4-HOnline Enrollment Due May 1st!

Thank you to the 195 adult volunteers, 904 Youth (Project) Members, and 162 Cloverbud Members who have completed their 4-HOnline Enrollment! We are just 3 DAYS away from the enrollment deadline – so for those who still need to choose to re-enroll, please do so!

Here are a few enrollment reminders:

4-H Enrollment Due May 1st!

Remember in 2020-2021, all 4-H families will again enroll themselves in the Fairfield County 4-H program. If you were a member in 2014-2020, you will be able to enroll your family with your current profile. We have gone to a new version of 4-H Online, version 2, so you may notice some differences. Please read this letter from the State 4-H Online Coordinator.

The link to 4-H Online is https://oh.4honline.com

New 4-H Families: Here are directions to help you with online enrollment – 4-H Online Instructions

Returning 4-H Families: Here are directions to help you with online enrollment – 4-H Online Instructions

Need additional resources to help with Enrollment?

  • Project Selection Resources: 2021 4-H Family Guide and Project Central  can help you look at books and determine projects to take this year
    • Please note these are state publications and do not include our county only projects such as pies, candy making, alfalfa, hay, etc).
  • The 2021 Fairfield County Member Handbook 
  • If the youth is new to Fairfield County 4-H and does not live in Fairfield County, please have them complete an Across County Lines form as soon as possible.
    • Across County Line Membership Policy and Request Form – to be completed once in the lifetime of 4-H Club Membership unless the child moves
    • All forms are pending approval by 4-H Educators in the county of residence and the county they wish to join.
    • Please email these forms to us NOW rather than waiting until May 1st if at all possible considering the approval process. Send forms to Leslie at Cooksey.25@osu.edu as soon as you have them. Do not assume all requests will be approved.

If you have questions or need assistance, contact Missy Koenig (Koenig.398@osu.edu or 740-277-4631)

Summer Judging – Please Schedule an Interview Time by 5:00 p.m. Friday, July 10th!

Greetings 4-Hers!

Thank you to those who recently responded to last week’s survey regarding project completion options. We have taken survey responses into consideration, along with OSU’s guidance on primarily using virtual options for events due to the potential continued spread of COVID-19. In that light, we will be conducting project judging interviews using the online video conference format called Zoom. This will allow for a live, interactive interview with a judge and 4-Her. For those 4-Hers that do not have access to adequate technology to support a Zoom interview, we will offer a few limited slots for an in-person interview. Please read details below before choosing your judging appointment.

All SUMMER project judging will be conducted the week of July 13th. Projects will be judged on these originally scheduled days:

  • Monday, July 13: Food, Home Dec, Genealogy, Laundry, Health, Child Care
  • Tuesday, July 14: Demonstration, Communication, Creative Arts
  • Wednesday, July 15: Engineering and Environmental Science
  • Thursday, July 16: Clothing

Awards this year will be simplified with Outstandings and Honorable Mentions across projects. There is no state-level competition this year, so the primary focus of county judging will be the interview experience and an opportunity for the 4-Her to share what they have learned. Note: we will not be awarding special overall food or clothing awards this year.

Project displays: in order to offer flexibility, you may create a poster and have it near you for zoom judging, or a digital poster that you could ‘screen share’ and later print out to display at the fair. Note: food projects will NOT be required to complete a portfolio this year. Instead you could do a mini poster to display at the fair. The choice is yours.

Online (Zoom) Judging for all summer projects:

  • Extension staff will ‘host’ the meeting and send a link to the judge and 4-Her. Staff will remain online throughout the meeting as tech support, timekeeper and to provide a 2nd adult to avoid any one-on-one meetings with youth.
  • 4-Her and judge will utilize their own computer with a camera or device from their own homes.
  • This is a ‘live’ interactive interview and the judge can ask 4-Her questions.
  • Training will be provided on how to participate in a zoom interview.

In-person Judging for youth without access to internet or computer/phone:

  • Note: this option is reserved for members who cannot do a zoom interview because they do not have access to technology
  • Safety measures:
    • 4-Hers, judges and staff will be asked to wear masks. (provided if needed)
    • Plexiglass tabletop shields positioned between the judge and 4-Her
    • 6-foot distance between everyone
    • Surfaces will be sanitized after each 4-Her
  • Held at the Ed Sands building at the fairgrounds the week of July 13.
  • 4-Hers will wait in their car until it is time to be judged.

As a reminder, if you have a project that you do not plan to complete, please email Missy Koenig at Koenig.398@osu.edu with the project you wish to drop from your record. You also have the option of interviewing with your club advisor for project completion. Please contact your advisor to make arrangements.

