LAST CALL: Ohio 4-H Achievement Award Forms (ages 14-18) due 1/10/2025 (paper copies)

For youth 14-18 as of January 1, 2025 interested in applying for state & county achievement/merit awards (Beef, Clothing, Leadership, etc.), county trips (Sea Camp, Leadership Camp, etc.), National Dairy Conference, Ohio Township Award, etc. Please use the current version of the form and please use Microsoft Word to edit. DO NOT open/edit in Google Docs!

Ohio 4-H Achievement Form (2025 Form- Word document- Please download to complete). Must turn in a hard copy of this form for EACH project area selected. Members also need to turn in a copy of this for for trip award selections, Outstanding 4-Her consideration, Fairfield County 4-H Scholarships (with application), and Basil Garden Scholarships (with application).

2025 Achievement Form Instructions – PLEASE READ!

2025 Fairfield County Achievement Form Cover Sheet – NEW FOR 2025! Only turn in one copy of these forms per member.

Ohio Achievement Form Suggestions – Achievement form section suggestions can be found by reviewing this form.

State Resource Page

LAST CALL: Junior Fair Board Applications – due 1/10/2025 (online)

2025 Junior Fair Board Application (online application) For 4-H and FFA youth interested in serving on the Fairfield County Junior Fair Board.  Membership is open to youth between the ages of 14 and 18 years old. New members must be 14 years old by October 1st of the current year to serve. Applications are due Friday, January 10th, 2025.

LAST CALL: Camp Counselor Applications are due 1/10/2025 (online)

2025 Camp Counselor Application is now posted as an online application for youth interested in serving as a new or returning Camp Counselor (must be 14 & older to be a counselor by June 1st). Please review the Training Schedule 2025 before applying as there are important changes to be aware of this year!

As you complete the online application, you will be asked to upload the following completed forms:

    1. Standards of Behavior form
    2. Ohio 4-H Camp Cell Phone Policy and Tar Hollow Electronics Policy/Camp Counselor Code of Conduct form
    3. Counselor Permission to Participate.

If you are not able to scan and upload these documents, please submit them to the Fairfield County Extension Office by mail or you can put them in the drop box located on the east side of the building. Our address is 831 College Avenue, Suite D, Lancaster, OH 43130. All documents need to be turned in by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 10, 2025.

Remember that 2025 camp dates are as follows:

  • Day Camp- June 3-5, 2025; Staff ‘move in’ June 2, 2025- Alley Park
  • Cloverbud Camp- June 7, 2025; Staff ‘move in’ June 6, 2025- Alley Park
  • Junior Camp- June 29-July 2, 2025; Staff ‘move in’ June 28, 2025- Tar Hollow State Park
  • Senior Camp- July 6-9, 2025; Staff ‘move in’ July 5, 2025- Tar Hollow State Park

Selection Day Information:

If you are a 1st or 2nd year counselor, selection day details will be sent to you. Save the date: Saturday, January 18, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

    1. If you are a 3rd year and up counselor, you will receive details about a returner interview and helping with selection day.
    2. If you are unsure if you need to attend selection day, please reach out to Aubry (

If you have any questions, please contact Aubry (!

Treasurer Book Contest – Books Due January 31st

Officer Book Contest

All books are due to the Extension Office by: January 31stCompleted books can be dropped off during office hours: Monday – Friday, 7:30am-4:00pm. Additional information can be found in the 4-H Member Handbook.

For a copy of the rubric utilized to score the books, please visit:

4-H Club Treasurer Book Contest- The Friendly Bremen Banking Center sponsors the annual contest. Prizes include CASH awards for you, the treasurer, not the club! To be eligible, you must complete your book and turn it in by the deadline. Employees of the bank will review the books and choose a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner. Resources are available on the website that may help you complete your role as treasurer. Please submit a stamped thank you note to the sponsor of this award with your entry for Jodi Motta, Vinton County National Bank, 521 E. Main St, Lancaster, OH 43130.

Things the judges look for:

  • Complete information, Neatness Club Roster
  • Record of Club Expenses & Receipts Checkbook Balancing/Reconciliation
  • Treasurer’s Annual Report Annual Audit Certificate
  • Financial Planning Meeting (Budget)

Resources available on our website:

  • Treasurer Budget Form Treasure Recommended Audit Procedures
  • Treasurer Responsibilities Treasurer Check Balancing Reconciliation Form
  • Treasurer Report Treasurer Yearly Summary

Secretary Book Contest – Books Due January 31st

Officer Book Contest

All books are due to the Extension Office by: January 31stCompleted books can be dropped off during office hours: Monday – Friday, 7:30am-4:00pm. Additional information can be found in the 4-H Member Handbook.

