State Horse Communications Contest Results

Congratulations to the Fairfield County Team on placing in the State Horse Communications Contest held on March 2, 2024!

Senior Individual Presentation

3rd place- Beau Cutright

4th place- Brianna Downey

5th place- Alayna Byrd

7th place- Riley Cain

Junior Individual Presentation

3rd place- Brenna Neff

Junior Team Presentation

6th place- Bella Champlin and Hallie Nicodemus

You’re invited – Jr. Fair Horse Exhibitor Meeting: December 13th

Sent on behalf of Fairfield County Junior Fair Horse Superintendents:

Junior Fair Horse Exhibitors and 4-H/FFA Advisors,

As a Fairfield County Junior Fair horse exhibitor family, the Junior Fair Horse Superintendents are inviting you to come and talk about the 2023/2024 Horse Shows on Wednesday, December 13th, 2023, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Fairfield County Ag Center/OSU Extension Office. We hope that you can join us at this open meeting!

Stay Connected at Fair – Junior Fair Department Social Media Pages

Junior Fair Horses

  • Join Remind101 using code @jfhorse

Junior Fair Swine

Junior Fair Beef

Junior Fair Poultry

Junior Fair Rabbits

Junior Fair Pygmy Goats

Equine Ambassador Applications: Due 9/8/2023

The 2023 Equine Ambassador Application is located at: 2023 Fairfield County Equine Ambassador Application

The application is due to the Extension Office by September 8th, 2023. Please note that all other specie applications as well as Junior Fair Queen applications are now posted online. Click here for more info.

2023 Fairfield County Skillathon Scheduling is Now OPEN!

The Fairfield County Junior Fair will require the completion of at least one Skillathon per 4-H/FFA exhibitor in order to show at 2023 Fairfield County Junior Fair for all beef, dairy, goat, poultry, rabbit (except Pet Rabbits), sheep, swine, dog, horse, alpaca/llama projects.
The Fairfield County Skillathon event will be held September 9th and 24th at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds. For additional Skillathon information, please review the 2023 Junior Fair Book.
  • Fairfield County youth interested in competing for any Fairfield County Premier Exhibitor Award must complete the COUNTY Skillathon in each respective specie they play to compete in.
    • Example: Exhibitor wishes to compete for Swine Premier Exhibitor Award and Poultry Premier Exhibitor Award must complete both the swine and poultry Fairfield County Skillathons on September 9th (swine) and 24th (poultry).
    • For more information about 2023 Premier Exhibitor Contests, please review this area of the 2023 Junior Fair Book.
  • Youth will be asked to complete a tiebreaker question at Skillathon – this will be used to break ties for Premier Exhibitor and/or Skillathon if needed.
  • Skillathon Species for Saturday, September 9th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. include: Beef, Dairy Beef, Swine, Sheep, Meat Goats, Dairy Cattle
  • Skillathon Species for Sunday, September 24th from 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. include: Pygmy Goats, Dairy Goats, Horses, Alpacas/Llamas, Poultry Rabbits
  • Dog Exhibitors will complete the Skillathon at Dog Check-In Day on Saturday, August 26th from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
  • Please note that Skillathon times are meant to schedule exhibitors throughout the day and we will do our best to stay on track with time. It is important for families to stick to their Skillathon time to keep our lines moving efficiently. Exhibitors will have 5 minutes per station and should be completed with Skillathon in 20-30 minutes ONCE they start through their respective Skillathon line.
  • Fairfield County Skillathons will take place at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds.
  • Scheduling for Skillathon is now open – click here to schedule for each Skillathon you wish to participate in:
  • Skillathon Awards: The Top Junior and Top Senior Skillathon Winner will receive an award. Additionally, the Top 20% of Juniors and Seniors will receive a ribbon at their respective specie’s show at the fair in October.

Horse Exhibitors – Tack Box Available

Horse Exhibitors – Do you have a need for a new tack box?

The Fairfield County 4-H Horse Advisors received the above tack box and would like a 4-H member who could use it to have it. The box is in pristine condition and will just need the farm name removed. Please contact the OSU Extension office at 740-653-5419 to claim your item by Aug. 11, 2023. The tack box will need picked up from the Fairfield County Extension Office (831 College Ave, Suite D, Lancaster).