We are excited to see all that you have completed and learned in your 4-H projects this summer. Please click on this link to schedule your SUMMER judging appointment by 5:00 p.m. Friday, July 10th: Summer Judging Scheduling Link Please note:  If you have multiple summer projects or multiple 4-H members, you will need to re-select the link to schedule additional projects, it is not member specific.

~Fairfield County 4-H Team

Please Respond: Member survey regarding 2020 4-H Projects

All 4-H members (excluding Cloverbuds) should have received an email from Stacy Hicks on Tuesday, June 16th that shares an overview of 4-H project completion. Families with multiple 4-H members should receive multiple emails personalized to each member. We are asking that all 4-H members reply to the survey so we can continue making plans for summer judging. We have decided to extend the deadline for response to this email to Sunday, June 21st.  Please refer to the email you received for a link to follow and complete the survey to help us plan for judging this year.  The survey will take less than 30 seconds to complete.  If you have any questions, please contact the office at 740-653-5419. If you did not see an email with this survey link, please let us know (and be sure to check your junk/spam folders in your email).

Thank you for your help!

4-H Enrollment Due May 1st!


  • If the youth is new to Fairfield County 4-H and does not live in Fairfield County, please have them complete an Across County Lines form as soon as possible.
  • Across County Line Membership Policy and Request Form – to be completed once in the lifetime of 4-H Club Membership unless the child moves.
  • All forms are pending approval by 4-H Educators in the county of residence and the county they wish to join.
  • Please email these forms to us NOW rather than waiting until May 1st if at all possible considering the approval process. Send forms to Leslie at Cooksey.25@osu.edu as soon as you have them.
  • Do not assume all requests will be approved.

Perfect Stay at Home 4-H Projects – DOWNLOAD 4-H Books for FREE!

Download these 4-H Project Books for free. A special collection of project books is available for free on the Perfect Stay-at-Home Projects web page (https://ohio4h.org/stayathomeprojects). Click on the book you want, and when the file opens on your screen, save or print it from there.

The following 4-H Project Books are available and currently posted on the website listed above:

  • 91 Discovering 4-H
  • 409 Sew Fun
  • 496 My Favorite Things (collectibles)
  • 588 The Writer In You
  • 592 Get Started in Art
  • 442 Family History Treasure Hunt
  • 459 Let’s Start Cooking
  • 462 Yeast Breads on the Rise
  • 485 Racing the Clock to Awesome Meals
  • 359 Your Thoughts Matter
  • 405 The Laundry Project
  • 491 It’s My Home
  • 375 Leadership Road Trip: Where Are You Going?
  • 376 Pantry Panic
  • 611 Explore the Outdoors
  • 621 Ohio Birds
  • 493 Science Fun with Kitchen Chemistry
  • 540 Not Just Knots
  • 173 Horseless Horse
  • 500 Science Fund with Physics

For accessible formats of these publications, visit cfaes.osu.edu/accessibility.

Additionally, Fairfield County Only Projects (COP) Books are available for a FREE Download for our Pie and Candy Projects. Click here to download these books: COP Fairfield County Pie Project or COP Fairfield County Candy Project.

Please make sure these projects are added to your 4-H enrollment this year. If you have already submitted your enrollment and it has been approved, email Missy Koenig (koenig.398@osu.edu) with the changes you would like to make to your projects. Enrollments are due May 1st!

New 4-H Members Wanted!

Do you have friends or family members who would like to join 4-H but don’t know how? Visit go.osu.edu/Go4H to learn more about the Fairfield County 4-H!

Encourage them to go to: go.osu.edu/Fairfield4Hinterest and be added to our 4-H Interest List for 2020. The 4-H Office will send them further directions on how to get involved and join a 4-H club.  Be sure to share this flyer with them or tell them about your favorite 4-H thing! Parents be on the lookout for 4-H brochures coming home from school as we begin 4-H School Promotion.

If you have any questions or want more information about 4-H, call our office at 740-653-5419!

It’s time to complete your 4-H enrollment!

Thank you to the 875 youth and 180 adult volunteers who have completed their 2018-2019 enrollments.  We still have approximately 600 members and 50 advisors yet to register! Emails were sent to those advisors and members that are incomplete or inactive as of Wednesday April 12, 2019.  Please have your 4-H Online enrollment completed by April 28th, as advisors need to provide our office a list of their club members and a completed enrollment packet by May 1st. 

If you can’t remember your family email we have for you in the system, first contact your club advisor.  They were provided with a list of emails used in the system last year.  If you need to change your email, you can use the old email to log into the system, and then EDIT the family profile and add the new email address.  You will need to reset your password if you change your email address.

If you still have trouble with your email address, please contact the office and Missy can make the change for you. She may be reached at 740-652-7264 or koenig.398@osu.edu.

