2024 Virtual Soil Health Tour

Ohio State University Extension’s fourth annual Soil Health Tour is live for 2024! This year’s virtual tour partnered with Michigan State University to showcase conservation practices in action through the Western Lake Erie Basin of Ohio and Michigan. Five tour stops showcase individual farmers who have implemented different conservation practices on their farms. Each producer’s video interview with an Extension staff member discusses the practice they are utilizing, why they chose to implement it, benefits they have seen thus far, and changes they would make, if any if they did it all over again. In addition to those sites, we are showcasing 8 regional locations of a study that members of OSU Extension have completed over the past few years, looking at soil health across the state. To view the interactive StoryMap, visit go.osu.edu/SHTour24.

If you enjoy learning about conservation practices in action, consider joining us for an event on February 20th, 2025, at Northwest State Community College. This event, Success Stories of Conservation, will be a place for farmers, landowners, and technical support staff to openly discuss how conservation has worked for them, as well as their challenges with these practices. More information can be found at our website, waterqualityextension.osu.edu.

Get Ready to Dig into Soil Health with the 2025 Ohio State Soil Health Webinar Series!

Are you ready to expand your knowledge of soil health? The 2025 Ohio State Soil Health Webinar Series is here, bringing expert insights on hot topics requested by viewers in recent years.

This free, virtual series offers a unique opportunity to learn from leading researchers, educators, and farmers who are shaping the future of soil health. Recordings will be available through the Ohio State Extension Agronomic Crops Team page, but event planners encourage live participation. Joining live sessions allows attendees to ask questions, share insights, and engage in meaningful conversations with experts.

Register now at go.osu.edu/SoilHealthWeb to receive meeting links and calendar reminders. Certified Crop Advisors (CCAs) can earn continuing education credits by attending live sessions. Continue reading Get Ready to Dig into Soil Health with the 2025 Ohio State Soil Health Webinar Series!

NW Ohio Newsletter 2025

📬 The 2025 Northwest Ohio Newsletter is Coming!

Exciting news! The 2025 Northwest Ohio Newsletter will be hitting mailboxes near the end of December! 🗓️

Packed with the latest updates on agriculture, Extension programming, and community opportunities, this newsletter is your go-to resource for staying informed and connected.

Prefer to read online? 📲 Check out the Virtual Version here.

Stay tuned—there’s a lot to look forward to as we kick off a new year together! 🌾

#Agriculture #Extension #NWOhio #StayConnected #LeanOnYourLandGrant #PauldingCountyStrong #OSUE

Celebrate our rivers at RiverFest 2024!

For the eighth year in a row, Defiance is celebrating the Maumee and Auglaize Rivers with RiverFest, hosted at Pontiac Park from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturday, June 29th, 2024. There will be activities, demonstrations, food, and fun for everyone! Bring your kids, ages 1 to 100 for Kids River Passport STEAM activities, including Project Wet and other demonstrations by Defiance Soil and Water Conservation District, Defiance City Schools, Defiance College Science Club, Yoga in the Park, Camp Lakota/Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts of Western Ohio, ODNR Scenic Rivers, OSU Extension, The Nature Conservancy, Maumee Watershed Alliance, and more! A living history encampment will provide a taste of local history, then you can grab a taste of current history by visiting one of the food trucks at the park! A kayak raffle will also be held during RiverFest! More information can be found at the Land To Lake website, landtolake.org, or Click here to view the event flyer.

Farm Science Review is just around the corner!

LONDON, Ohio – More than 50 companies will join the ranks as exhibitors for the 61st Farm Science Review Sept. 19-21 at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center. The new exhibitors represent various sectors in the agriculture industry including livestock handling, equipment advancements, agronomic technology, agricultural policy, and more.

Paulding County Extension Office has tickets for sale at a discounted price total of $10 per ticket. Tickets will be for sale until Monday, September 18 at noon. Continue reading Farm Science Review is just around the corner!

Bio and Renewable Diesel Energy What the Future Holds Webinar

The OSU Extension Energy Outreach team will put on a program on renewable diesel energy on Sep 26, in lieu of our monthly meeting.  Please see the attached flyer for the link.

