1. The Formalization of Mathematics, February, 1997, 11 pages. TalkFormMath12pt[1].2.97
2. Ramsey Theory and Enormous Lower Bounds, April 5, 1997, 11 pages. TalkRamThyEnLB
3. Transfer Principles in Set Theory, May 7, 1997, 21 pages. TransPrin12pt050797
4. Axiomatization of Set Theory by Extensionality, Separation, and Reducibility, October 5, 1997, 12 pages. TalkAxiomSetThy
5. From Russell’s Paradox to Higher Set Theory, October 10, 1997, 13 pages. FromRusselltoSetThy
6. Finite Trees and the Necessary Use of Large Cardinals, January 10, 1998, 8 pages. FiniteTreesLCTangibleIncGent041421
7. Unprovable Theorems in Discrete Mathematics, April 26, 1999, 10 pages. TalkUnpThmDisMath
8. A Theory of Strong Indiscernibles, April 28, 1999, 2 pages. ThyStrongIndis
9. A Complete Theory of Everything: satisfiability in the universal domain, October 10, 1999, 15 pages. ACompThyEver101099
10. Decreasing Chains of Algebraic Sets, November 12, 1999, 12 pages. ChainsAlgSets
11. Discrete Independence Results, November 16, 1999, 13 pages. DisIndResults
12. The Mathematical Meaning of Mathematical Logic, April 21, 2000, 14 pages. MathMeanMathLogic042100
13. Does Mathematics Need New Axioms?, May 30, 2000, 13 pages. NewAxioms_12pt.6.5.00
14. A Logician Looks at Programming, May 31, 2000, 4 pages. ALogicianLooks
15. Foundations of Mathematics: past, present, and future’ May 31, 2000, 8 pages. fom12pt5.31.00
16. Enormous Integers in Real Life, June 1, 2000, 11 pages. EnormousInt.12pt.6_1_00
17. Lecture notes on baby Boolean relation theory, October 3, 2001, 11 pages. BabyBRT100301
18. Does normal mathematics need new axioms?, October 26, 2001, 12 pages. DoesMathNeed102601
19. Lecture notes on term rewriting and computational complexity, November 7, 2001, 12 pages. TermRew110701
20. Lecture notes on enormous integers, November 22, 2001, 11 pages. EnormousInt112201
22. Demonstrably necessary uses of abstraction, Hans Rademacher Lectures, University of Pennsylvania, September 17-20, 2002, 53 pages. RADEM092602
23. Adventures in the foundations of mathematics, VIGRE Lectures, Ohio State University, April 28-May 7, 2003, 64 pages. VIGRE050903
24. Unprovable theorems, April 19, 2005, 11 pages. UnprovThms052605
25. Clay Millenium Problem: P = NP, Mathematics Colloquium, Ohio State University, October 20, 2005, 19 pages. P=NP10290512pt
26. What you cannot prove 1: before 2000, December 19, 2005, 18 pages. CCRTalk1.121905
27. Forty years on his shoulders, Goedel Centenary, April 25, 2006, 9 pages. Fortyyears12pt042506
28. Remarks on Goedel Phenomena and the field of reals, Goedel Centenary, April 27, 2006, 6 pages. GodelPh042406′
29. Remarks on the unknowable, Goedel Centenary, April 28, 2006, 6 pages. Unknow052206
30. Adventures in the Verification of Mathematics, Computer Science Colloquium, Ohio State University, June 8, 2006, 19 pages. CStalk060806
31. Search for Consequences, Logic Colloquium ’06, August 9, 2006, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 15 pages. SearchConseq080906
32. Goedel’s Legacy in Mathematical Philosophy, Logic Colloquium ’06’, August 9, 2006, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 6 pages. GodelLegPanelNij0809061
33. Contemporary perspectives on Hilbert’s second problem and the Goedel incompleteness theorems, AMS panel, New Orleans, January 6, 2007, 7 pages. Hilb2panel020107
34. Computer assisted certainty, Computer Science Lecture Series, University of Kentucky, January 25, 2007, 17 pages. Certainty020107
35. Concept Calculus, Mathematical Methods in Philosophy, Banff, Canada, February 21, 2007, 9 pages. BanffLect022407
