Organic Grain Production Field Day – Marketing, Mindset and Weed Management

Organic grain equipment

Article is taken from by Cassandra BrownEric Richer, CCAEugene Law, PhD

The Ohio State University and the Organic Agronomy Training Service (OATS), will host the workshop “Organic Grain Production – Marketing, Mindset and Weed Management” on Monday, August 19 at Bishop Family Farms in Mount Blanchard, Ohio.

Organic grains can be profitable, but organic production and marketing are quite different from conventional practices. This all-day event will provide agricultural advisors and farmers an opportunity to better understand the unique challenges, tools, and benefits of organic grain production.

Programming runs from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with registration opening at 9:30 a.m. Morning sessions are centered around the 3 M’s crucial in organic transition: mindset, machinery, and marketing. Talks and panel discussions will feature experienced farmers and grain marketers, along with organic educators from OATS and Ohio State. After lunch, the focus is on organic weed management in grains, with machinery demonstrations and talks by workshop farmer speakers and Ohio State weed ecology specialist Eugene Law.

The cost of $20 includes a provided lunch. Up to 4 hours of CCA credits are also available. For more information and to register, please visit

Register today, space is limited.

Article is taken from

OSU Extension Muskingum County will host an introduction to artificial insemination of beef cattle on July 30 and August 1, 2024 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm at the Extension Office in Zanesville. This two-night workshop is a classroom event starting on night one and concluding with hands-on-practice on night two.

Topics that will be covered during this workshop include: Advanced Reproductive Tract Anatomy and Physiology, Estrous Synchronization, Pasture Considerations, Expected Progeny Differences (EPD’s), and Tools, Equipment, & Techniques. Program cost is $20 per person and RSVP’s are due July 25.  The classroom location is the meeting room at the Rural Services Building, 225 Underwood St, Zanesville, OH.

Please RSVP and register using the online webform and payment portal found at

Direct questions to Clifton Martin, Extension Educator, Muskingum County (740-454-0144), or to Dean Kreager, Extension Educator, Licking County (740-670-5315), or see this flyer.

Certified Crop Adviser Exam Online Study Course

Image Credit: United Soybean Board

Article is taken from by Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCALee Beers, CCAAmanda Douridas, CCAStephanie Karhoff, CCA

This online course will help those aspiring to become Certified Crop Advisers prepare for the program’s required exams. The self-paced course covers fundamental crop production concepts included in the local and International Certified Crop Adviser exam.

Key concepts in the program’s four competency areas of nutrient management, soil & water management, pest management, and crop management are covered. The course includes video instruction, example quizzes, and resource materials. The highlighted resource materials include free items such as factsheets and guides and for-sale publications available for more in-depth study.

Course instructors are seasoned Certified Crop Advisers with OSU Extension. Amanda Douridas, Madison County Ag/NR Extension Educator; Stephanie Karhoff, Field Specialist Agronomic Systems; Lee Beers, Trumbull County Ag/NR Extension Educator; and Greg LaBarge, Field Specialist Agronomic Systems serve as instructors.

Registration for the course is open now through October 31, 2024. Enrollees have 24/7 access to course content through December 31, 2024. The registration fee is $155. To register and make the secure online payment, use the link:

Find general information about the CCA program at Information on the Ohio program can be found at

Chronic Wasting Disease in Deer Workshop offered regionally

Are you a hunter, landowner, or wildlife enthusiast? If so, please join the Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife for an evening workshop about chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Ohio’s wild deer herd.

Chronic Wasting Disease in Ohio’s Wild Deer Herd: What You Need to Know

  • August 8 – Hardin County
  • August 12 – Union County
  • August 29 – Wyandot County
  • September 5 – Crawford County
  • September 10 – Allen County
  • September 12 – Marion County

 All workshops are 6:30 – 8:30 pm. See the attached flyer for more information.  

Each workshop will cover:

  • What is Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)?
  • Navigating Disease Surveillance Area Regulations
  • Carcass Handling Restrictions & Best Management Practices
  • Where and How to Test My Deer for CWD?
  • How does CWD impact Deer Management?

 There is no fee to attend these workshops. Due to space limitations, REGISTRATION is REQUIRED.

Visit to register.

Marne A. Titchenell, Wildlife Program Director, OSU Extension, School of Environment and Natural Resources, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, 210 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Rd, Columbus, OH 43210, 614-292-0402  Office,,

Youth Gardening to promote educational skills.

Youth is the heart of Paulding County! When we talk about opportunities to develop skills that last a lifetime, we are talking about those career development skills and life skills like time management, and hard work. Paulding County Extension is offering its fourth season of a youth gardening program starting on June 4, 2024, and running through August 6, 2024.