Join speakers from Ohio State University Extension, Clean Fuels Alliance America, Benchmark Biodiesel, and the Ohio Soybean Council to learn more about current trends in the soybean biodiesel market. Questions- Email: Dan Lima: lima.19@osu.edu or Gwynn Stewart: stewart.1818@osu.edu

DATE: Sept. 26, 2023

TIME:10:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m.

To register: https://go.osu.edu/biodiesel

The virtual panel will include:

  1. Kirk Merritt from the Ohio Soybean Council
  2. Tom Verry from Clean Fuels Alliance America (formerly the National Biodiesel Association)
  3. Seungki Lee from OSU College of Food Agriculture and Environmental Science (Ag Economist)
  4. Page Tohorson from Benchmark Biodiesel- Private sector

The goal is to introduce the Bio/Renewable diesel market to the public/farmer.  We hope to highlight the market potential of this fuel for not only the public but the soybean producer as well.


The OSU Extension Energy Outreach Team

To mulch or not to mulch?

Are you planning on spreading mulch around your trees and landscape this year? Master Gardener Volunteers see this common practice of mulch placed under trees and right up the tree trunk!

Another mulch volcano! That is a big NO, NO! It’s important to keep mulch off the tree trunk because the covered tree trunk will grow roots under the mulch. As the new roots grow in the soft mulch, the deep roots begin to die off. Eventually, a tree with a weak root system could be blown over by a strong windstorm.

For more information on mulching trees see this excellent article written by Joe Boggs that can be found on the OSU Buckeye Yard & Garden onLine (BYGL), https://bygl.osu.edu/node/1494.

Farmers Encouraged to Sign-Up for Lake Erie CREP

For most agricultural producers, activities over the winter months tend to slow down.  This is an opportune time to take a look at your farming operation and determine if there are areas that could benefit from the establishment of one or more conservation practices.

For instance, do you have a ditch or stream running through your farm that needs a filter strip?  Is a particular field prone to wind erosion and stands to benefit from a windbreak?  How about that one area that’s hard to farm because it’s always wet?  Have you considered how FSA’s Lake Erie Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (Lake Erie CREP) might benefit your farming operation and help to protect the environment at the same time?

Lake Erie CREP began with the main objective to improve water quality in all of our rivers, streams, and tributaries within the Lake Erie watershed with a special emphasis on the Blanchard and Tiffin Rivers as important tributaries of the Maumee River.  These conservation practices will target environmentally sensitive areas to reduce sediments and nutrients, prevent water pollution and minimize the risk of flooding and improve the habitat for multiple wildlife species. Continue reading Farmers Encouraged to Sign-Up for Lake Erie CREP

2023 Small Farm Conference Registration Open!

Ohio State Extension announced plans to host a Small Farm Conference in Mansfield Ohio on March 11, 2023.  The theme for this year’s Mid-Ohio Small Farm Conference is “Sowing Seeds for Success.”

Conference session topics are geared toward beginning and small farm owners as well as farms looking to diversify their operations.  There will be five different conference tracks including Farm Office, Horticulture and Produce Production, Livestock, Agritourism/ Marketing, and Natural Resources.

Some conference topic highlights include: How to purchase our family farm, food animal processing, beekeeping, sweet corn, blueberry and pumpkin production, small ruminant nutrition, agritourism laws, fruit tree pruning, and cut flower diseases.

Anyone interested in developing, growing, or diversifying their small farm is invited to attend including market gardeners, farmers market vendors, and anyone interested in small farm living.

Attendees will have the opportunity to browse a trade show featuring the newest and most innovative ideas and services for their farming operations. The conference provides an opportunity to talk with the vendors and network with others.

The Conference will take place from 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the Mansfield OSU Campus in Ovalwood Hall, just minutes from I-71 and US Rt 30.

For conference and registration call OSU Extension Morrow County at 419-947-1070 or OSU Extension Knox County at 740-397-0401. Please follow this link to register for the conference: https://go.osu.edu/2023osusmallfarmconf

2023 Session Descriptions

Small Farm Conference Brochure 2023

Online Fruit Pruning School is March 9 and 14


The Ohio State University South Centers is hosting a two-part Online Fruit Pruning School on Thursday, March 9, and Tuesday, March 14, 2023. This is a FREE online event that will be conducted virtually via the Zoom communications platform.

