Northern Ohio Crops Day

Join OSU Extension in Sandusky County for the 2024 Northern Ohio Crops Day on Thursday, February 1, 2024, from 8:00 AM until 3:30 PM at Ole Zim’s Wagon Shed (1387 SR 590, Gibsonburg, OH 43431). Registration Deadline: January 25, 2024. Call OSUE Sandusky County to RSVP at (419) 334-6340. The cost is $55.

Education Credits offered:
•3 hours private pesticide applicator Categories 1,2,3,6 and core. Others by request
•2.5 hours commercial pesticide applicator Categories 2A,2B, Core
• 1-hour fertilizer applicator re-certification
•Certified Crop Advisors CEUs

To view the official flyer and schedule click the 2024 NOH Crops Day agenda.

Webinar Series on Soil Health for 2023

Greetings Soil Heath Enthusiasts,
The Ohio State University Extension Soil Health Committee as part of the OSU Agronomy Team wanted to make sure you were aware of our upcoming soil health programs scheduled for this winter.

To participate in the SOIL HEALTH 2023 WEBINAR SERIES – Registration can be found at
CCA Credits will be available for each webinar.

Continue reading Webinar Series on Soil Health for 2023

Choosing and Evaluating Seed Varieties to Meet your Market Needs: A Grower Panel and Discussion

Growers of organic produce or those interested in organic varieties and production are welcome to join the Ohio Organic Farmer Researcher Network for their monthly online meeting Thursday, January 5 at noon. Denise Natoli Brooks and Matt Kleinhenz will host a small but varied panel of Ohio produce professionals. They will discuss their variety and selection processes and priorities, some of their best and worst experiences, and how their choices relate to marketing, labor, and other concerns. Panelist Q&A will be followed by an open discussion about what motivates us to choose certain seed varieties and how we decide where/how to source them. The primary focus will be on organic vegetable varieties that perform well in Ohio.

Connection details are available at Sign up for reminders and future meeting notices by emailing Cassy Brown. Continue reading Choosing and Evaluating Seed Varieties to Meet your Market Needs: A Grower Panel and Discussion

Soybean Diseases Are Showing Up in Ohio

By: Horacio Lopez-Nicora, Stephanie Karhoff, CCA

In early August, we recommended starting scouting fields for soybean diseases. At that time (two weeks ago), disease incidence across Ohio was very low to moderate. Conducive environmental conditions, however, are turning things around and more fields are developing disease symptoms.

Figure 1. Soybean field in southern Ohio are severely affected by sudden death syndrome (SDS) with premature defoliation in the R5/R6 growth stage (A); symptoms begin with interveinal yellowing (chlorosis) of a leaf (B); eventually, leaf tissue dies and becomes brown but veins remain green (C). The fungus infects the root and produces toxins that are responsible for the above-ground symptoms.

Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS)

We are finding fields in Ohio severely affected by sudden death syndrome (SDS) [Fig.1 and Fig. 2]. SDS is caused by the fungal pathogen Fusarium virguliforme. This species is the most prevalent in the region, however, other Fusarium species can cause SDS. SDS above-ground symptoms can be confused with those produced by a different fungus (Cadophora gregata) that causes brown stem rot (BSR). To distinguish SDS from BSR, symptomatic plants should be dug out and stem cut open longitudinally. SDS-infected plants have white, healthy-looking pith, while BSR-infected plants present brown discoloration of the pith. Moreover, fields with severe SDS symptoms can also have high levels of soybean cyst nematode (SCN). Visit here for more information on SDS.

Continue reading Soybean Diseases Are Showing Up in Ohio

eFields Partnering with Growers to Evaluate Xyway™ Fungicide

By:  Sarah Noggle

Northern Corn Leaf Blight Symptoms

Northern Corn Leaf Blight Symptoms

Preventing significant yield losses from disease is likely on the forefront of growers’ minds following the 2021 growing season. A new product in our disease management toolbox is FMC’s fungicide Xyway™ LFR®. OSU Extension eFields program is partnering with growers to conduct on-farm trials evaluating the effect of an at-plant soil application of flutriafol (Xyway) on corn health and yield. Information from this trial will be used to improve corn disease management recommendations for growers throughout the state.

At each field site, an untreated control will be compared to plots treated with Xyway (applied in-furrow and/or 2×2). Additionally, growers also have the option to include a third treatment of Xyway (in-furrow/2×2) + VT/R1 Foliar Fungicide. For this study, a minimum of three replications is required, and four are preferred. Plots must also be randomized to eliminate bias due to plot order. Plots should be at least 500 feet long to ensure accurate yield monitor data.

If you are interested in hosting an on-farm trial, contact Paulding County ANR Extension Educator Sarah Noggle at 419-399-8225 or or Rachel Cochran, Water Quality Extension Associate at

eFields is a program at The Ohio State University program dedicated to advancing production agriculture through field-scale research. To learn more visit

Tri-County Soil Health Workshop to be Held March 18

Join Fulton and Williams Soil and Water Conservation Districts and Hillsdale Conservation District for a Tri-County Soil Health Workshop on Friday, March 18 at the Kissell Community Building, 509 N. Main Street, West Unity, OH. Presenters will include Rick Clark, a 5th generation farmer and 2022 National No-Till Conference presenter, and Dr. Aaron Wilson, Atmospheric Research Scientist with the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center and Climate Specialist with OSU Extension. The workshop will also feature a local farmer panel moderated by Rick Clark.