“This year, we have expanded the program to offer meal and snack possibilities from produce grown in the garden.”, shared Emma Horstman, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences.

We are inviting all youth ages 8-12 to join the Paulding County Extension Office in their children’s gardening and cooking summer program. This program is geared towards 8-12-year-old youth interested in gardening, cooking, and healthy eating. This goal is to attend all sessions and enrollment is limited to 20 youth.​ Registration is required by going to the link

The program aims to develop life and career skills while learning educational concepts in gardening and cooking. Youth will meet every Tuesday morning from 9:30 – 10:30 AM starting June 4 in the Youth Leadership Building, 503 Fairground Drive, Paulding, OH 45879. ​ Continue reading Youth Gardening to promote educational skills.

Celebrate our rivers at RiverFest 2024!

For the eighth year in a row, Defiance is celebrating the Maumee and Auglaize Rivers with RiverFest, hosted at Pontiac Park from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturday, June 29th, 2024. There will be activities, demonstrations, food, and fun for everyone! Bring your kids, ages 1 to 100 for Kids River Passport STEAM activities, including Project Wet and other demonstrations by Defiance Soil and Water Conservation District, Defiance City Schools, Defiance College Science Club, Yoga in the Park, Camp Lakota/Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts of Western Ohio, ODNR Scenic Rivers, OSU Extension, The Nature Conservancy, Maumee Watershed Alliance, and more! A living history encampment will provide a taste of local history, then you can grab a taste of current history by visiting one of the food trucks at the park! A kayak raffle will also be held during RiverFest! More information can be found at the Land To Lake website,, or Click here to view the event flyer.

23rd Annual Master Gardener Volunteer Plant Sale

The pop of color from a flower, the bees on the native plants, and the taste of a homegrown tomato are all aspects of spring and summer in NW Ohio and one the Paulding County Master Gardener Volunteers love. The 23rd annual sale will continue in 2024 with some changes. The sale will be one day only on Saturday, May 18th from 8:00 AM until 12:00 PM or until the plants are sold out. The sale will occur at the Paulding County Fairgrounds inside the Block Building at 503 Fairground Drive, Paulding, OH 45879.

Plants and more will still be available at the 2024 Paulding County Master Gardener Volunteer plant sale. The sale will include perennials, annual flowers, herbs, vegetables, trees, potting containers, natives, and shrubs. Most items are between $1-$10 each. The proceeds from the sale will go back into the community Master Gardener Volunteer projects and programs. Continue reading 23rd Annual Master Gardener Volunteer Plant Sale

Farm Doc Provides Look at PLC and ARC-CO Decision for 2024

Don’t miss the deadline of March 15, 2024.

OSU Extension appreciates permission to cross-post this article written by Farm Doc and published on January 16, 2024.

First Look at PLC and ARC-CO for 2024

by: Nick PaulsonGary Schnitkey, and Ryan Batts Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois, and Dr. Carl Zulauf, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics, Ohio State University

Because the 2018 Farm Bill was extended, farmers will have the same commodity title choices in 2024 as they have since 2019.  These include the Price Loss Coverage (PLC), Agricultural Risk Coverage at the county level (ARC-CO), and ARC at the individual level (ARC-IC) programs. For the first time, the effective reference prices in 2024 for corn ($4.01) and soybeans ($9.26) will be above statutory reference prices ($3.70 for corn, and $8.40 for soybeans). Wheat’s effective reference price will remain at the statutory level of $5.50.  Those effective reference prices are well below 2024 ARC benchmark prices: $4.85 for corn, $11.12 for soybeans, and 1 for wheat.  As illustrated in the recently updated 2024 Farm Bill What-If Tool — a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet — ARC-CO will trigger larger payments when county revenues are driven by low yields, while PLC payments may be larger with moderately low prices and higher yields, as well as in scenarios with extremely low prices.

Payments from either PLC, and ARC-CO remain relatively unlikely for corn, soybeans, and wheat, even with lower prices expected for 2024.  There is a higher likelihood of ARC-CO triggering payments on corn and soybean base acres given the higher benchmark prices compared with PLC’s effective reference prices. However, PLC may be attractive if an individual is concerned about corn and soybean prices falling below $3.75 and $9.00 per bushel, respectively.  In addition, producers interested in using the Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) insurance program will want to enroll in PLC.