For a copy of the rubric utilized to score the books, please visit:

4-H Club Secretary Book Contest- The Contest is proudly sponsored and funded each year by the family of Robert L. Hillman who was a 4-H advisor for many years in Pickaway County. Mr. Hillman believed strongly in teaching and practicing quality record keeping within the structure of the 4-H program. He continued to support his grandchildren, Adam, Milea, and Sarah Maxwell, in their 4-H endeavors in Fairfield County until his death in 2003.  To continue his long-standing commitment to the tradition of record keeping and the 4-H program, his family is proud to sponsor this competition in his memory. When the Secretary’s Book is complete, it should document the activities by its members for one year.  It becomes a historical document to be enjoyed for years to come as individuals review it with fondness and memories. Please submit a stamped thank you note to the sponsor of this award with your entry for The Maxwell Family, 7495 Eversole Rd NW, Carroll, OH 43112.


4-H Secretary Book Award Schedule:

  • Three-star book ratings:  First place $100 Second place $75 Third place $50
  • Two-star book ratings: First place  $50 Second place $35 Third place $20
  • One-star book ratings: No cash prize

Only 3 cash awards will be distributed in a given year.

Livestock Tagging/Weighing and MQP Dates for 2025

Get the tagging and weigh-in dates on your calendar.

The good news is . . . participation in livestock projects remains strong while muscle quality and performance carcass-based project participation continues to grow in Fairfield County. The rest of the good news is, although there will be a few changes, plans continue to accommodate all the livestock project participation that is being experienced. That said, for the most part weigh-in/tagging dates, as well as harvest dates will remain similar in 2025 to what they were in 2024.

The changes being considered involve the Beef Performance & Carcass Quality (BPCQ), Swine MQP and Goat MQP programs.

A third, optional, early harvest date for participants in the BPCQ is being added for those youth with early born calves who would like to conclude their carcass-based project in August. The youth participating in the August harvest will weigh/tag their BPCQ calves on February 1. The two later September beef harvest dates will also be maintained and calves being harvested then will be weighed/tagged along with the ‘live’ beef cattle on March 8. Youth had the opportunity to apply for BPCQ with an application deadline for the 2025 BPCQ contest of January 8, 2025 and on a first come, first served basis select their preferred harvest date.

Swine MQP will be considering two changes. First change being considered is pigs will be weighed/tagged in specifically for either the MQP or ‘live’ show. The pigs for each contest will be Continue reading Livestock Tagging/Weighing and MQP Dates for 2025

Teen Opportunity: Register now to attend Ohio 4-H Conference on March 8th!

The 2025 Ohio 4-H Conference will bring together 4-H volunteers and teens (age 13 and older) from across Ohio. You can participate in a variety of educational sessions that offer something for everyone! Join us as we learn from one another to make the best better for Ohio 4-H programs. Sessions will start at 9:00 am on March 8, 2025 at the Columbus Convention Center. Sessions will be finished by 4:00 p.m.

Registration forms and the $40 payment (checks made to 4-H Advisory Committee) are due to our office by 4 pm on February 7th. There will be scholarships for youth that completed an Ohio 4-HAchievement Form and the first 8 adult volunteers that register for the conference.

The registration booklet containing session and workshop descriptions available can be found here: O4HC Reg Booklet FINAL 2025

Click here to download a registration form: O4HC Registration Form 2025 Fillable Form

Sessions and workshops coded ‘Teens’ is geared towards teens. Sessions and workshops coded as ‘Adults’ are for adult volunteers.  Sessions for both groups are coded as ‘Both.’  Please keep in mind when registering for the Conference that a person can’t attend a workshop and session during the same time period.

4-H Volunteers should attend the Volunteer Luncheon and 4-H Teens should attend the Teen Luncheon.

Questions?  Please call our office at 740-653-5419.

4-H Advisor Opportunity – Register now to attend Ohio 4-H Conference on March 8th!

The 2025 Ohio 4-H Conference will bring together 4-H volunteers and teens (age 13 and older) from across Ohio. You can participate in a variety of educational sessions that offer something for everyone! Join us as we learn from one another to make the best better for Ohio 4-H programs. Sessions will start at 9:00 am on March 8, 2025 at the Columbus Convention Center. Sessions will be finished by 4:00 p.m.