Here are the instructions on enrolling in case you need them.  These are also on page 7 of your yellow Member Handbook.

Returning Families- Please DO NOT MAKE A NEW PROFILE. Follow these instructions:

  • -Go to https://oh.4honline.com
  • -Select ‘I have a profile’
  • -Enter your family email address you have used previously – if you don’t remember what email you used, or have changed emails, please call the office! 740-652-7260
  • -Select ‘Family’ for role
  • -Click ‘Login’
  • -Review your family basic demographic information (make changes by using the edit button, if necessary)
  • -Click on the Edit button to the right of each person’s name
  • -Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Enroll for 2018-2019 year
  • -You can now update individual member information here – add cell phone, member email, parent/guardian updates.
  • -Select the continue button to go to the next page. You will need to use the check boxes for Responsibility and Release, 4-H Code of Conduct, General Permission and Photo Release as well as typing the member and parent/guardian name into the system
  • -Select the continue button again to complete the health form, and then the club page. Your current clubs and projects will be listed. You will not need to select them again! This is where you will add new clubs or projects. Use the continue button to get to your projects to check that you are enrolled in for this year (it will be the same as last year). Make changes by using the ‘Edit’ button to delete old projects. To select a project, make sure you have the correct club listed in the first drop down box, select the project using the 2nd drop down box and make sure you use the ‘Add Project’ button to add the project. Once your clubs and projects are entered, review your entry for completeness. Make changes as necessary. Cloverbuds should be enrolled in 710GPM
  • If you need to delete a project, select the edit button to the right of the project, then delete.
  • -Once done, select the ‘Submit Enrollment’ button.
  • -Missy at the Extension Office will process your enrollment.  Please check your email if you receive a must resubmit on your entry.  Missy will send you very specific information on what is missing and what needs to be changed prior to your enrollment being accepted.

After reviewing your enrollment and if you need to make changes, please email the changes to Missy at koenig.398@osu.edu by May 10th.  After that, no additional additions or corrections can be made.

2019 Enrollment Updates

We have had many successful enrollments for the 2018-2019 4-H Year.  As a reminder, you need to have your child enrolled in the online system by April 26th to give advisors time to complete their final checks before the May 1st deadline.

The website you should be using is https://oh.4honline.com.

Instructions for enrollment can be found on page 7 of the yellow member handbook or on our website.

Parents, please check you email to see if you are missing something to have your submitted enrollment accepted.  There are enrollments coming into our office without projects, or with still (summer) projects that were graded last year and need to move to the next level.  Missy is reviewing all enrollments and sending emails to families about missing items.

Please make sure you are checking the school your child attends. There are  drop down boxes to select three things: 1. county 2. school district 3. school.  If your child attends school outside Fairfield County, select the county they attend school in and the school.  If you cannot find you child’s school, please go to the next section and complete the information.   Type in the school name and use the drop down box to select the type of school.  You would do this if your child is home schooled or attends a charter school that is not listed.

If you have questions regarding using the 4-H Online system to enroll your child, please email: koenig.398@osu.edu or call Missy 740-652-7264.


Ohio State Fair Livestock Possession Date Changes – For Ohio State Fair Exhibitors ONLY!

The possession dates for animal ownership for those 4-H and FFA exhibitors planning to exhibit at the 2019 Ohio State Fair HAVE CHANGED for some species. Again, these are only for animals exhibited at the Ohio State Fair. Animals exhibited at the Fairfield County Fair must follow county possession deadlines as outlined in the 2019 4-H Members Handbook and 2019 Fairfield County Junior Fair Rule Book.


Livestock Animal Ownership changes for 2019 announced:

In order to be more consistent with statewide livestock exhibition ownership rules from the Ohio Department of Agriculture, the Ohio State Fair has modified ownership rules beginning with animals exhibited at the 2019 Ohio State Fair. Specifically, some market animals (swine, lambs, goats and poultry) will have ownership date changes.

To help prepare exhibitors for this change, a list of these modified rules are below. We are sharing this list online and on social media to help inform exhibitors, but would greatly appreciate your assistance in spreading the word.


  • Market Beef – January 1
  • Market Swine – May 26 (changed for 2019)
  • Market Lambs – May 26 (changed for 2019)
  • Market Goats – May 26 (changed for 2019)
  • Market Rabbits – June 1
  • Market Poultry – within 5 days of hatch (changed for 2019)

Breeding animals – dates have not changed for 2019 OHIO STATE FAIR:

  • Breeding Beef – May 1
  • Breeding Swine – June 1
  • Breeding Sheep – June 1
  • Breeding Goats – June 1
  • Breeding Poultry – June 1
  • Breeding Rabbits – June 1
  • Dairy Cattle – June 1