Horse Exhibitors – Stall Curtains Available

Horse Exhibitors – Do you have any interest in stall curtains? Now is the time to claim your own set of Green & Gold Curtains!

The following items were donated to the Fairfield County Horse Advisors to be used by 4-H Families:

  • Deluxe Stall Decoration (Green Pac w/ Gold Trim)
  • Have been stored in a clean tack box
  • Originally purchased for $1,529 in 1980
  • Contains:
    • 3 Tack Curtains (8’ x 12’)
    • 1 Tack Curtain (8’ x 8’) – Front
    • 1 Tack Curtain (8’ x 4’) – Door
    • 2 Name Panels (6’ x 4’)
    • 2 Valances (13” x 12’)
    • Curtain Tie Backs
    • 4 Chair Covers
    • 1 Table Cover
    • Extras:
      • 5 Tack Curtains 8’ x 12’
      • 8 Valances
      • 1 Ceiling Cover

Please contact the OSU Extension office at 740-653-5419 to claim your items by Aug. 11, 2023. Items can be picked up at the Fairfield County Extension Office (831 College Ave, Suite D, Lancaster)

2023 Fairfield County Junior Fair Premier Exhibitor Contest Information

This information is also posted in the 2023 Junior Fair Book under Optional Activities for Species:

Premier Exhibitor Contests

The objective of the Premier Exhibitor Contest is to encourage youth exhibitors to explore multiple aspects of the livestock
specie project they are enrolled in, and to reward those youth that participate at the highest level. While some exhibitors may
choose to only participate in a single aspect of an animal project, the reality is that all the various opportunities available for any
given project are interrelated and participation can enhance the knowledge, skills, and enjoyment gained from the project.

  • Exhibitors will learn that market animals originate from breeding stock.
  • Performance is vital to the profitability of livestock production.
  • Efficient record keeping allows the owner to determine if the project was profitable.
  • Livestock evaluation is the foundation for selecting both breeding and market livestock.
  • Knowing breeds, body parts and muscle names and locations complements one’s ability to evaluate livestock.

It’s all interrelated and encouraging youth to expand the knowledge of their project by participating in a variety of opportunities
while also in a competitive environment will enhance the learning experience.


  • Exhibitors must be enrolled in a 4-H/FFA project in that species in their respective 4-H Club/FFA Chapter.
  • FairEntry is made in the respective species by August FairEntry deadline.
  • The exhibitor must complete the Fairfield County Skillathon for the specie they plan to compete in Premier Exhibitor.

Those exhibitors who participate in the alternative Skillathon options will not be eligible for Premier Exhibitor (i.e., Ohio
State Fair VIRTUAL Skillathon, Ohio State Fair IN-PERSON Skillathon, and/or Fairfield County Make-Up Skillathon).
Project books will be reviewed as part of the county Skillathon event.

  • An exhibitor must complete a Skillathon for each specie they plan to compete for Premier Exhibitor. If an exhibitor does not
    participate in the Fairfield County Skillathon for that specie, they will be ineligible for Premier Exhibitor in that specie.
  • Exhibitors must show their own animal(s).

Eligible Species

  • Dairy Cattle
  • Dairy Beef Feeders Beef
  • Swine
  • Sheep
  • Dairy Goats
  • Meat/Market Goats
  • Pygmy Goats
  • Poultry
  • Rabbits
  • Dogs
  • Alpacas/Llamas
  • Horses


The Premier Exhibitor for each species will be the exhibitor with the highest point total from the activities listed for each specie
(dropping the scores as mentioned below).

The goal is to encourage exhibitors to explore various opportunities available to them within their species and allow for lowest
scores to be dropped when sufficient experiences are able to be offered (for example, Beef Exhibitors have far more project
opportunities available to them than Pygmy Goats). The objective would be to encourage exhibitors to earn points for exhibiting
animals in at least two ways at the Fairfield County Fair in addition to participating in Skillathon, showmanship, rate of gain (if
applicable), and judging contests (if applicable). If exhibiting more than one animal in an activity, the highest placing animal will
be used for the Premier Exhibitor scoring.