Continue reading Farm Doc Provides Look at PLC and ARC-CO Decision for 2024

OSU Precision Livestock Farming education series

Technology is changing the way we manage plants and animals. When someone says Precision Agriculture, we often think about crop production but there are many opportunities for technology to enhance our abilities to care for livestock. This winter OSU Extension is offering a glimpse at some of these technologies through hour-long weekly webinars. Each week we will have an expert join us to discuss a precision livestock topic for the species of livestock they work with, or forage production. These technologies are allowing us to improve animal husbandry and management efficiency.

The webinars will be from Noon until 1:00 PM throughout the winter 2024 months on January 31, February 7, February 14, February 21, February 28, and March 6. You can register to attend all of the topics or just the one of interest to you.  Registration is located at or you can scan the QR Code below.  

Reach out to Jason Hartschuh at with questions. To see the official flyer on Precision Livestock Farming flyer

Monthly topics include:

  • January 31, 2024 – Utilizing Drones and remote imagery to determine forage quality and quantity in pastures and hay fields. Speaker: Dr. Josh Jackson, UK Extension
  • February 7, 2024 – How does precision livestock farming relate to swine health? Speaker: Dr. Talita Pilar Resende, OSU Extension
  • February 14, 2024 – Sprinkler Effects on Cooling Water Use, Litter Moisture, and Broiler House Environment. Speaker: Dr. Tom Tabler, UT Extension
  • February 21, 2024 – Benefits of Data collection at lambing using RFID and handheld recorders. Speaker: Dan Persons, Shearwell Data
  • February 28, 2024 – Activity and temperature monitoring systems for dairy calves, heifers, and cows, Speaker: Jason Hartschuh, OSU Extension
  • March 6, 2024 – Pen-side Diagnosis of BRD pathogen, Speaker: Mohit Verma, Purdue Extension

AEDE Economic Outlook and Policy Webinar Series 2024

The Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE) is hosting our annual Spring Monthly Webinar Series.

What are the key international issues with grain marketing in 2024? Do renewable energy needs ask too much of rural Americans? Uncertainty and rising prices have become fixtures in our financial and economic decision-making of late. This uncertainty and unrest have far-reaching impacts on not just our wallets but also on the very environment we live in. Join our expert economists for a new webinar series as we explore what’s going on in key commodity and labor markets. This series features a different AEDE economist breaking down an interesting topic every month throughout spring.

The Spring 2024 series schedule is below. Please register for each event you would like to attend separately by clicking the appropriate link on the AEDE website. Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email with a link to view the selected webinar(s) live at the scheduled time(s). Participants will receive an automated reminder email for all upcoming sessions they registered to attend. Those unable to join live should still register to receive a recording of the webinar. All webinars will also be posted on the AEDE YouTube channel’s playlist for the series shortly after they are given live.  Click here to register.

  • January 24 – Dr. Jared Grant: “An Influencer’s Impact: How Trust May Shape Food Demand”
  • February 21 – Dr. Seungki Lee and Dr. Ian Sheldon: “Grain Marketing in 2024: What are the Key International Issues?”
  • March 20 — Dr. Yao Wang: “Place-Based Economic Development: The Case of Intel”
  • April 17 — Dr. Mark Partridge: “Do Renewable Energy Needs Ask Too Much of Rural Americans? A View from Ohio.”
  • May 15 — Dr. Ale Hollingsworth: “Excess Emissions: Environmental Impacts, Health Effects, and Policy Debate.”
  • June 5 — Dr. Margaret Jodlowski: “Agricultural Labor Supply and Citizenship Status”

Upcoming Organic Grains Conference Registration Opens

Registration is open for the 2nd annual Ohio State Organic Grains Conference, January 4-5, 2024 at the Maumee Bay Lodge and Conference Center near Toledo, Ohio. The 2024 conference offers programming for experienced organic growers, growers transitioning to or considering organic, and consultants or educators who support these growers. Continue reading Upcoming Organic Grains Conference Registration Opens

Farm Science Review is just around the corner!

LONDON, Ohio – More than 50 companies will join the ranks as exhibitors for the 61st Farm Science Review Sept. 19-21 at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center. The new exhibitors represent various sectors in the agriculture industry including livestock handling, equipment advancements, agronomic technology, agricultural policy, and more.

Paulding County Extension Office has tickets for sale at a discounted price total of $10 per ticket. Tickets will be for sale until Monday, September 18 at noon. Continue reading Farm Science Review is just around the corner!

USDA National Ag Statistics Cash Rent Estimates release on Friday, August 25

The USDA NASS Ohio Cash Rent County Estimates for 2023 were released by NASS this past Friday. The attached Excel file contains the 2017 through 2023 county average estimates. This data can be accessed directly through NASS Quick Stats.

