Ohio State University Extension and Northwest State Community College are partnering to provide a regional event focused on successful implementation of agricultural conservation practices, called “Success Stories of Conservation”. The event will feature farmers giving 5-minute “lightning talks” that will discuss how specific conservation practices have benefitted them on their operations, followed by a panel-type question and answer session. In addition, Dr. Jim Uphaus, Professor and Chair of the Agriculture program at Rhodes State College, and Dr. Vinayak Shedekar, Assistant Professor of Agriculture Water Management at The Ohio State University, will host breakout sessions focusing on the return on investment of conservation practices and the benefits of utilizing farm drainage, respectively. The event’s keynote speaker will be Greg LaBarge, Field Specialist in Agronomic Systems at The Ohio State University, discussing his research in the Powell Creek Watershed and what watershed-scale implementation of conservation practices can do. Continue reading Success Stories of Conservation program to be held February 20th
Author: Rachel Cochran, CCA/CPAg
Join us next week for three ag-focused events!
Paulding County Extension is set to host THREE programs next week! Continue reading Join us next week for three ag-focused events!
Join Paulding County Extension for January 7th Cover Crops Roundtable Meeting
Join OSU Extension Paulding County and escape the cold with some hot topics at our January 7th Cover Crops Roundtable meeting! Continue reading Join Paulding County Extension for January 7th Cover Crops Roundtable Meeting
Cover Crops Roundtables – Join us monthly!
Join Paulding County Extension for their monthly, year-round series focusing on topics related to cover crops at their Cover Crops Roundtable meetings! These meetings are held on Tuesdays each month from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM at the Paulding County Extension Office. Continue reading Cover Crops Roundtables – Join us monthly!
Celebrate our rivers at RiverFest 2024!
For the eighth year in a row, Defiance is celebrating the Maumee and Auglaize Rivers with RiverFest, hosted at Pontiac Park from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturday, June 29th, 2024. There will be activities, demonstrations, food, and fun for everyone! Bring your kids, ages 1 to 100 for Kids River Passport STEAM activities, including Project Wet and other demonstrations by Defiance Soil and Water Conservation District, Defiance City Schools, Defiance College Science Club, Yoga in the Park, Camp Lakota/Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts of Western Ohio, ODNR Scenic Rivers, OSU Extension, The Nature Conservancy, Maumee Watershed Alliance, and more! A living history encampment will provide a taste of local history, then you can grab a taste of current history by visiting one of the food trucks at the park! A kayak raffle will also be held during RiverFest! More information can be found at the Land To Lake website, landtolake.org, or Click here to view the event flyer.
Register for Paulding’s Agricultural Technology and Farm Data Course!
Ohio State University Extension Paulding County and Rhodes State College are partnering to provide a three-part education series focused on showing farmers how to use the data they are already collecting on their operations. Most farms are already collecting many kinds of data, including field boundaries, yield maps, soil test results, etc. This course will show attendees how to combine this data with publicly available data layers such as elevation and soils maps to better understand the performance of their management practices. The first session will take place from 6:00PM to 8:00PM on Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024, at the Paulding County Extension Office. Continue reading Register for Paulding’s Agricultural Technology and Farm Data Course!
Fall is the perfect time to review the Phosphorus Loss Risk Assessment document for determining P application rates
Fall is a busy time of year for many of us involved in agriculture; from harvest to cover crop seeding, to wheat planting and fertilizer application, we have a ton of tasks to get done in a short window of time. But with the hectic nature of the season comes an opportunity to refresh ourselves with the recommendations for Phosphorus application rates. Continue reading Fall is the perfect time to review the Phosphorus Loss Risk Assessment document for determining P application rates
Please Give Your Input on the Paulding County Parks and Trails Survey
The residents of Paulding County have expressed a strong desire for increased opportunities to engage in outdoor activities together. To fulfill this vision, a dedicated committee has been established with the primary goal of securing state funding to revitalize and create connections between Reservoir Park and the Black Swamp Nature Center. It is important to note that there are no plans for additional local taxes.
We are actively seeking your valuable input through this survey to ensure that this project aligns with the aspirations of Paulding County’s residents. We encourage all Paulding County residents to share their thoughts on the types of activities they would like to see in this newly revitalized space. Your feedback will play a role in shaping the future of outdoor recreation in Paulding County.
Take the survey by clicking this link, or by entering bit.ly/parksandtrailssurvey into your browser.
Please reach out to Anna Gurney with Paulding SWCD, (419) 399-4771 or education.specialist@pauldingswcd.org, with any questions about this project.
Forage Challenges as the Weather Turns Cooler to Keep Livestock Safe
From OSU Extension’s CORN Newsletter:
By Kyle Verhoff, ANR Educator, Defiance County, and Jason Hartschuh, CCA, Field Specialist, Dairy & Precision Livestock
As the year begins to wrap up and temperatures drop, there are countless things to consider including how the coming frosts impact the toxicity of our forages. This past week many portions of the state began to flirt with possible overnight frosts which raises concerns of prussic acid poisoning, nitrate poisoning, and increased bloat as a result of feeding certain fall forages. Continue reading Forage Challenges as the Weather Turns Cooler to Keep Livestock Safe
Upcoming Organic Grains Conference Registration Opens
Registration is open for the 2nd annual Ohio State Organic Grains Conference, January 4-5, 2024 at the Maumee Bay Lodge and Conference Center near Toledo, Ohio. The 2024 conference offers programming for experienced organic growers, growers transitioning to or considering organic, and consultants or educators who support these growers. Continue reading Upcoming Organic Grains Conference Registration Opens
Soil Health Specialist Says Dry Conditions Have Complicated Cover Cropping
From Brownfield Ag News:
Click here to listen to the 5-minute interview with Dr. Anna Cates, University of Minnesota Extension Soil Health Specialist and Brownfield Ag News.