  • Dairy Cattle: The Dairy Cattle Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 3 of the 4 following Fairfield
    County Junior Fair activities: Dairy Skillathon*, Showmanship, Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging Contest, and Breeding Class.
  • Dairy Beef Feeder: The Dairy Beef Feeder Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 Fairfield County
    Junior Fair activities: Beef Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Beef Judging Contest, Market Class, and Rate of Gain.
  • Beef: The Beef Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 5 of the 8 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities:
    Beef Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Beef Judging Contest, Breeding Class, Feeder Class, Market Class,
    Carcass Class, and Rate of Gain.
  • Swine: The Swine Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities:
    Swine Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Swine Judging Contest, Market/MQP Class 1, and Market/MQP Class 2.
  • Sheep: The Sheep Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from 5 of the 6 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Sheep
    Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Sheep Judging Contest, Breeding Class, Market/MQP Class 1, and Market/MQP Class 2.
  • Dairy Goats: The Dairy Goat Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from all 4 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities:
    Dairy Goat Skillathon*, Showmanship, Breeding (Kid/Yearling Class), and Breeding (Doe Class).
  • Meat/Market Goats: The Meat/Market Goat Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from 5 of the 6 Fairfield County
    Junior Fair activities: Meat/Market Goat Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Meat Goat Judging Contest, Breeding
    (Meat Doe) Class, Market/MQP Class 1, and Market/MQP Class 2.
  • Pygmy Goats: The Pygmy Goat Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from all 4 Fairfield County Junior Fair
    activities: Pygmy Goat Skillathon*, Showmanship, Wether Class, and Doe Class.
  • Poultry: The Poultry Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities:
    Poultry Skillathon*, Showmanship, Breeding Class, Layers Class, and Market Class.
  • Rabbits: The Rabbit Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from all 4 of the 6 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities:
    Rabbit Skillathon*, Showmanship, Breeding Class 1, Breeding Class 2, Market Class 1, Market Class 2.
  • Dogs: The Dog Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities:
    Dog Skillathon*, You & Your Dog Interview, Showmanship, Obedience Class, and Agility.
  • Alpacas/Llamas: The Alpaca & Llama Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 following
    Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Alpaca/Llama Skillathon*, Showmanship, Public Relations Class, Costume Class, and
    Obstacle/Agility Class
  • Horses: The Horse Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 following Fairfield County Junior Fair
    activities: Horse Skillathon*, Showmanship, Pleasure Class, Pattern Class, and Contesting Class.

The *Fairfield County Skillathon will be a mandatory activity for participation in the respective species’ Premier Exhibitor
Contest. A Skillathon is an activity to test knowledge of specific subject matter in a hands-on experiential learning model.
Skillathons will take place on the assigned day and times in September, and this will be the only opportunity for participants to
complete the Skillathon for their respective species and be eligible to participate in the respective Premier Exhibitor Contest.
Exhibitors will earn corresponding Premier Exhibitor points based off of their raw score (out of 100 points). Skillathons will be
comprised of four stations. A completed project book is required at Skillathon.

The Fairfield County Livestock Judging Contest will take place on Sunday of the Fairfield County Fair for swine, beef, sheep,
and goats. Exhibitors will earn corresponding Livestock Judging Contest points based off of their raw score. Total points
possible will be determined on the day of the contest.

Rate of Gain will be available to all market beef that are exhibited in the live show, and dairy feeder exhibitors.
Breeding/Market/Showmanship/Rate of Gain class/heat points will be assigned according to class rankings (placing 1st
through 5th, followed by participation points).

Livestock Sale: If the Premier Exhibitor has a market animal in that respective species, they will sell third in the market sale for
that species following the Overall Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Market Animals. If an exhibitor chooses to take home
and earns Premier Exhibitor, they will lose their sale slot. (In that case second place Premier Exhibitor will not move into that
sale slot).

Ties: Exhibitors will complete a tiebreaker station at Skillathon for their respective specie. Scoring from the tiebreaker station will
only be used to help break ties for the overall rankings of each specie’s Premier Exhibitor.

Awards will be given for 1st place winner of each age group (Age 8/9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18), from which, overall 1st
through 3rd place winners will be chosen for the Premier Exhibitor Program for each specie.

  • 1st Place Awards for each age group (Age 8/9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18) will receive a rosette and coupon to be
    used at the fair for a free sandwich at the Fairfield County Cattlemen’s Food Booth.
  • 1st Place Award Overall for each specie will receive a vinyl banner and $100 cash award.
  • 2nd Place Award Overall for each specie will receive a vinyl banner and $75 cash award.
  • 3rd Place Award Overall for each specie will receive a vinyl banner and $50 cash award.