36. Limitations on our understanding of the behavior of simplified physical systems, Science, Reason, and Truth, San Marino, August 17-19, 2007, 26 pages. See Publications. SanMarino081807
37. Concept Calculus’ APA Panel on Logic in Philosophy, APA Eastern Division Annual Meeting, Baltimore Maryland, January 2, 2008, 17 pages. Supercedes 1/1/2008 and earlier versions. BaltLect010208
38. ‘LOGIC: Interdisciplinary Adventures in Mathematics, Philosophy, Computer Science, and Education’, University Distinguished Lecture, The Ohio State University, April 23, 2008, 16 pages. Streaming video at http://www.osu.edu/facultystaff/university_awards/2007/lecturer.php DistLectOSU042308
39. Concept Calculus, Carnegie Mellon University, March 26, 2009, Pure and Applied Logic Colloquium. ConcCalcCMU032909
40. Boolean Relation Theory, Carnegie Mellon University, March 27, 2009, Mathematical Logic Seminar. BRT,CMU032909
41. Decision Problems in Strings and Formal Methods, Carnegie Mellon University, Theory/POP Seminar, March 27, 2009. DecProbStrCMU032909
42. Foundational Adventures for the Future, Honoree Lecture at the Foundational Adventures Conference in honor of Harvey Friedman’s 60th Birthday, Columbus Ohio, May 14-17, 2009. Lecture delivered May 15, 2009. HonoreeLecture
43. Concept Calculus, Department of Philosophy, MIT, November 4, 2009, 22 pages. ConcCalcMIT110409
44. Decision Procedures for Verification, Joint Theory of Computation and Programming Language Seminar, Computer Science, Harvard University, October 9, 2009, 28 pages. Also delivered at the MIT Computer Science Department, November 4, 2009. DecProbStrHarvard100909
45. Strict Reverse Mathematics, Reverse Mathematics Workshop, University of Chicago, November 7, 2009, 19 pages. StrictRevMath110709:08
46. Unprovable Theorems, Mathematics/Philosophy talk at Harvard University, October 8, 2009. Also delivered at the Boston Mathematics Colloquium, MIT, November 5, 2009. 30 pages. UnpThms110509
47. Shocking(?) Unprovability, Lecture at the Mathematics Department of The Ohio State University, April 16, 2010. 1 hour. 20 pages. ShockOSU041610
48. Aspects of Constructive Set Theory and Beyond, Amsterdam Conference on Set Theory, Classical and Constructive, 1 hour, May 6, 2010, 20 pages. ConStThyAmst050610pdf
49. Concrete Incompleteness from EFA Through Large Cardinals, May 10, 2010, Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation, University of Amsterdam, 2 hours. 31 pages. ConIncompAmst051010
50. Concrete Mathematical Incompleteness, University of Cambridge, UK, November 8, 2010. Minor revisions November 18, 2010. 28 pages. ConcMathIncCamb111810
51. Boolean Relation Theory, University of Cambridge, UK, November 10, 2010. Minor revisions November 18, 2010. 38 pages. BRTCamb111810′
52. Adventures In Logic For Undergraduates. Lecture Series. 5 Lectures, Ohio State University. Lecture 1: Logical Connectives, January 18, 2011 LogicalConn012610 Lecture 2: Logical Quantifiers, January 25, 2011 LogicalQuan012611 Lecture 3: Turing Machines, February 1, 2011 TuringMach020211 Lecture 4: Goedel’s Blessing and Goedel’s Curse, February 8, 2011 GoedelBlessCurse020811 Lecture 5: Foundations of Mathematics, February 15, 2011 Foundations021611 VIDEOS available at YouTube site https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdRdeExwKiWndBl4YOxBTEQ/feed?view_as=public
53. Past, Present, and Future Directions in the Foundations of Mathematics. Trends in Logic, Kurt Goedel Society, Vienna Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, April 29, 2011, 1 hour. 37 pages. ViennaFounds042811
54. An Appreciation of Hilary’s Mathematical Work, delivered June 1, 2011 at Philosophy in an Age of Science, Conference in Honor of Hilary Putnam’s 85th Birthday. Revised June 7, 2011. 14 pages. PutnamTalk060711