Part 1 on March 9 will focus on pruning fruit trees including apples, peaches, and pears. Part 2 will be held on March 14, and will cover small fruits like blueberries, grapes, and raspberries. Both sessions will begin at 9:30 a.m.

Please register no later than Monday, March 6, 2023. Simply visit the link below and fill out the registration form. We also plan on offering recordings afterward, so you can access the event on-demand, as we know this fits some people’s schedules better.

Register here: http://go.osu.edu/pruningschool

For even more information, consult the attached flyer.

Looking forward to seeing you (virtually) again this year!

Ohio’s Woodland Stewards: Friday’s Escape to the Forest series on February 10

Included are very high-resolution images of the Emerald Ash Borer Beetle. Specimens provided by Dr. David Wagner of the University of Connecticut.

Join us for our first Friday’s Escape to the Forest webinar of 2023.  Ohio State Extension Specialist in Forest Entomology, Kayla Perry will be our presenter as we get up to date on what is going on with emerald ash borer (EAB) and how our forests are doing post-invasion. She will discuss the status of Emerald Ash Borer in post-outbreak forests.

Join OSU’s Kayla Perry, State Extension Specialist in Forest Entomology, as we talk about Emerald ash borer (EAB; Agrilus planipennis). EAB has caused widespread decline and death of ash trees throughout eastern North America since it was first detected in southeastern Michigan in 2002. This presentation will provide an update on the distribution, management, and ecological impacts of EAB, with a focus on forests that have experienced the longest duration of invasion by this insect.

Register here for the webinar.  Continuing education credits for ISA and SAF will be offered. Continue reading Ohio’s Woodland Stewards: Friday’s Escape to the Forest series on February 10

2023 Ohio Woodland Water and Wildlife Conference

Registration is open for the 2023 Ohio Woodland Water and Wildlife Conference

Join us on March 1st for a diverse set of talks that will offer continuing education credits for ISA, SAF, and pesticides where applicable.  The program flyer is attached here WWW 2023 flyer.  You can register here.

Early registration per person – $65 before 2/10/2023 and $85 after 2/10/2023
Last Date To Register: 2/17/2023

Registration includes continental breakfast, lunch, breaks, and a resource notebook.

OSU Extension’s Water Quality Wednesday Webinar Series is back for 2023!

Join OSU’s Water Quality Extension Associates for their annual winter webinar series focusing on the interaction between agriculture and water quality. These webinars will take place monthly from January to March 2023. Continue reading OSU Extension’s Water Quality Wednesday Webinar Series is back for 2023!

OSU Extension’s CLM Webinar Series is back for December!

Join OSU Extension’s Water Quality Team for the third installment of their Certified Livestock Manger (CLM) Webinar Series! The webinar to be held from 10-11:30AM on Monday, December 5th will discuss how to utilize manure as an organic fertilizer on your operation. Continue reading OSU Extension’s CLM Webinar Series is back for December!

Save the Date for 2022’s Soil Health Tour!


Save the Date! The second annual Soil Health Tour, presented by OSU Extension Paulding County, will be held September 19th-28th, 2022. Visit tour stops showcasing a variety of soil health practices across the region. This year, we have expanded to include tour stops in Northeast Indiana and Southeast Michigan as well as Northwest Ohio. We are also introducing a few virtual tour stops to showcase sites that may be inaccessible to the public or better explained through photos and videos. However you plan to attend, we hope to see you during Tour Week!

Wrap up the Soil Health Tour with Paulding County Extension on Thursday, September 29th, 2022 at the Paulding County Extension Hall. Join us, a guest speaker, and farmers and landowners who provided tour stops for an educational and networking event. Meal will be provided with $10 registration fee. Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) continuing education credits will also be offered at the wrap-up event on September 29th.

Stay tuned for more information as we get closer to the event: go.osu.edu/SoilHealthTour; We can’t wait to see you!

