Success Stories of Conservation program to be held February 20th

Ohio State University Extension and Northwest State Community College are partnering to provide a regional event focused on successful implementation of agricultural conservation practices, called “Success Stories of Conservation”.  The event will feature farmers giving 5-minute “lightning talks” that will discuss how specific conservation practices have benefitted them on their operations, followed by a panel-type question and answer session. In addition, Dr. Jim Uphaus, Professor and Chair of the Agriculture program at Rhodes State College, and Dr. Vinayak Shedekar, Assistant Professor of Agriculture Water Management at The Ohio State University, will host breakout sessions focusing on the return on investment of conservation practices and the benefits of utilizing farm drainage, respectively. The event’s keynote speaker will be Greg LaBarge, Field Specialist in Agronomic Systems at The Ohio State University, discussing his research in the Powell Creek Watershed and what watershed-scale implementation of conservation practices can do. Continue reading Success Stories of Conservation program to be held February 20th

Join us next week for three ag-focused events!

Paulding County Extension is set to host THREE programs next week! Continue reading Join us next week for three ag-focused events!

Beating those Winter Blues

Please join us for the first Women in Ag Wednesday webinar episode on February 5, 2025, at 10:30 am. The OSU Extension Ohio Women in Agriculture Learning Network Team hosts the event.

Beating those Winter Blues
Do you ever feel sad or just “blah” in the winter? This session will discuss Seasonal Affective Disorder and how to beat the winter blues.
Register at this link one time for all the series.

February 2025 WIAWW Flyer

Register for Water Quality Wednesdays!

The Water Quality Team’s fifth annual webinar series, Water Quality Wednesdays, is back for 2025! Join OSU’s Water Quality Extension Associates for the series focusing on the interaction between agriculture and water quality. Each webinar will have a unique topic and speakers. We will be hosting three webinars, on the last Wednesday of the month, from January to March in 2025. Continuing education credits (CEUs) will be offered for Certified Crop Advisers (CCAs) for each webinar. Certified Livestock Manager (CLM) CEUs will be offered for relevant topics. All webinars will be recorded and posted to the OSU Agronomy Team YouTube channel ( for later viewing. CEUs will not be available from the recordings.

The first webinar will be held on Wednesday, January 29 from 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM. See the official flyer here 2025 WQW Series Flyer. Register at!

For more information, contact Rachel Cochran,, (567)344-5016 or visit


Farm Accounting with Quicken Workshops Across the State

Financial record keeping is critical for farm businesses.  At a minimum, the records support the completion of the annual income tax forms and documents.  Having accurate and accessible data makes tax time smoother and less stressful.

Record keeping can Do More Than a Tax Return.  Records can be utilized to manage critical farm input expenses, calculate the cost of production, allocate income and expense to each farm enterprise, farm, or field location, build reports that describe the farm finances in real-time, and lead to stronger financial documents such as the annual balance sheet and income statement.

Is it time to re-evaluate how the farm keeps financial records? If so, OSU Extension is pleased to offer five Farm Accounting Workshops with Quicken across Ohio this winter.  These workshops will be held at:

  • Auglaize County, January 28 & 29, 2025 – 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm — Call: 419-910-6050 to RSVP
  • Jefferson County, February 4 & 5, 2025 – 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm — Call: 740-264-2212 to RSVP
  • Ross County, February 10 & 11, 2025 – 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm — Call: 740-702-3200 to RSVP
  • Fairfield County, February 12 & 13, 2025 – 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm — Call: 740-653-5419 to RSVP
  • Seneca County, February 20, 2025 – 9:30 am to 3:30 pm — Call: 419-447-9722 to RSVP

Continue reading Farm Accounting with Quicken Workshops Across the State

Empowering Women in Agriculture: Join the Northwest Ohio Women in Agriculture Roundtable

The agricultural world is evolving, and women are at the forefront of these changes. Whether you are a farmer, agribusiness professional, farm wife, or simply a woman passionate about agriculture, the Northwest Ohio Women in Agriculture Roundtable invites you to connect, collaborate, and grow.

