Our annual Summerfest Awards Program will be held Saturday August 25, 2018 at the Liberty Center, 951 Liberty Drive Lancaster OH. Members who completed their summer projects and received a 1st-3rd place, Honorable Mention or Outstanding were mailed invitations to the event (with a mistake on the postcard) oops. The event starts at 7 pm. We look forward to seeing you help us celebrate the great work done with summer projects. This event is open to the public.
Summer Judging Continues on July 16th and 18th!
Although the 2018 Summer Judging Schedule is no longer available in 4-HOnline, we welcome all members who are ready for their projects to participate in their respective judging days! Feel free to the call the office 740-652-7264 next week if you still need to schedule your judging time.
The schedule is based on the purple Member Handbook, pages 22-30. Please read these pages and make sure you are signing up for the correct project on the correct day. (An example are the Self Determined projects – there are some that are judged on a different day – see page 22).
Judging Dates 2018
Thursday July 12, 2018 – Demonstration Contest (NO ONLINE SIGN-UP), Self Determined Projects, Writing, Leadership and Citizenship, Cake Decorating, Scrapbooking, Collectibles, Creative Art, Quilting, Theatre Arts, Photography. Judging results are posted here.
Friday July 13, 2018 – Health, Babysitting, Genealogy, Home Decorating and Design, Money Management, ALL Food and Nutrition Projects. Judging results will be posted here.
Monday July 16, 2018 – Science Fun projects, Rockets, Airplanes, Radio-Controlled Vehicles, Robotics, Electricity, Rope, Small Engines, Solar Energy, ATV, Computers, Woodworking, Welding, Veterinary Science, All Environmental Science, Gardening, Horseless Horse, All About Dogs. Judging results will be posted here.
Tuesday July 17th – Modeling Practice at Liberty Union High School
Wednesday July 18, 2018 – All Clothing Projects. Style Review in the evening at Liberty Union High School. Judging results will be posted here.
Good luck with your summer judging projects!
It’s Time to Sign-Up for Summer Judging!
The 2018 Summer Judging Schedule is now ready for you to sign up for judging! The schedule is based on the purple Member Handbook, pages 22-30. Please read these pages and make sure you are signing up for the correct project on the correct day. (An example are the Self Determined projects – there are some that are judged on a different day – see page 22) You can sign up for judging now through July 3rd. Once you have made your time selection, if you need to change, please call Missy at 740-652-7264 to get the change made.
- Judging Dates 2018
Thursday July 12, 2018 – Demonstration Contest (NO ONLINE SIGN-UP), Self Determined Projects, Writing, Leadership and Citizenship, Cake Decorating, Scrapbooking, Collectibles, Creative Art, Quilting, Theatre Arts, Photography
Friday July 13, 2018 – Health, Babysitting, Genealogy, Home Decorating and Design, Money Management, ALL Food and Nutrition Projects
Monday July 16, 2018 – Science Fun projects, Rockets, Airplanes, Radio-Controlled Vehicles, Robotics, Electricity, Rope, Small Engines, Solar Energy, ATV, Computers, Woodworking, Welding, Veterinary Science, All Environmental Science, Gardening, Horseless Horse, All About Dogs
Tuesday July 17th – Modeling Practice at Liberty Union High School
Wednesday July 18, 2018 – All Clothing Projects. Style Review in the evening at Liberty Union High School.
You will sign-up for judging using your 4-H online log-in and profile. The instructions can be found here, or read below.
- From your home page (you may need to click on the house in the upper right hand corner of the page), you will click on the very tiny ‘My Meetings’ (should be in blue font above the Announcements & Newsletters section). This will show your available meetings. The titles for this year start with 2018 – the day- and type of projects. Click on the Sign-Up tab.
- Select the Family Member, the project area and an available timeslot using the drop down boxes. CLICK SAVE.
- The timeslot information you have selected will be listed under ‘Scheduled Meetings’. Repeat to sign up for another project or to sign up another family member.
Good luck with your summer judging projects!
2018 National 4-H Film Festival
You are invited! This summer, join other youth from across the country to learn movie magic from film making professionals at FilmFest 4-H. This event will be July 29 – August 1, 2018 in Columbia, Missouri.
For information
Like taking pictures? Submit photos for Teen Leadership Council’s Calendar Fundraiser!
The Ohio State 4-H Teen Leadership Council is interested in doing a fundraising project that would consist of making custom calendars to sell within the state. In order to do so, we are asking for counties to submit pictures from their county 4-H programs.
Submissions can be made by 4-H staff and volunteers. If the county would like to include their members, they are welcome to do that as well. If any faces of 4-H members or volunteers are recognizable in the submitted photos, please ensure that these individuals have a photo release from your county enrollment records.
If you find a photo that you would like to submit, please email it to Allyson McCurdy at mccurdy.98@buckeyemail.osu.edu by March 1st. Please put the subject as “TLC calendar photos.”
