2024 Virtual Soil Health Tour

Ohio State University Extension’s fourth annual Soil Health Tour is live for 2024! This year’s virtual tour partnered with Michigan State University to showcase conservation practices in action through the Western Lake Erie Basin of Ohio and Michigan. Five tour stops showcase individual farmers who have implemented different conservation practices on their farms. Each producer’s video interview with an Extension staff member discusses the practice they are utilizing, why they chose to implement it, benefits they have seen thus far, and changes they would make, if any if they did it all over again. In addition to those sites, we are showcasing 8 regional locations of a study that members of OSU Extension have completed over the past few years, looking at soil health across the state. To view the interactive StoryMap, visit go.osu.edu/SHTour24.

If you enjoy learning about conservation practices in action, consider joining us for an event on February 20th, 2025, at Northwest State Community College. This event, Success Stories of Conservation, will be a place for farmers, landowners, and technical support staff to openly discuss how conservation has worked for them, as well as their challenges with these practices. More information can be found at our website, waterqualityextension.osu.edu.

Registration Open: Basics of Grain Marketing Workshop January 16 & 17

Author: Wm. Bruce Clevenger, Field Specialist, Farm Management

Registration is now open for the Basics of Grain Marketing Workshop, January 16 & 17, 2025 at the OSU Extension Champaign County Office in Urbana, Ohio.  This in-person workshop offers education and farm-ready strategies on topics such as basis, market carry, margins, cash markets, forward and futures contracts, hedge to arrive and basis contracts, differed price, hedging, storage, and overviews on options, spreads, and crop insurance.  It’s “more than a 2-day workshop”, featuring pre-workshop activities on calculating grain cost of production and measure of risk comfort. The workshop will include grain marketing basics, applications, and activities, plus a panel of industry professionals.  A post-workshop grain marketing peer group will be offered to strengthen learning into action with webinar updates.  The workshop has 50 limited seats.

Expert instructors: Seungki Lee, The Ohio State University, Grant Gardner, University of Kentucky, and Ben Brown, University of Missouri.  Hotel block rate deadline: December 15, 2024.  Workshop registration deadline: January 3, 2025.  For more information and registration, visit https://go.osu.edu/grainmarketing

This workshop is possible with the support of grower checkoff dollars via the Ohio Soybean Council and Ohio Corn & Wheat.  This workshop is led by Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio State University Farm Financial Management & Policy Institute.

Get Ready to Dig into Soil Health with the 2025 Ohio State Soil Health Webinar Series!

Are you ready to expand your knowledge of soil health? The 2025 Ohio State Soil Health Webinar Series is here, bringing expert insights on hot topics requested by viewers in recent years.

This free, virtual series offers a unique opportunity to learn from leading researchers, educators, and farmers who are shaping the future of soil health. Recordings will be available through the Ohio State Extension Agronomic Crops Team page, but event planners encourage live participation. Joining live sessions allows attendees to ask questions, share insights, and engage in meaningful conversations with experts.

Register now at go.osu.edu/SoilHealthWeb to receive meeting links and calendar reminders. Certified Crop Advisors (CCAs) can earn continuing education credits by attending live sessions. Continue reading Get Ready to Dig into Soil Health with the 2025 Ohio State Soil Health Webinar Series!

Paulding County Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification is schedule for January 23, 2025

Paulding County Fertilizer & Pesticide Recertification Classes

Attention Paulding County farmers and applicators! Mark your calendars for the Fertilizer and Pesticide Recertification Workshop on Tuesday, January 23, 2025. This is an important opportunity to renew your certifications and stay compliant while learning about the latest in fertilizer and pesticide management.

Event Details:

📅 Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2025
📍 Location: Paulding County Extension Office
503 Fairground Drive, Paulding, OH 45879


  • Fertilizer Recertification: 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
  • Pesticide Recertification: 9:45 AM – 12:45 PM

💲 Cost:

  • Fertilizer Only: $10
  • Pesticide Only: $35
  • Combo (Fertilizer + Pesticide): $45

🍴 Light snacks will be provided with registration.

Important Information:

🚨 Pre-registration is mandatory.Spots are limited, and no walk-ins will be accepted.

🗓️ Registration Deadline: January 17, 2025

🔗 Register Here: go.osu.edu/PauldingPATFERT25
(Scan the QR Code below for quick access!)

