NW Ohio Newsletter 2025

📬 The 2025 Northwest Ohio Newsletter is Coming!

Exciting news! The 2025 Northwest Ohio Newsletter will be hitting mailboxes near the end of December! 🗓️

Packed with the latest updates on agriculture, Extension programming, and community opportunities, this newsletter is your go-to resource for staying informed and connected.

Prefer to read online? 📲 Check out the Virtual Version here.

Stay tuned—there’s a lot to look forward to as we kick off a new year together! 🌾

#Agriculture #Extension #NWOhio #StayConnected #LeanOnYourLandGrant #PauldingCountyStrong #OSUE

Youth Gardening to promote educational skills.

Youth is the heart of Paulding County! When we talk about opportunities to develop skills that last a lifetime, we are talking about those career development skills and life skills like time management, and hard work. Paulding County Extension is offering its fourth season of a youth gardening program starting on June 4, 2024, and running through August 6, 2024.

“This year, we have expanded the program to offer meal and snack possibilities from produce grown in the garden.”, shared Emma Horstman, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences.

We are inviting all youth ages 8-12 to join the Paulding County Extension Office in their children’s gardening and cooking summer program. This program is geared towards 8-12-year-old youth interested in gardening, cooking, and healthy eating. This goal is to attend all sessions and enrollment is limited to 20 youth.​ Registration is required by going to the link http://go.osu.edu/24GreenThumbs.

The program aims to develop life and career skills while learning educational concepts in gardening and cooking. Youth will meet every Tuesday morning from 9:30 – 10:30 AM starting June 4 in the Youth Leadership Building, 503 Fairground Drive, Paulding, OH 45879. ​ Continue reading Youth Gardening to promote educational skills.

23rd Annual Master Gardener Volunteer Plant Sale

The pop of color from a flower, the bees on the native plants, and the taste of a homegrown tomato are all aspects of spring and summer in NW Ohio and one the Paulding County Master Gardener Volunteers love. The 23rd annual sale will continue in 2024 with some changes. The sale will be one day only on Saturday, May 18th from 8:00 AM until 12:00 PM or until the plants are sold out. The sale will occur at the Paulding County Fairgrounds inside the Block Building at 503 Fairground Drive, Paulding, OH 45879.

Plants and more will still be available at the 2024 Paulding County Master Gardener Volunteer plant sale. The sale will include perennials, annual flowers, herbs, vegetables, trees, potting containers, natives, and shrubs. Most items are between $1-$10 each. The proceeds from the sale will go back into the community Master Gardener Volunteer projects and programs. Continue reading 23rd Annual Master Gardener Volunteer Plant Sale

January Issue of the Ohio Fruit Growers News

Bunch of elderberries with ripe fruit.

The January issue of Ohio Fruit News is available here and also available on-line. In this issue you will learn about:

  •  Proposed changes to the registrations for Ziram, Thiram and Ferbam, three fungicides that are critical to fruit disease management
  • The current status of agricultural water standards for the Produce Safety Rule
  • Fruit disease diagnosed in 2023 by the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

If the PDF version does not open please follow this link: https://u.osu.edu/fruitpathology/fruit-news-2/


Join OSU Extension in a Greenhouse Management Workshop: Dynamic Growing

Date: January 25-26, 2024

Location: Shisler Center (OSU Wooster Campus, 1680 Madison Avenue, Wooster, Ohio)

Why: Learn about controlling greenhouse climate conditions greenhouse to optimize crop quality—fundamental and advanced topics.

For the official flyer with details click here!!

Two ways to attend:

In-person: Enjoy all sessions & tours. | Breakfast, lunch, & networking event included.

$190 on or before January 5, 2024, | Use code EBIRD-24 when registering online.

$250 after January 5, 2024

Virtual: Watch presentations online.

$150 | No early bird special. | Use code VIRT-24 when registering online.

For program and registration details, click here.

For online registration, click here.


Farm Science Review is just around the corner!

LONDON, Ohio – More than 50 companies will join the ranks as exhibitors for the 61st Farm Science Review Sept. 19-21 at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center. The new exhibitors represent various sectors in the agriculture industry including livestock handling, equipment advancements, agronomic technology, agricultural policy, and more.

Paulding County Extension Office has tickets for sale at a discounted price total of $10 per ticket. Tickets will be for sale until Monday, September 18 at noon. Continue reading Farm Science Review is just around the corner!

To mulch or not to mulch?

Are you planning on spreading mulch around your trees and landscape this year? Master Gardener Volunteers see this common practice of mulch placed under trees and right up the tree trunk!

Another mulch volcano! That is a big NO, NO! It’s important to keep mulch off the tree trunk because the covered tree trunk will grow roots under the mulch. As the new roots grow in the soft mulch, the deep roots begin to die off. Eventually, a tree with a weak root system could be blown over by a strong windstorm.

For more information on mulching trees see this excellent article written by Joe Boggs that can be found on the OSU Buckeye Yard & Garden onLine (BYGL), https://bygl.osu.edu/node/1494.