About the Program, The Paulding County Extension Office is proud to announce the launch of a new initiative: the Northwest Ohio Women in Agriculture Roundtable, a monthly event tailored to celebrate and support women in agriculture. This engaging series runs year-round, offering a unique platform for women farmers, ranchers, agribusiness professionals, and others in the agricultural community to come together. Continue reading Empowering Women in Agriculture: Join the Northwest Ohio Women in Agriculture Roundtable

Planning the Future of your Farm program options for In-Person or Online Classes

Each year, OSU Extension holds “Planning for the Future of Your Farm” workshops to help families with farm transition planning.  We offer both a webinar and in-person workshops at several locations across Ohio.  This farm transition workshop challenges farm families to actively plan for the future of the farm business.  Learn how to have crucial conversations about the future and strategies and tools that can help you transfer your farm’s ownership, management, and assets to the next generation. Teaching faculty for the workshop are David Marrison, OSU Extension Farm Management Field Specialist, and Robert Moore, Attorney with the OSU Agricultural & Resource Law Program.

Topics discussed during this series include:

  • Developing Goals for Estate and Succession
  • Planning for the Transition of Control
  • Planning for the Unexpected
  • Communication and Conflict Management During Farm Transfer
  • Legal Tools and Strategies
  • Developing Your Team
  • Getting Your Affairs in Order
  • Selecting an Attorney

We encourage parents, children, and grandchildren to attend together to develop a plan for the future of your family farm. Continue reading Planning the Future of your Farm program options for In-Person or Online Classes

Beef Quality Assurance in Putnam County on Wednesday, January 22

Putnam County will be the host for the region for those of you needing to certify or recertify for Beef Quality Assurance. The event will be held on Wednesday, January 22 from 6:00 PM until 7:30 PM at the OSU Extension Office in Putnam County, 1206 East Second Street, Ottawa, OH 45875.

Join us for the annual Beef Quality Assurance Certification/Recertification program. Open to all and no cost to attend. RSVP to Beth Scheckelhoff at or by calling (419)523-6294. Light refreshments will be provided by the Putnam County Cattlemen’s Association. Please call to sign up so we have an accurate food count!

Register for ODPA Annual meeting and Ohio Dairy Quality Conference on February 11, 12

The Ohio Dairy Producers Association invites you to their annual meeting on Tuesday, February 11 in Wooster at the Shisler Conference Center. Registration begins at 9:30, with the meeting to follow. Attendance is free and open to all dairy farmers. Enjoy lunch provided by our sponsors and learn how ODPA is helping to navigate the future of dairy on your behalf.

Join us as we examine the current state of the industry, evaluate the evolving needs of Ohio’s dairy farms, and critically assess state and federal policies that impact dairy. Together, we will explore statewide strategies and industry initiatives needed to shape a prosperous future.

Guest speaker Gregg Doud, President and CEO of the National Milk Producers Federation, will share insights into the new Trump administration and the importance of proactively engaging with key federal staff and elected leadership in this new political climate.

Other presentations include:

  • An update from Ohio State on its new dairy facility, staffing, and key research projects
  • An update from the FO33 Market Administrator regarding the federal milk marketing order modernization and what to expect in 2025

2025 Ohio Dairy Quality Conference Official Agenda

Wednesday is the Ohio Dairy Quality Conference.

To register RSVP by February 1 at The cost is $35 for the Ohio Dairy Quality Conference on Day 2. The registration flyer shares the hotel room block at the Hilton Garden Inn Wooster is available at under the room block name “2025 Quality Conference”.

Join Paulding County Extension for January 7th Cover Crops Roundtable Meeting

Join OSU Extension Paulding County and escape the cold with some hot topics at our January 7th Cover Crops Roundtable meeting! Continue reading Join Paulding County Extension for January 7th Cover Crops Roundtable Meeting