Support the Fairfield 4-H Endowment on #GivingTuesday (Nov. 29th and 30th)

The holidays will be here soon and we know many may be preparing for #GivingTuesday. We are fortunate to work with the Fairfield County Foundation during their 33 hour give once again this year. This is a time where the community is invited to support the organizations they choose. We are gracious for any support our 4-H family and friends contribute to the long-term fundraising efforts and sustainability of the Fairfield County 4-H Program.

If you’d like to make a #GivingTuesday donation to support Fairfield County 4-H, we invite you to drop off your donation at the Fairfield Foundation beginning at 8:00 a.m. on November 29th through 5:00 p.m. on November 30th or you can make donations online.

A few things to note:

  • Support the Fairfield County 4-H Program by donating to this fund: 4-H Fairfield County Foundation Fund
  • Donations must be made online at through the Donate Now link or in person at the Fairfield County Foundation office, during the specified date and time.
  • Donations received through the mail will not count toward the match.  
  • At least $33,000 in matching gifts will be awarded. All donations received during the 33-Hour Give will be eligible for matching funds on a pro rata basis, which gives everyone who participates the opportunity to have their donations increased.

Matching gifts will be distributed based on the percentage each fund receives of the total contributions made during the 33-Hour Give. No single gift, by an individual, to a single organization, can receive more than 20% of the total match amount. For example, a fund with donations that account for 5% of the total 33-Hour Give contributions would receive 5% of the $33,000 in matching funds, or $1,650.

Questions? Contact 4-H Educator, Leslie Cooksey at or 740-653-5419.

Thank you for supporting the Fairfield County 4-H Program!

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