55. Maximality and Incompleteness, deelivered March 1, 2012, at the Brandeis-Harvard-MIT-Northeastern Joint Mathematics Colloquium, at Harvard. 1 hour. Revised March 5, 2012. 31 pages. MaxIncHarv030512
56. Are the Usual Axioms Sufficient?, delivered March 10, 2012 at Patrick Suppes’ 90th Birthday Celebration, at Stanford. 20 minutes. 15 pages. Suppes90th030712
57. Goedel’s Second Theorem: Its Meaning and Use, delivered March 17, 2012 at AMS Special Session, on The Legacy of Goedel’s Second Incompleteness Theorem for the Foundations of Mathematics, Washington DC, 45 minutes. 30 pages. GodelSecond0311712+08
58. Incompleteness 1, Invitation to Mathematics Series, Department of Mathematics, Ohio State University, April 25, 2012. 20 pages. INC1,InvToMath042512
59. Incompleteness II, Invitation to Mathematics Series, Department of Mathematics, Ohio State University, May 2, 2012. 21 pages. INC2.InvToMath050212
60. Logic: Interdisciplinary Adventures in Mathematics, Philosophy, Computer Science, and Theology, Keynote lecture, Institutional Honorary Doctorate, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, September 4, 2013, 56 pages. Logic-Inter082813keynote’
61. Concept Calculus, Institutional Honorary Doctorate, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, September 5, 2013, 26 pages. ConcCal090113
62. A Foundationalist Looks at the Piano, Mostowski Centenary, Warsaw, Poland, October 18, 2013, 13 pages. FoundPianoWar10.18.13a
63. Foundational Investigations in Mathematics and Philosophy, May 8, 2014, Public Lecture, Princeton Philosophy Department, 10 pages. PrincTalk060614
64. Perspectives on Formal Verification, January 21, 2016, one hour Keynote lecture, The Fifth International Conference On Certified Programs And Proofs, St. Petersburg, Florida, delivered January 18, 2016, 11 pages. VerifConf012116
65. An Approach to the Formal Representation of Mathematical Propositions, February 3, 2016, Semantic Representation of mathematical Knowledge Workshop, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, 14 pages. DigialLibrary020716
66. Extending Functions, September 22, 2016, 13 pages. August 5, 2016 talk at the workshop Model Theory: From fields to Hardy Fields, held at the Fields Institute in Toronto in honor of Lou van den Dries 65th birthday. torontotalk092216
67. Adventures in Incompleteness, January 24, 2017, Logic Seminar, Stanford University, 11 pages. AdvIncomp020117-10ur5y4
68. Adventures in Incompleteness, March 1, 2017, Distinguished Lecture, Mathematics, Philosophy, and Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin, 45 pages (24 point). UTAustin030117-1dkk31s 16 pages (12 point) AdvIncomp03011712pt-1k0z6to Movie: http://mediasite.aces.utexas.edu/UTMediasite/Play/8187d66a626f48d2a1b0be57ca17833
69. This Foundationalist Looks At P = NP, May 29, 2018. Keynote Lecture, 2018 Resolve Workshop, Computer Science Department, Ohio State University. 32 pages (24 point). As warned on page 10, ignore page 32. TYPOS: Page 15, (1,3/2,2,1) should be (0,3/2,3,0). (1,3/2,2,1/2) should be (0,3/2,2,1/2). Also see Downloadable Manuscripts #106. ResolveTalk053018-165rzcp
70. Tangible Incompleteness Series, opening lecture, Zoom, University of Gent, Gent, Belgium. April 12, 2021. 15 pages. Revised and expanded April 14, 2021. Addendum added May 7, 2021. Recordings accessible at http://cage.ugent.be/~weierman/P.html. TangIncLect1-050721