Contact Information:

For questions or additional information, contact:
Sarah Noggle
📧 Email: noggle.17@osu.edu
📞 Phone: (419) 399-8225

Don’t miss this chance to recertify, connect with other producers, and gain valuable knowledge for the upcoming growing season. Reserve your spot today! 🌾

NW Ohio Corn Fields Needed for Research Projects

Are you a farmer in Northwest Ohio who planted corn this year? The Water Quality Extension Associates are looking for partners to participate in an “End-of-Season Soil Nitrogen After Corn” study to help understand nitrogen use and efficiency and potential adjustments to N programs. OSU Extension will pay lab costs for up to two samples per farm.

For more information, please visit go.osu.edu/eosnitrogen or reach out to Rachel Cochran at cochran.474@osu.edu or Heather at torlina.1@osu.edu.

Space Weather Disturbances and Farm GPS Interruptions: Understanding Last Week’s Solar Flares

Over the past week, one of the most frequent questions and concerns brought to the Paulding County Extension Office was about GPS malfunctions affecting farm operations. Many farmers reported having to manually steer combines, manure tankers, fertilizer applicators, and grain carts due to disrupted GPS signals. So, what caused these issues, and how can farmers prepare for similar disruptions in the future?


Last week, a series of intense solar flares, part of ongoing solar activity, caused disruptions to satellite-based systems around the globe. Farmers using GPS technology for precision agriculture were particularly impacted, as these tools are essential for tasks like planting, soil mapping, and irrigation management. This article will explore how space weather, specifically solar flares, affects farm operations dependent on GPS, the science behind solar flares, and what to expect as we head toward the solar maximum. Continue reading Space Weather Disturbances and Farm GPS Interruptions: Understanding Last Week’s Solar Flares

Farm Office Live Scheduled for October 18

OSU Extension will be offering the October Farm Office Live webinar on Friday, October 18 from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.  Farm Office Live is a monthly webinar of updates and outlooks on legal, economic, and farm management issues that affect Ohio agriculture. Some of the topics that will be addressed during this webinar include Fall Crop Insurance Update, USDA Drought Assistance Programs, Legal Update, Tribute to Paul Wright, Practical Out of Country Labor Resource for Farms, 4th Quarterly Fertilizer Price Summary, and  Winter Program Update. Featured speakers include guest Farm Office members Peggy Hall, Jeff Lewis, David Marrison, Robert Moore, Eric Richer, and Clint Schroeder. Register for this and future Farm Office Live webinars through this link on farmoffice.osu.edu.

2024 Third Quarter Fertilizer Prices Across Ohio

Loading of fertilizer applicator

Article is taken from https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2024-23/2024-third-quarter-fertilizer-prices-across-ohio by Clint SchroederEric Richer, CCAAmanda Bennett

Results from a quarterly survey of retail fertilizer prices in the state of Ohio revealed fertilizer prices were slightly lower than the July national averages reported by Progressive Farmer for the second consecutive quarter – DTN (Quinn, 2024). The survey was completed by 17 retailers, representing 11 counties, who do business in the state of Ohio. Respondents were asked to quote spot prices as of the first day of the quarter (July 1st) based on sale type indicated. This is part of a larger study conducted by OSU Extension to better understand local fertilizer prices, which began in December 2023.

In summary, survey participants reported the average price of all fertilizers was lower in Ohio compared to the national prices, with Potash ($456/ton in Ohio versus $506/ton nationally) and 28% UAN ($309/ton in Ohio compared to $345/ton nationally) offering the largest discounts (Quinn, 2024).

Continue reading 2024 Third Quarter Fertilizer Prices Across Ohio

Virtual Manure Monday Registration

Manure Monday webinars are back. Manure Mondays Registration Form is included in the link below. Join the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs starting Monday, March 4th, 2024 at 2 pm to continue conversations about a variety of aspects dealing with manure management.

Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs invites you to the 2024 Manure Monday Series. Sessions will be delivered through Zoom.  The sessions are free. When you register, you will be registered for all sessions. Registration link click here. Session dates will be March 4, 11, 18, and 25 from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm ET.

  • March 4 – Recycling Sand – Emerging Technologies for Sand-laden Manure
  • March 11th–Manure Application Logistics and Field Strategies –making the most of every minute of application
  • March 18th-Manure Additives –Overview of what’s available and how they work
  • March 25 –Composting Bedded Pack Barns -The Ontario Study.

If you have any questions please contact us at by phone at 1-877-424-1300 or by email at ag.info.omafra@ontario.ca.

