farmers through the use of forage and grassland resources.  Your membership will invite you to several forage-related field days throughout the year, automatic membership to the American Forage and Grassland Council, and a free subscription to Progressive Forage Grower magazine. Official Registration and Flyer with Speaker Details Continue reading You are invited to the 2024 Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Annual Meeting


Join OSU Extension in a Greenhouse Management Workshop: Dynamic Growing

Date: January 25-26, 2024

Location: Shisler Center (OSU Wooster Campus, 1680 Madison Avenue, Wooster, Ohio)

Why: Learn about controlling greenhouse climate conditions greenhouse to optimize crop quality—fundamental and advanced topics.

For the official flyer with details click here!!

Two ways to attend:

In-person: Enjoy all sessions & tours. | Breakfast, lunch, & networking event included.

$190 on or before January 5, 2024, | Use code EBIRD-24 when registering online.

$250 after January 5, 2024

Virtual: Watch presentations online.

$150 | No early bird special. | Use code VIRT-24 when registering online.

For program and registration details, click here.

For online registration, click here.