Soil Health Nexus Educator Training to be held July 13th in Paulding

Join OSU Extension for an event sponsored by the Soil Health Nexus aimed at educators and advisers in the agricultural community. This event will serve as an in-service to educate attendees on all things soil health, and will allow you to become more confident in your abilities to expand this knowledge to others. This event will be held July 13, 2022 from 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM in the Paulding County Extension Hall, 503 Fairground Drive, Paulding OH 45879. Registration is free, but required to attend the event. A meal will be provided with registration.

Questions about who should attend this event can be directed to Sarah Noggle, noggle.17@osu.edu, or (419) 399-8225.

Register here for the July 13th event. Registration has been extended until July 6th, one week prior to the event.

Click here to see a flyer with more information

USDA Video Showcases Key Partnerships Driving Science-Based Conservation in Western Lake Erie Basin

A new USDA video provides a closer look at the collaborative partnerships driving innovative water quality assessment and conservation in the Western Lake Erie Basin. The video, Science-Based Solutions: Leveraging Partnerships to Protect the Western Lake Erie Basin, shows how USDA’s Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) watershed studies in the Western Lake Erie Basin bring researchers, farmers, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations together to develop science-based solutions and strategically place them where they can deliver the greatest conservation benefits.

Under CEAP, a network of researchers, from government agencies to universities, work together to monitor the impact of conservation practices on the landscape. These studies directly inform USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service programs, practices, and planning and ensure that the agency provides technical and financial assistance to landowners to develop and implement impactful conservation plans.

Regional partnerships like those driving conservation efforts in the Western Lake Erie Basin have proven to be effective, as demonstrated by the recently released USDA report, Conservation Practices on Cultivated Cropland: A Comparison of CEAP I and CEAP II Survey Data and Modeling.

CEAP is a multi-agency effort to quantify the environmental effects of conservation practices and programs and develop the science base for managing the agricultural landscape for environmental quality. Project findings will be used to guide USDA conservation policy and program development and help conservationists, farmers and ranchers make more informed conservation decisions.

Paulding County To Host Agriculture Breakfast Next Week!

Join OSU Extension’s Water Quality team for a breakfast meeting focused on conservation practices!

We need your input on which types of conservation practices to include in future watershed plans. The practices outlined in these watershed plans will be the first to receive funding once the plans are implemented and grants are secured. The meeting will be held on the Paulding County Fairgrounds in the Youth Leadership Building from 7:30AM – 9:00 AM on Tuesday, April 12th. Breakfast will be provided free of charge, but an RSVP is required. Call 567-344-5016 to register, or email cochran.474@osu.edu.

Click the link below to see an enlarged version of the flyer

Paulding Breakfast Meeting Flyer



Upcoming Webinar: Native Grasslands and Pollinator Habitat for Wildlife

By Dave Apsley, Natural Resources Specialist, Ohio State University Extension

Our first  A DAY in the WOODS program for 2022, “Native Grasslands and Pollinator Habitat for Wildlife”, will be offered via Zoom webinar at 3 pm on March 11.  A registration link and  more details can be found at: https://u.osu.edu/apsley.1/2022/02/22/native-grasslands-and-pollinator-habitat-for-wildlife-offered-via-zoom-webinar-on-march-11/

This program will introduce you to “Native Grasslands and Pollinator Habitat for Wildlife” which will be covered in more depth at our field-based July 22,  A DAY in the WOODS program.

Upcoming Western Lake Erie Basin Conservation Practices Public Input Meeting

Input Meeting Email Flyer – Link to flyer

Join OSU Extension’s Water Quality Associates on Tuesday, February 22nd from 10-11AM for a public input meeting regarding on-farm conservation practices. This webinar is aimed toward farmers in the Western Lake Erie Basin who farm or live near our target watersheds, found on the attached flier. This virtual webinar will allow OSU’s Water Quality team to hear directly from farmers and landowners to guide local watershed planning efforts and funding priorities. What conservation practices do you want to learn more about? Are there practices that you think may work for your farm, but you don’t know where to start? Are there practices you are interested in if additional funding or support becomes available? Join us for an informal discussion to talk about these topics.

Register for this webinar at www.go.osu.edu/inputmeeting, or contact a Water Quality Extension Associate to give your input if you can’t attend the meeting. Contact Paulding County’s WQEA Rachel Cochran, cochran.474@osu.edu, (567) 344-5016, with any questions.