Online Fruit Pruning School is March 9 and 14


The Ohio State University South Centers is hosting a two-part Online Fruit Pruning School on Thursday, March 9, and Tuesday, March 14, 2023. This is a FREE online event that will be conducted virtually via the Zoom communications platform.

Part 1 on March 9 will focus on pruning fruit trees including apples, peaches, and pears. Part 2 will be held on March 14, and will cover small fruits like blueberries, grapes, and raspberries. Both sessions will begin at 9:30 a.m.

Please register no later than Monday, March 6, 2023. Simply visit the link below and fill out the registration form. We also plan on offering recordings afterward, so you can access the event on-demand, as we know this fits some people’s schedules better.

Register here: http://go.osu.edu/pruningschool

For even more information, consult the attached flyer.

Looking forward to seeing you (virtually) again this year!

Ohio’s Woodland Stewards: Friday’s Escape to the Forest series on February 10

Included are very high-resolution images of the Emerald Ash Borer Beetle. Specimens provided by Dr. David Wagner of the University of Connecticut.

Join us for our first Friday’s Escape to the Forest webinar of 2023.  Ohio State Extension Specialist in Forest Entomology, Kayla Perry will be our presenter as we get up to date on what is going on with emerald ash borer (EAB) and how our forests are doing post-invasion. She will discuss the status of Emerald Ash Borer in post-outbreak forests.

Join OSU’s Kayla Perry, State Extension Specialist in Forest Entomology, as we talk about Emerald ash borer (EAB; Agrilus planipennis). EAB has caused widespread decline and death of ash trees throughout eastern North America since it was first detected in southeastern Michigan in 2002. This presentation will provide an update on the distribution, management, and ecological impacts of EAB, with a focus on forests that have experienced the longest duration of invasion by this insect.

Register here for the webinar.  Continuing education credits for ISA and SAF will be offered. Continue reading Ohio’s Woodland Stewards: Friday’s Escape to the Forest series on February 10

2023-2024 Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide

The 2023-24 Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide is now available.  The easiest way to get a hard copy is to order from the website https://mdc.itap.purdue.edu/item.asp?Item_Number=ID-465.  You can also download the guide for free.

This guide provides conventional pest management recommendations for commercial tree fruit, small fruit, and grape producers throughout the Midwest and surrounding states. These recommendations have been formulated to provide up-to-date information on pesticides and their application.

Apply to Master Gardener Training by February 10

Do you want to join the Ohio State University Master Gardener Volunteer Program? Applications are now available for the 2022 training class. The Ohio State University Master Gardener Program reaches hundreds of people in Paulding County each year. While this program is held in 2022 in Williams County, the initial certification classes are universal statewide and will count toward becoming a volunteer in Paulding County.

Volunteers receive training from OSU experts on topics such as lawns, soil health, tree identification, annual and perennial plants, insects, pest management, plant diseases, and more!  Once trained, Master Gardeners volunteer for OSU Extension to increase the outreach efforts of Ohio State University throughout the community.  Some projects include conducting public seminars and workshops, hosting informational booths, and maintaining local gardens.

The training will begin in March and run through April. Applications are due February 10, 2022.  Classes will be held Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. at 1425 East High St., Bryan, OH.  The cost for the complete program is $65 per person or $95 per couple for Williams County residents payable by the first class and $100 per person for non-Williams County residents. Printed applications are available at the OSU Extension Williams County Office or applications may be submitted online at go.osu.edu/WmsCoMGVTraining.

Shortage of Fungicides for Fruit Crop Growers

From Melanie Ivey, OARDC Plant Pathology

As with many other commodities, there is a shortage of fungicides (and herbicides), in particular Captan, for the beginning of the 2022 fruit crop season.  Since Captan is the backbone fungicide for many fruit crops growers will need to prepare a Plan B in case these two products do not arrive in time for the first early season sprays.  For apple, peach, cherry, grape, and blueberry, Captan can be replaced with Ziram.  A spreader/sticker can be added to Ziram to improve its efficacy.  I attached a copy of the Ziram 76DF Label.  The rates for Ziram are not the same as Captan so growers will need to refer to the label.  Remember the label is the law! For growers who have strawberries, they should consult the Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide to select an alternative to Captan.

Growers should also anticipate a significant increase in prices for all fungicides. 🙁

Let’s hope we don’t have to move to Plan B and the products will arrive before the buds break!

Fall armyworms are marching

Fall armyworm damage to a yard in Paulding County. If you are seeing this please contact me. There is a chance the yard will come back with the rains received on Thursday evening.

I have received many phone calls and emails this week about armyworms this week from both farmers and landowners.  I have worked with Curtis Young in Van Wert County to make the positive ID of Fall armyworm.  I have shared some of the pictures of the damage armyworms can do.  I am receiving these calls from around the county.

Fall armyworm in a lawn in Paulding County. The threshold for control is 4 worms per square foot for lawns/homeowners.