Depending on the amount of the pictures we receive, each month will have an individual photo or a collage of many photos. These calendars would be sold throughout the state by TLC members at various events and hopefully in the individual counties. Thank you for considering participation in this fundraising effort!
Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council, Fundraising Committee
Summerfest and Junior Fair Award Winners – Don’t forget to THANK YOUR Award Sponsors!
All Junior Fair Awards were sponsored this year for the 4-H Summerfest and Fairfield County Junior Fair. It is important for our members to extend their appreciation and gratitude to our award sponsors. Members are responsible for providing their thank you note in an addressed and stamped envelope and mailing the thank you note directly to the award sponsor. If you received a trophy or special award at Summerfest or at the Fairfield County Fair, a thank you note with your sponsor’s information was included.
Members may reference this guide from Oregon State Extension for helpful thank you note writing tips. Please make sure you say more than “I really enjoyed taking this project this year.” or “Thank you for sponsoring this rosette.” Our sponsors want to know more about you and your 4-H/FFA experiences. Take the time to write a thoughtful thank you note just as they took the time and money to recognize your accomplishments this year.
If you need to know who your sponsor is or the address for your sponsor, please do not hesitate to contact the Extension Office and we can provide that information for you.
Please Remember to THANK YOUR SPONSORS!
We need to make sure our sponsors receive thanks and appreciation for supporting Fairfield County’s youth. This would include applying for the Bertha Wilson Scholarship, receiving awards at Summerfest, as well as receiving awards at the Fairfield County Junior Fair.
Please make sure if you are receiving awards (or have received awards already this year), to write a thank you note to your sponsor for these awards. Several people took lots of time making sure there was an address label for your particular sponsor on the back of rosettes/ribbons and attached to trophies.
Please note that we often lose sponsors because they do not receive a note of appreciation and thanks from our youth members receiving the awards that they have sponsored. If a member is not sure of their sponsor for an award received at Summerfest or the Fair, please contact the Extension Office and we will help you get the information you need.
We also strongly encourage youth to share information about their project, award(s) received, and perhaps a picture! Sponsors really enjoy reading this information.
Please Remember to THANK YOUR SPONSORS!
We need to make sure our sponsors receive thanks and appreciation for supporting Fairfield County’s youth. This would include applying for the Bertha Wilson Scholarship, receiving awards at Summerfest, as well as receiving awards at the Fairfield County Junior Fair.
Please make sure if you are receiving awards (or have received awards already this year), to write a thank you note to your sponsor for these awards. Several people took lots of time making sure there was an address label for your particular sponsor on the back of rosettes/ribbons and attached to trophies.
Please note that we often lose sponsors because they do not receive a note of appreciation and thanks from our youth members receiving the awards that they have sponsored. If a member is not sure of their sponsor for an award received at Summerfest or the Fair, please contact the Extension Office and we will help you get the information you need.
We also strongly encourage youth to share information about their project, award(s) received, and perhaps a picture! Sponsors really enjoy reading this information.
Ohio State Fair (non-livestock) 4-H Judging Results
Are being posted as they become available! Direct links for the judging days are below. Congrats to the following Fairfield County State Fair Winners:
- Cat 3 (age 8-18): Jordyn Nevers, Outstanding
- Cavies (age 8-12): Allie Carter, Outstanding
- You & Your Dog Interview: Madison Nevers, Honorable Mention
- All About Dogs: Chloe Allen, Outstanding
- All About Dogs: Emily Fusek, Honorable Mention
- Magic of Electricity: Olivia Maynard, Outstanding
- Warm It Up: Kive Simmons, Outstanding
- Controlling the Image, Level 2: Anna Glanzman, Outstanding
- Photography Master: Hayley Richardson, Outstanding
- On the Cutting Edge (Vet Science 3): Sarah Doner, Outstanding
- Rockets Away (Solid-Fuel Rockets): Dominic Woods, Outstanding
- Science Fun with Physics: Gillian Gervais, Clock Trophy
Ohio State Fair Youth Arts Exhibition Info
Attached is the 2017 Ohio State Fair Youth Arts Exhibition Information. All Ohio youth grades 1-12 are encouraged to enter. Please share this information with all your 4-H groups, leaders and social networks. All entry is done online now through June 20th, 2017. Visit the direct link below for all exhibition information and entry details! Thank you for helping us inform the youth of Ohio about this awesome arts opportunity!
Also attached is the 2017 Creative Arts Competition Information which is also available on the Ohio State Fair website. Many of the competitions encourage youth entries and all entries entered are displayed. If not stated on the competition page, the competitions are all open to youth 11 years old and up. Check out these Creative Arts Competitions with specific youth classes and spread the word:
-Leather Art
-Miniature Art
-Inventors Challenge (High School)
-Cake Decorating