CCA credits include 3 Soil & Water Management CEUs and 1 Crop Management CEU. MAEAP Phase 1 and MI RUP Credits are also available. The workshop cost is $20, which includes lunch and refreshments. Registration is required by March 11 at either or by submitting a completed registration form and payment to Williams SWCD, 11246 State Route 15, Montpelier, OH 43543.

Northeast Ohio Agronomy Breakfast Weekly Webinar Series – Starting February 23

The Ohio State Extension Offices of Northeast Ohio is excited to offer The Northeast Ohio Agronomy Breakfast – Weekly Webinar Series. Start the morning off right with a quick one-hour presentation each Wednesday starting on February 23, 2022. Each webinar will cover a different topic and offer time to ask questions to the speakers.

There is no cost to attend, and everyone is welcome to join. You can register easily online at Register at: For any questions or for help with registration or zoom, contact Andrew Holden at the Ashtabula County Extension Office at 440-576-9008.

This series will feature a variety of experts on a variety of important agronomic topics, including grain bin fires and safety, farm drainage, corn leaf diseases, soybean disease, and 2022 weather outlooks!
❑ February 23rd, 9:00 AM – Peter Dahl speaking on Grain Bin And Dryer Fires
❑ March 2nd, 8:00 AM – Jason Hartschuh speaking on Corn Leaf Disease and Tire Pressure

❑ March 16th, 8:00 AM – Dr. Horacio Lopez-Nicora on Soybean Disease
❑ March 23rd, 8:30 AM –Dr. Vinayak S. Shedekar on Farm Drainage
❑ March 30th, 8:00 AM – Dr. Aaron Wilson on 2022 Weather Outlook
Register at:

NW Ohio Newsletter of Events

Happy New Year,

Attached is the NW Ohio Newsletter for area events for Agriculture. We are excited to offer these educational classes on many topics. If you are interested in an event, click the link to register in the digital copy or contact the office that is hosting the event. In the next week, you should be receiving a hard copy of this publication in the mail.

Final NW Ohio Newsletter OSU Extension Booklet 2022

Call for Cooperators – 2021 On-Farm Research

By Rachel Cochran, Water Quality Extension Associate, and Sarah Noggle, Extension Educator

As we begin to approach Spring planting, it’s important to think about the intricacies of the growing season – what fertilizer to use, how much to apply, how to apply it, etc.  If you’re unsure what rate would most benefit your crop while earning you the largest profit, on-farm research may be a good way for you to determine that. If you’re unsure what effects different management practices are having on the health of your soil, on-farm research may be a helpful tool. For almost any question you may have about your operation, an on-farm research trial may be a good way to better understand what the best practices may be for your farm.

This year, we plan to continue the eFields Soil Health Study that was started in 2020. In this study, soil samples are pulled from three depths: 0-4”, 0-6”, and 0-8” within a field. A variety of different tests are then performed on that soil, including routine nutrient analysis, pH, Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), total organic matter, aggregate stability, and Permanganate Oxidizable Carbon (POXC). The results of these tests will be grouped with fields of similar management and published in the 2021 eFields book and will help to give you a snapshot of the health of your soil.

OSU Extension Paulding County is here to help you find out what’s best for your operation, whether it be through sharing of information or planning of research trials on your farm. Reach out to Sarah Noggle, Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator, or Rachel Cochran, Water Quality Extension Associate, if you’re interested in doing any type of on-farm research this growing season. We will be happy to set up a trial for you to get the answers you need.

Contact our office at (419) 399-8225, or email or for more information.

Using Soil Tests Phosphorus Results to Identify Agronomic and Conservation Needs

What is a soil test? | Dreamlawns Lawn Care“What are the right decisions for phosphorus management in crop production that reduce water quality impacts?” is a common question I have from farmers looking to improve yield yet are concerned about downstream water quality impacts of phosphorus.

A representative agronomic soil test has long been an essential tool for sound agronomic nutrient management decisions. That same agronomic test result can be a useful indicator for identifying fields where additional conservation practices might improve water quality. Fields with Soil Test Phosphorus (STP) levels two to three times higher than the agronomic need result in increased phosphorus losses measured on the edge of field water quality monitoring.

As soil test results are reviewed this fall, consider keeping a list of fields in three categories based on STP levels that define the risk of yield loss for the corn/soybean rotation and risk of increased water quality impacts.

  1. Less than 20 PPM Mehlich 3 STP (or 30 PPM if wheat/alfalfa in the rotation)
  2. Between 20-40 PPM (or 30-50 PPM if wheat/alfalfa are in the rotation)
  3. Greater than 50 PPM

Continue reading Using Soil Tests Phosphorus Results to Identify Agronomic and Conservation Needs

New Crop Staging Videos

A new suite of crop staging videos has been built by faculty at The Ohio State University that highlight corn, soybean, and alfalfa. The videos highlight some common staging methods for each crop and connect the staging guidelines to practice using live plants in the field. The videos can be found in the “Crop Growth Stages” playlist on the AgCrops YouTube Channel: These compliment some of the wheat staging videos previously posted on the AgCrops YouTube channel as well. As the crops progress through the reproductive stages, expect some more videos to be posted! Continue reading New Crop Staging Videos