Across the US, the Fall armyworm numbers have been much higher than in previous years due to our current weather patterns and the life cycle of Armyworms, there is a chance we could see a third-generation yet this year.  These guys like to feed on the species in the grass family and their “candy” is newly seeded yards (within the last few years), volunteer wheat fields, and newly seeded forages. Additionally, I am linking extra articles with information on control and general question both agronomically and for homeowners. As always, contact me with your questions.


20th Annual Master Gardener Plant Sale held on Friday, May 14 and Saturday, May 15

Plants, plants, and more plants will be available at the 2021 Paulding County Master Gardener Volunteer plant sale on Friday, May 14th, 2021, from 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM and Saturday, May 15th from 8:00 AM until 12:00 PM. The sale will take place at the Paulding County fairgrounds inside the Block Building at 503 Fairground Drive, Paulding, OH 45879.

The sale will include perennials, annual flowers, herbs, vegetables, trees, and shrubs. Most items are between $1-$10 each. The proceeds from the sale will go back into the community Master Gardener Volunteer projects and programs. Past projects include trees for Oakwood Park and the Payne Park, planting the bed at the Reservoir Park, assisting with the landscaping at the Habitat for Humanity projects, plants for the fairgrounds and 4-H club projects, assisting the Friends of the Paulding Park Board, the native garden at the Black Swamp Nature Center, downtown Antwerp Village flowerpots, Fort Brown, and MGV memorial garden. Continue reading 20th Annual Master Gardener Plant Sale held on Friday, May 14 and Saturday, May 15

Need Good Ag Practices (GAP) Training?

The produce safety team has a March 18 online GAPs training scheduled this winter.  These programs are free to attend.

You can find more information at https://producesafety.osu.edu/events. Registration link for March 18 event:

Mar 18, 6:00-9:00pm: register at https://go.osu.edu/gapstraining3-18

GAPs Training Webinar Flyer 2021 – 3.18

What is GAP Training?

This is a 3-hour educational course that covers good agricultural practices or GAPs. GAPs training provides growers with the knowledge and tools needed to implement on-farm best management practices to reduce on-farm microbial food safety hazards. Participants will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the training.

Join the Paulding County Master Gardener at their Drive Through Plant Sale on Saturday, September 12

Join the Paulding Master Gardener Volunteers at their Fall Drive Through Plant Sale on Saturday, September 12 from 10 AM – 2 PM at the Paulding County Fairgrounds.  We are asking that people enter via the main gate at the fairgrounds. Please bring a box or have your trunk lined with newspapers to set your plants in.  A volunteer will walk with you outside your car to take your order. You will be asked to stay in your car. Items are priced to sell.  See our listing of plants, trees, etc. Quantities are limited so come early to get the best selection.

Live Fruit Update on September 9 – Featuring Brambles (Blackberries and Raspberries), Grapes, Hardy Figs and Hardy Kiwis

Join us for timely fruit research updates for your farm and garden, and to get your questions answered by experts from The Ohio State University. This FREE, online-only event will feature several video presentations recorded from the OSU South Centers research fields, as well as live question and answer segments. The event will take place from 10-11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, using the Zoom meeting platform.

When registering, you can submit questions you would like answered during the event. To register, visit https://go.osu.edu/fruitupdate. Be sure to include an email address that your monitor regularly, as this will be the method we use to send you the link to join the event.

This event is made possible via funding by a Specialty Crop Block Grant from USDA through the Ohio Department of Agriculture and by a Viticulture Extension grant from Ohio Grape Industries Committee.

Fruit Q A 2020 Flyer

Additional Information From ODA About The Mystery Seeds

Americans Receive Mystery Seeds in the Mail, Mostly From China - WSJPlease note: Paulding County has received various packets of seeds.  Please follow the directions below or contact Sarah at the Extension Office (419-399-8225) to arrange a drop off of the seeds.  

The Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) is asking Ohioans to please send in unsolicited seeds.

After increasing reports of Ohio citizens receiving packages of unsolicited seeds in the mail, the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) is again urging the public to report and submit any unsolicited seed packets to ODA. In partnership with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Plant Protection and Quarantine Office, ODA is working to investigate the number of seed packets sent to Ohio, what type of seeds they are, and where they were mailed from. Continue reading Additional Information From ODA About The Mystery Seeds

The Annual Pumpkin Field Day Goes Virtual!

For over 20 years the pumpkin field day held at the Western Ag Research Station in South Charleston has hosted growers from around the state giving them a wide array of production and pest management research, demonstration, tips, and tricks. Instead of driving over to the research station, participate virtually from your home, business, or favorite coffee house/brewery!

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, we won’t be able to hold a field day in person this year, but we are working hard to bring you the results of several demonstrations and research projects via a pre-recorded video stream that will air on the OSU IPM YouTube channel on August 27 at 6 PM. Continue reading The Annual Pumpkin Field Day Goes Virtual!