Registration forms and the $40 payment (checks made to 4-H Advisory Committee) are due to our office by 4 pm on February 7th. There will be scholarships for youth that completed an Ohio 4-HAchievement Form and the first 8 adult volunteers that register for the conference.

The registration booklet containing session and workshop descriptions available can be found here: O4HC Reg Booklet FINAL 2025

Click here to download a registration form: O4HC Registration Form 2025 Fillable Form

Sessions and workshops coded ‘Teens’ is geared towards teens. Sessions and workshops coded as ‘Adults’ are for adult volunteers.  Sessions for both groups are coded as ‘Both.’  Please keep in mind when registering for the Conference that a person can’t attend a workshop and session during the same time period.

4-H Volunteers should attend the Volunteer Luncheon and 4-H Teens should attend the Teen Luncheon.

Questions?  Please call our office at 740-653-5419.

Apply Now to be a Camp Counselor!

2025 Camp Counselor Application is now posted as an online application for youth interested in serving as a new or returning Camp Counselor (must be 14 & older to be a counselor by June 1st). Please review the Training Schedule 2025 before applying as there are important changes to be aware of this year!

As you complete the online application, you will be asked to upload the following completed forms:

    1. Standards of Behavior form
    2. Ohio 4-H Camp Cell Phone Policy and Tar Hollow Electronics Policy/Camp Counselor Code of Conduct form
    3. Counselor Permission to Participate.

If you are not able to scan and upload these documents, please submit them to the Fairfield County Extension Office by mail or you can put them in the drop box located on the east side of the building. Our address is 831 College Avenue, Suite D, Lancaster, OH 43130. All documents need to be turned in by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 10, 2025.

Remember that 2025 camp dates are as follows:

  • Day Camp- June 3-5, 2025; Staff ‘move in’ June 2, 2025- Alley Park
  • Cloverbud Camp- June 7, 2025; Staff ‘move in’ June 6, 2025- Alley Park
  • Junior Camp- June 29-July 2, 2025; Staff ‘move in’ June 28, 2025- Tar Hollow State Park
  • Senior Camp- July 6-9, 2025; Staff ‘move in’ July 5, 2025- Tar Hollow State Park

Selection Day Information:

If you are a 1st or 2nd year counselor, selection day details will be sent to you. Save the date: Saturday, January 18, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

    1. If you are a 3rd year and up counselor, you will receive details about a returner interview and helping with selection day.
    2. If you are unsure if you need to attend selection day, please reach out to Aubry (

If you have any questions, please contact Aubry (!

4-H Teen Opportunities, Award Forms, and Recognition (youth ages 13-18 as of 1/1/2025)

Attention Teens! Do you want to be a camp counselor? Junior Fair Board Member? Junior Leader? Outstanding 4-Her? Scholarship or Trip Award winner? Do you find yourself asking “How do I get to do that?” We suspect that as you have gotten older you have started to look for new and exciting things where you can be involved. Read on… 4-H has special opportunities for teens only where YOU can play a part!

There are many exciting opportunities that await you as a teenager in the Fairfield County 4-H Program. Soon, 4-H members who will be ages 13-18 as of 1/1/2025 will receive a survey link emailed to them. This survey is an invitation for you to let us know what you are interested in learning more about. Read all about these opportunities, mark which ones you are interested in and we will follow up with making sure you have the correct forms, applications, and information to proceed to the next steps!

The opportunities in awards, trips, scholarships and more available to teens in the 4-H program are incredible. Don’t miss out on learning more and getting involved! Most of these opportunities are open to 4-H members ages 14 and up as of January 1st. There are also a few opportunities for youth ages 13 as of January 1st. Some of these activities require completion of special forms while others just involve asking for more information. Regardless of what you are interested in, be sure to give us a call if you need more information or would like some help with the necessary forms.

If members and parents would like a little extra assistance in preparing their records, feel free to call or email Leslie (740-277-4625) at or Aubry (740-277-4626) at

We encourage you all to broaden your 4-H experience and try something new. We think you’ll find many new friends and much more fun ahead!

Additionally, we invite youth who will be ages 13-18 as of 1/1/2025 to attend the Achievement Form Workshop on Tuesday, December 3rd from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Extension Office / Ag Center.