Fall is the perfect time to review the Phosphorus Loss Risk Assessment document for determining P application rates

Fall is a busy time of year for many of us involved in agriculture; from harvest to cover crop seeding, to wheat planting and fertilizer application, we have a ton of tasks to get done in a short window of time. But with the hectic nature of the season comes an opportunity to refresh ourselves with the recommendations for Phosphorus application rates. Continue reading Fall is the perfect time to review the Phosphorus Loss Risk Assessment document for determining P application rates

Farm Science Review is just around the corner!

LONDON, Ohio – More than 50 companies will join the ranks as exhibitors for the 61st Farm Science Review Sept. 19-21 at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center. The new exhibitors represent various sectors in the agriculture industry including livestock handling, equipment advancements, agronomic technology, agricultural policy, and more.

Paulding County Extension Office has tickets for sale at a discounted price total of $10 per ticket. Tickets will be for sale until Monday, September 18 at noon. Continue reading Farm Science Review is just around the corner!

2023 Small Farm Conference Registration Open!

Ohio State Extension announced plans to host a Small Farm Conference in Mansfield Ohio on March 11, 2023.  The theme for this year’s Mid-Ohio Small Farm Conference is “Sowing Seeds for Success.”

Conference session topics are geared toward beginning and small farm owners as well as farms looking to diversify their operations.  There will be five different conference tracks including Farm Office, Horticulture and Produce Production, Livestock, Agritourism/ Marketing, and Natural Resources.

Some conference topic highlights include: How to purchase our family farm, food animal processing, beekeeping, sweet corn, blueberry and pumpkin production, small ruminant nutrition, agritourism laws, fruit tree pruning, and cut flower diseases.

Anyone interested in developing, growing, or diversifying their small farm is invited to attend including market gardeners, farmers market vendors, and anyone interested in small farm living.

Attendees will have the opportunity to browse a trade show featuring the newest and most innovative ideas and services for their farming operations. The conference provides an opportunity to talk with the vendors and network with others.

The Conference will take place from 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the Mansfield OSU Campus in Ovalwood Hall, just minutes from I-71 and US Rt 30.

For conference and registration call OSU Extension Morrow County at 419-947-1070 or OSU Extension Knox County at 740-397-0401. Please follow this link to register for the conference: https://go.osu.edu/2023osusmallfarmconf

2023 Session Descriptions

Small Farm Conference Brochure 2023

Ag Outlook – Great Lineup for Speakers on Tuesday, February 14

Join Defiance and Paulding County OSU Extension in Jewel, Ohio for the next Ag Outlook meeting on Tuesday, February 14 from 5:30 – 9:00 PM at the Jewell Community Center, 7900 Independence Rd., Defiance, OH 43512.


  • Welcome & Dinner—5:30 p.m. – Country-style dinner.
  • Commodity Grain Market Outlook, Seugnki Lee, PhD., Ohio State University, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics
  • Long-Term Care: Is the Farm at Risk? — Robert Moore, JD., OSU Extension, Attorney, OSU Agricultural & Resource Law Program
  • 2023 Weather Outlook – Aaron Wilson, PhD., OSU Extension, Assistant Professor and Field Specialist, Ag Weather, and Climate

Registration is preferred online @ https://go.osu.edu/23DefianceOutlook or call the Defiance County Extension office at 419-782-4771
CCA Credits Applied For and the Cost: $10.00/person

Check out the Official Flyer Here

Paulding County a host for Ohio Department of Agriculture Pesticide/Fertilizer Testing on February 7, February 23 and March 8

Testing for Private and Commercial Pesticide, Fertilizer Applicator License will take place on February 7, February 23, and March 8 in Paulding County at the Extension Office. While our office does not administer the test, we are the host and will do our best to provide you with information. Testing will start at 10:00 AM. You must pre-register via ODA’s website HERE. You will need to click the exam registration tab and choose exam by location as to where you want to sign up. Multiple exams may be taken during a session. Additionally, the Ohio Fertilizer Certification test is given at these locations.

General Information: Ohio Department of Agriculture offers an in-person testing option for Private and Commercial Pesticides examinations for 2023. Pre-registering with the Ohio Department of Agriculture is mandatory.

Day of in-person testing reminders: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ohio Department of Agriculture asks that every person taking the exam do a self-check before entering ODA’s campus or regional exam location. If you are feeling sick, please reschedule your exam.

  • Photo IDs will be required.
  • Pencils and calculators will be provided.


Need to check your pesticide test scores?  Go to this link: https://agri.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/oda/divisions/plant-health/pesticides/exam-results

Notes for Pesticide Testing Applicants must be 18 years of age and have a valid ID through the state of Ohio or potential for state reciprocity. Register via the ODA website.

