The 4-H Endowment Board is looking for new members to start the year!

The Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Board is committed to supporting the County’s 4-H program in a variety of ways that includes fundraising for needs that are beyond traditional funding resources. Many thanks for the time and effort of our Board members past and present. The Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Board includes up to 25 members who may be 4-H volunteers, 4-H alumni, 4-H members, representatives from business and organizations, and the general public. The Board also includes the Fairfield County 4-H Educators and the County 4-H Advisory Committee President (or their designee).

The 4-H Endowment Board is always looking for new members from the community who wish to get more involved in our long term fundraising efforts of the Fairfield County 4-H Program. Persons interested in volunteering for the Board may complete an application at any time. Upon selection to the Board, the 4-H Endowment President will reach out to you with more information.

4-H Endowment Board Member Application

Board Mission: The purpose of the Board shall be to solicit contributions, gifts, grants, and bequests to be invested through The Ohio State University Endowment and the Fairfield County Foundation, the annual income from which shall be used to provide a sound source of program funding for the 4-H youth and volunteers of the Fairfield County 4-H Youth Development Program. This support may include, but is not limited to, the funding of trips and awards for 4-H members, volunteer leaders, and friends of 4-H; sponsoring seminars and programs; purchasing material and services that will supplement 4-H programming or increase visibility and public support of 4-H in Fairfield County; fundraising activities of the Board or other organizations conducting fundraising to benefit 4-H in Fairfield County; the partial or full funding of professional and administrative staff positions to administer the Fairfield County 4-H Youth Development Program; and other funding for the 4-H youth and volunteers of the Fairfield County 4-H Youth Development Program. For more details please read the 4-H Endowment Brochure.

Expectations: Support the mission of the board, attend meetings, assist with event preparation, work board events. There is no obligation to donate financially to the board’s mission. However, you may incur expenses while volunteering, such as your time and travel, that cannot be reimbursed. If selected to the 4-H Endowment Board, your attendance at board meetings, the annual Legacy Dinner, and awareness breakfast are expectations of all members.

Support Fairfield County 4-H on Giving Tuesday – December 3rd!

This year Ohio 4-H reached more than 156,000 youth through community clubs and special interest (SPIN) groups, after school programming, and camps. Through these experiences, youth build lifelong skills and develop the confidence, independence, resilience, and compassion to lead for a lifetime.   

You can help us continue to create the opportunities for youth in Fairfield County by supporting 4-H programming on Giving Tuesday. Two options to give to our local Fairfield County 4-H Endowments:

  1. Participate in Fairfield County’s 35-hour give on Tuesday, December 3rd at 8:00 a.m. through Wednesday, December 4th at 7:00 p.m. Donate online to the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment at the Fairfield County Foundation at this website.
  2. Be a part of this global celebration of giving on Tuesday, December 3rd by giving to our endowment at The Ohio State University designated for Fairfield County 4-H (OSU Endowment Fund #642082). Click here to give online to this fund.

Supporters like you make it possible for us to meet youth where they are through innovative programming opportunities. With your help with can help 4-H’ers thrive this Giving Tuesday! 

Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Board plans Pancake Breakfast for all!

On Sunday, October 6, 2024 there will be a pancake breakfast at the Fairfield County Fair, from 8-10 AM. Pancakes will be flipping in front of the Ricketts Hall on the north side of the fairgrounds, next to the Ed Sands Building. There will be sausages, fruit and drinks provided as well. Everyone is welcome! Breakfast is free, but donations are welcome and suggested to benefit the 4-H Endowment Fund.

The 4-H Endowment Fund was created to fund a permanent educator position in Fairfield County so that our children will always have access to the 4-H programs offered through Ohio 4H.

Join us at the pancake breakfast for a flipping good time!

4-H Endowment Breakfast: Sunday, October 6th from 8-10 am, Rickett’s Hall

The 2024 Endowment Donation Breakfast will be held at the Rickett’s Hall on Sunday, October 6th, from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. (or until sold out). Come have some fun, enjoy breakfast and make a donation to the Fairfield County Endowment Fund. Money donated covers the cost of the breakfast and helps provide training and personal development opportunities for 4-H members today so they can be strong leaders tomorrow.

Looking for Sponsors – 4-H Endowment Breakfast is October 6th at the Fair!

The Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Board is busy preparing for the 4-H Endowment Awareness Breakfast which will take place at the Fairfield County Fair on Sunday, October 6th from 8-10 a.m. in the Rickett’s Hall. This event is a way to promote the 4-H Endowment to the Junior Fair community through the fellowship of a pancake breakfast served by Katie’s Pancakes. To keep the cost down for our breakfast attendees and to raise funds for the county 4-H endowment, we are currently looking for sponsors of the 2024 4-H Endowment Awareness Breakfast. For more information, please review the 2024 Pancake Breakfast – 4-H Legacy Dinner Sponsorship Packet. See you at the fair!

There still time to donate auction items to the Legacy Dinner Auction!

The 4-H Endowment Board is still actively taking auction donations for the upcoming Legacy Dinner. Let us know what you or your organization/business will be donating today!

Please review this document for more information: 2024 4-H Legacy Dinner Sponsorship Donation Opportunities

Please return the above form by May 31, 2024 to and/or or mail to 4-H Endowment Board, Attn: Auction Item, P.O. Box 564, Lancaster, Ohio 43130.

ONE WEEK to get your Legacy Dinner reservations in! New this year, get your tickets ONLINE!

The 2024 edition of the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment’s Legacy Dinner and Auction is about three weeks away and, if you’ve yet to get your tickets, the time is now!

This year’s event is Thursday, June 13th and will take place at Cheers Chalet in Lancaster (1211 Coonpath Rd NW).

Schedule for the evening:

  • 5:00 p.m. Registration, Social Hour, and Silent Auction
  • 6:00 p.m. Dinner
  • 6:45 p.m. Silent Auction Closes
  • 7:00 p.m. Program and Live Auction

The entire evening is dedicated to the benefit of the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment all while enjoying great food, fellowship with other supporters of our County’s 4-H program, and perhaps most importantly, lots of fun!

New this year – tickets can be purchased ONLINE!

Get yours at

Or scan this QR code:

Find ticket information linked here. Don’t delay . . . if mailing in your reservation, please have it postmarked by Friday, May 31!

Call for Live Auction/Silent Auction Items for the 2024 4-H Legacy Dinner benefiting Fairfield County 4-H

The Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Board is busy preparing for the 13th Annual 4-H Endowment Dinner scheduled for Thursday, June 13th, 2024 at Cheers Chalet in Lancaster.  We need your help!!  One of the highlights of the annual fundraising event is the Live and Silent Auction.  If your club would like to help by donating a gift basket or item for the auction, your donation would be most appreciated.  Popular items for themed baskets have included Pet Themed Basket, Kid Friendly Movie Baskets, Family Board Game Baskets. A very popular basket in the past was the Shooting Sports Basket which offered a basket of supplies plus passes to a shooting range.

Does your club focus on health-related projects?  How about a basket of healthy snacks!!  Quilt projects…who wouldn’t love a nice table runner quilted by a 4-H club member(s)!!  Does your club have a great health and safety committee…everybody always needs to update their home or vehicle safety kits or maybe a basket of sun screen protection products. Gardening projects….hanging baskets, succulent gardens…oh my, the possibilities are endless!!

Think outside the box. Be creative and focus on something that might be a good representation of your 4-H club’s scope of projects: maybe a basket of brushes, combs and grooming supplies, halters or feed pans and buckets. Maybe a set of clippers!! How about your 4-H clubs’  favorite snack …make or bake your favorite recipe, fill a basket with the ingredients and a sampling of the cookies, brownies or snack!!   Make it fun!! Legacy Dinner Basket Ideas

Better yet, send a representative of your club to the Endowment Dinner!!  Put your head to clearer thinking and hands to larger service and help us “Leave a Legacy” at the 2024 4-H Endowment Legacy Dinner. Your generous support is truly appreciated.

Save the Date! 4-H Legacy Dinner: June 13th at Cheers Chalet, Lancaster

The 2024 4-H Legacy Dinner will be held Thursday, June 13th at Cheers Chalet, Lancaster. Invitations will be mailed to past attendees in early May. All are welcome to attend! Contact the Extension Office for more information.

Ticket Information: $75 per person with meal catered by Cheers Chalet. RSVP due May 31st. Event will feature a live and silent auction with proceeds benefiting the Fairfield County 4-H Program. Additional sponsorship opportunities are also available.