71. Tangible Incompleteness Series, Lecture 2, Zoom, University of Gent, Gent, Belgium. April 21, 2021. Line Figures and Incompleteness, 7 pages. This is the April 22, 2021 text. Addendum added to April 21, 2021 text. This talk inspired some further research. See Downloadable Manuscripts, #114, #115. Recordings accessible at http://cage.ugent.be/~weierman/P.html. GentLect2Lines042221
72. Tangible Incompleteness Series, Lecture 3, Zoom, University of Gent, Gent, Belgium. April 28, 2021. Higher Tangible Incompleteness. Start of Baby Emulation Theory. Recordings accessible at http://cage.ugent.be/~weierman/P.html. TangGentLect3on042721
73. Tangible Incompleteness Series, Lecture 4, Zoom, University of Gent, Gent, Belgium. May 5, 2021. Baby Emulation Theory. 10 pages. Recordings accessible at http://cage.ugent.be/~weierman/P.html. TangGentLect4on050221
74. Tangible Incompleteness Series, Lecture 5, Zoom, University of Gent, Gent, Belgium. May 12, 2021. Q[-1,1]^k Emulation Proof. 9 pages. Recordings accessible at http://cage.ugent.be/~weierman/P.html. TangGentLect5on050921
75. Tangible Incompleteness Series, Lecture 6, Zoom, University of Gent, Gent, Belgium. May 19, 2021. Sides, N Tails, Falsifiability. 9 pages. Recordings accessible at http://cage.ugent.be/~weierman/P.html. TangIncomLect6Gent051921
76. Tangible Incompleteness Series, Lectures 7,8, Zoom, University of Gent, Gent, Belgium. Proof of Invariant Maximality on Q[0,n]^kr. To be placed here.
77. Tangible Incompleteness Series, Lectures 9, Zoom, University of Gent, Gent, Belgium. June 16, 2021. Invariant Maximality for Mathematicians. Expanded and revised June 20, 2021. 3 pages. TangIncLect9Gent061621a
78. Aspects of Goedel Incompleteness, 9/8/21, 21 pages. This is the third revised lecture notes for the talk delivered 8/16/21 at the Online International Worksop on Goedel’s Incompleteness Theorems. IncompChinese090821
79. Strict Reverse Mathematics, 6/28/22, 15 pages. This is the second revised lecture notes for the talk delivered 6/14/22 at the Workshop on Reverse Mathematics and its Philosophy, June 13-17, 2022, Paris, France. See the earlier The Emergence of (Strict) Reverse Mathematics, 12/29/21, at Downloadable Manuscripts on this website, 116. SRM062822Paris
80. Reverse Mathematics, 6/28/22, 22 pages. This is the revised lecture notes for the talk delivered 6/28/22 at NERODE90, 6/28/22 – 6/29/22. See the earlier The Emergence of (Strict) Reverse Mathematics, 12/29/21, at Downloadable Manuscripts on this website, 116. RMtalkNerode062822
81. String Replacement Systems, 7/13/22, 5 pages. This is the lecture notes for the talk delivered 7/13/22 at CIE 2022, 7/11/22 – 7/15/22. See the later String Replacement Systems, 9/18/22, at Downloadable Manuscripts on this website, 117. StringReplacement071822
82. Lecture Series on Invariant Maximality, Choice, and Games. Videos available at https://www.youtube.com/@AndreasWeiermann
See Downloadable Manuscripts page, 126, for the full manuscript rollouts of the reversal.
Lecture 1. Invariance in piecewise linear and semi algebraic real functions/1. 10/10/24. Tang101024Lect1
Lecture 2. Invariance in piecewise linear and semi algebraic real functions/2. 10/1 7/24. Tang101724Lect2
Lecture 3. From “every widget has a maximal gadget” to “every invariant widget has an invariant’ maximal gadget”. Implicitly Pi01. 10/24/24. Tang10:24:24lect3
Lecture 4. Proofs of “every invariant widget has an invariant’ maximal gadget” in Zermelo set theory. 10/31/24. Tang103024lect4
Lecture 5, Proofs of “every invariant widget has an invariant’ maximal gadget” using large cardinals, 11/7/24. TangMaxLect5,110724
Lecture 6, Invariant Choice, 11/14/24. Revised 11/19/24. TangLect6,111924
Lecture 7, Reversal to Con(SRP). Graphs, maximal cliques. Atomic representation, 11/21/24. TangLect7,112124