Some farmers new to cover crops might be having second thoughts after another dry growing season.
University of Minnesota Extension soil health specialist Anna Cates says cover crops generally take up a lot of water in the spring and fall.
“At a time when we have a lot of water. It rains a lot (and) the soil is holding a lot of water (so) it’s great to have something growing and reducing that a little bit. But the last couple years that reduction has kind of left us short for cash crop water supply, and that’s been a real hardship (and) we’ve seen poor stands because of it.”
She tells Brownfield farmers who have been using cover crops for several years or more don’t seem too concerned.
“For people who have seen the benefits over time, they say it’s 100 percent worth it. But if this is your first year and you barely saw any stand and then you had trouble terminating it in the spring, and then you saw a cash crop yield drag, that was not a great experience.”
Cates says early termination of the cover crop and lower seeding rates can help mitigate the challenges dry weather presents.
Paulding County Extension Looking for Fields with History of Slug Damage
Do you or some you know have a field that regularly suffers from slug damage? Do you plant cover crops on your farm? If so, we have a great opportunity for you! Rachel Cochran, Water Quality Extension Associate for Paulding, Defiance, and Van Wert Counties is looking for fields to add to her on-farm research project. The project aims to address the question “Do radish cover crops deter slugs?”, and is a continuation of greenhouse and plot-scale research studies.
If you are interested or would like more information, reach out to Rachel at cochran.474@osu.edu or (567) 344-5016.
Tar Spot and Fungicide Survey for Farmers and Crop Consultants
From Iowa State University Extension:
Planting is nearly here and folks are busy – but we are hoping you can help us with a tar spot and fungicide survey. This survey is the creative component for a Masters of Agronomy student, Kelsey Richie. She is hoping to get a better understanding of how tar spots may affect farmers’ decisions around fungicides. There are two surveys, one for farmers and one for crop specialists. If you could spare some time to complete the survey, it would be greatly appreciated.
The survey is only open until May 1st, so please give your input soon.
Share your thoughts on cover crops in the National Cover Crop Survey!
Why do you plant cover crops… or why don’t you?
Share your thoughts on cover crops in an online survey at bit.ly/CoverCrop23. Why do you plant cover crops… or why don’t you? What do you want to know about cover crops? Where do you get your information about them? Your insight will help guide research, communications, seed development, and more.
This National Cover Crop Survey is the seventeenth since 2012 conducted by USDA-NIFA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program, Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC), and the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA), with the help of Informa/Farm Progress.
Please take a few minutes to contribute your voice at bit.ly/CoverCrop23.
After completing the questionnaire, you may enter a drawing for one of three $100 Visa gift cards.
Controlling Slugs and Voles in Cover Crops
From the OSU CORN Newsletter:
By Rachel Cochran, CCA and Paige Garrabrant, Water Quality Extension Associates
Last week, OSU Extension’s Water Quality Team launched their annual webinar series with a two-part webinar on cover crops. The team works closely with producers throughout the Western Lake Erie Basin to implement practices that not only improve growers’ operational efficiencies and profitability, but also to promote soil health and reduce nutrient and sediment loss. Several producers that the team works with have requested more education specifically on cover crops.
The webinar last week focused on cover crops with a handful of different speakers. Tim Reinbott, Director of Field Operations at the University of Missouri’s Agricultural Research Stations, provided listeners with some insight and advice on controlling slugs and voles, which are common in no-till and reduced-till situations. Continue reading Controlling Slugs and Voles in Cover Crops
New Factsheet: “Understanding How Soil Test Phosphorus Impacts Water Quality”
A factsheet discussing the relationship between the amount of Phosphorus in our soils and water quality, written by Greg LaBarge, Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems and Rachel Cochran, Water Quality Extension Associate at Ohio State University was released today. It discusses the importance of P management, as well as different studies that have examined the relationship between P levels and water quality. Many best practices for managing high P levels are discussed as well. View the factsheet at this link, or visit Ohioline and search for the factsheet ANR-0111.
Cover Crops Roundtables to be Hosted in Paulding County
Paulding County Extension is re-starting its Cover Crops Roundtable Series after a three-year hiatus. This series was created as a platform for farmer-to-farmer interaction, with OSU Extension serving as the discussion moderator. The goal of the series is to allow peer learning through networking, problem-solving, and idea sharing regarding the benefits and challenges of growing cover crops on the farm. Continue reading Cover Crops Roundtables to be Hosted in Paulding County
OSU Extension’s Water Quality Wednesday Webinar Series is back for 2023!
Join OSU’s Water Quality Extension Associates for their annual winter webinar series focusing on the interaction between agriculture and water quality. These webinars will take place monthly from January to March 2023. Continue reading OSU Extension’s Water Quality Wednesday Webinar Series is back for 2023!
Register for ‘Solve Problems and Reduce Risk with Healthy Soil’ Event
The Nature Conservancy is promoting an event for farmers and landowners to solve problems and reduce risk by making their soils healthy. This event will be held at the Hancock Hotel in Findlay, OH from 9AM-4PM on Wednesday, December 14th. Continue reading Register for ‘Solve Problems and Reduce Risk with Healthy Soil’ Event
OSU Extension’s CLM Webinar Series is back for December!
Join OSU Extension’s Water Quality Team for the third installment of their Certified Livestock Manger (CLM) Webinar Series! The webinar to be held from 10-11:30AM on Monday, December 5th will discuss how to utilize manure as an organic fertilizer on your operation. Continue reading OSU Extension’s CLM Webinar Series is back for December!