New Factsheet: “Understanding How Soil Test Phosphorus Impacts Water Quality”

A factsheet discussing the relationship between the amount of Phosphorus in our soils and water quality, written by Greg LaBarge, Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems and Rachel Cochran, Water Quality Extension Associate at Ohio State University was released today. It discusses the importance of P management, as well as different studies that have examined the relationship between P levels and water quality. Many best practices for managing high P levels are discussed as well. View the factsheet at this link, or visit Ohioline and search for the factsheet ANR-0111.

January 31 – Private Pesticide Re-Certification and Private/Commercial Fertilizer Re-Certification registration open.

By now many of you who are up for certification for Private Pesticide or Commercial/Private Fertilizer (Category 15) are receiving letters your renewal letters from the Ohio Department of Agriculture. If you have completed your total hours for re-certification, you may mail the invoice and payment into ODA for the $30. This is called the RENEWAL fee. Many times this is confusing as you only do this once every three years. (There is also an option to pay the RENEWAL online at https://www.planthealthrenewal.agri.ohio.gov/ApplicatorPrivate/. To pay online with a debit/credit card, you will need to have the control ID/number on the back of your card. Unfortunately, if your card is worn out, and you can’t read the number, our office does not have access to it.  You would need to call ODA.)

If you have not taken the RE-CERTIFICATION classes, Paulding County is offering the class on Tuesday, January 31 (Fertilizer at 8:30 AM and Pesticide at 9:30 AM). The classes are $35 for Pesticides and $10 for fertilizer (If you need both, $45).  Online registration is required for the class. The link to register is http://go.osu.edu/PauldingPATFERT23.  You may send in registration and payment to Sarah Noggle, ATTN: PAT/FERT,  503 Fairground Drive, Paulding, OH 45879. You will need to print and include the following registration form with your payment. 2023 Paulding PAT and FERT Registration Flyer Debit/Credit card payments are available for 2023 but you must use the online registration.

If you have any questions please email Sarah at noggle.17@osu.edu

OSU Extension’s CLM Webinar Series is back for December!

Join OSU Extension’s Water Quality Team for the third installment of their Certified Livestock Manger (CLM) Webinar Series! The webinar to be held from 10-11:30AM on Monday, December 5th will discuss how to utilize manure as an organic fertilizer on your operation. Continue reading OSU Extension’s CLM Webinar Series is back for December!

March Edition of Farm Office Live

This month’s Farm Office Live will be held on March 16th, from 7 – 8:30 pm, and again on March 18th from 10 – 11:30 am. The Farm Office Team provides the latest outlook and updates on ag law, farm management, ag economics, farm business analysis, and other issues dealt with in your farm office.  Targeted to farmers and agribusiness stakeholders, our specialists digest the latest news and information and present it in an easy-to-understand format. To sign up for the webinar (and if you can’t attend the recording link) go to go.osu.edu/farmofficelive.

March topics will include

  • Updates on FSA programs
  • Federal Tax Law Update/Medicaid Planning Review
  • Financial Efficiency Review for Grain Farms
  • Fertilizer Update/Crop Budgets
  • Grain Marketing Outlook

Williams County Private Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification Meeting on March 21

Do you have a Private Pesticide Applicator’s License and/or Fertilizer Certification expiring in 2022 and missed our Paulding County Re-certification? These opportunities are getting limited. If so, register for the Williams County re-certification session on March 21 at the Veterans Memorial Building.

Fertilizer recertification (Category 15) will be from 5 – 6 pm and pesticide recertification (CORE & Categories 1-6) from 6 – 9 pm. Pre-registration is required at go.osu.edu/williamspat or 419-636-5608. Registration cost is $10 for fertilizer recertification and $35 for pesticide recertification and includes educational materials and refreshments. This is separate from the ODA $30 license renewal fee. Can’t attend? Check out https://pested.osu.edu/Recert/maumeevalley for more recertification opportunities.

Farm Office Live Scheduled for February 16th or 18th Online

We hope that you can join us this week for Farm Office Live.  The Farm Office Team provides the latest outlook and updates on ag law, farm management, ag economics, farm business analysis, and other issues dealt with in your farm office.  Targeted to farmers and agri-business stakeholders, our specialists digest the latest news and information and present it in an easy-to-understand format.

Farm Office Live will be held via zoom on February 16th from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm, and again on February 18th from 10:00 am – 11:30 am.

To register, or to watch recorded Farm Office Live episodes, please visit https://farmoffice.osu.edu/farmofficelive