Ohio NASS will have their formatted summary for 2023 available sometime in the near future:

Attached is a Formatted PDF of the data for simpler viewing with a comparison of the change in cash rent for all counties in Ohio from 2017-2023.

Bio and Renewable Diesel Energy What the Future Holds Webinar

The OSU Extension Energy Outreach team will put on a program on renewable diesel energy on Sep 26, in lieu of our monthly meeting.  Please see the attached flyer for the link.

Join speakers from Ohio State University Extension, Clean Fuels Alliance America, Benchmark Biodiesel, and the Ohio Soybean Council to learn more about current trends in the soybean biodiesel market. Questions- Email: Dan Lima: or Gwynn Stewart:

DATE: Sept. 26, 2023

TIME:10:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m.

To register:

The virtual panel will include:

  1. Kirk Merritt from the Ohio Soybean Council
  2. Tom Verry from Clean Fuels Alliance America (formerly the National Biodiesel Association)
  3. Seungki Lee from OSU College of Food Agriculture and Environmental Science (Ag Economist)
  4. Page Tohorson from Benchmark Biodiesel- Private sector

The goal is to introduce the Bio/Renewable diesel market to the public/farmer.  We hope to highlight the market potential of this fuel for not only the public but the soybean producer as well.


The OSU Extension Energy Outreach Team

Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents Survey Summary 2022-23

The Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents Survey Summary 2022-23 has been published to the Farm Office page:

A blog post is also available highlighting the key findings:

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

By Sarah Noggle, OSU Extension, Paulding County

It is important to take a moment to reflect on the mental health challenges that farmers face year-round. Farming can be a rewarding profession, but it can also be incredibly demanding and isolating. From dealing with unpredictable weather and fluctuating markets to managing finances and family responsibilities, farmers carry a lot of stress on their shoulders.

The impact of mental health challenges on farmers is significant. According to a recent study by the American Farm Bureau Federation, 91% of farmers reported experiencing stress, anxiety, fatigue, or other mental health challenges. Furthermore, a 2020 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that farmers have a higher suicide rate than the general population.

It is clear that we need to prioritize farmers’ mental health. Here are some steps we can take:

  1. Raise awareness: Let’s start by talking openly about mental health challenges in the farming community. This can help reduce the stigma around seeking help and encourage farmers to prioritize their mental health.
  2. Provide resources: There are many resources available to farmers who are struggling with mental health challenges. These include hotlines, support groups, and counseling services. Let’s make sure that farmers know about these resources and how to access them. One such resource is the website
  3. Foster community: Farming can be an isolating profession, but it doesn’t have to be. Let’s work to build strong farming communities where farmers can connect with each other and provide support. Our Paulding County farm families have opportunities to connect.
  4. Advocate for policy change: Policies that support farmers, such as fair prices and access to healthcare, can help reduce the financial and emotional stress that farmers face. If you are struggling to locate these resources, please reach out to me (Sarah Noggle).

As members of the farming community, we all have a role to play in prioritizing farmers’ mental health. Let’s work together to ensure that every farmer has the support and resources they need to thrive. Our community has many partnerships. I believe in prevention via awareness of programs such as Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR). For more information visit our Ohio State Farm Stress website

Stay safe while planting this spring season.


Alfalfa Weevil is in the County

For those of you who have Alfalfa in the county, be on the lookout for Alfalfa weevil. These are pictures shared with me last week.  A few weeks ago in the CORN Newsletter information was shared about scouting for this pest.

Alfalfa fields should be scouted weekly for weevils until at least the first harvest.  Follow-up scouting may be needed after the first harvest in heavily infested fields.

Spot problem fields early by checking alfalfa tips for feeding damage – small holes and a tattered appearance.  Fields that have a south-facing slope tend to warm up sooner and need to be checked for weevil earlier.

Green alfalfa weevil larvae (the main feeding stage) at various growth stages, and brown adults. Photo by Julie Peterson, University of Nebraska.

Here is a video about scouting weevils in alfalfa: Continue reading Alfalfa Weevil is in the County

To mulch or not to mulch?

Are you planning on spreading mulch around your trees and landscape this year? Master Gardener Volunteers see this common practice of mulch placed under trees and right up the tree trunk!

Another mulch volcano! That is a big NO, NO! It’s important to keep mulch off the tree trunk because the covered tree trunk will grow roots under the mulch. As the new roots grow in the soft mulch, the deep roots begin to die off. Eventually, a tree with a weak root system could be blown over by a strong windstorm.

For more information on mulching trees see this excellent article written by Joe Boggs that can be found on the OSU Buckeye Yard & Garden onLine (BYGL),

The Importance of Responding to NASS Surveys

USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) conducts hundreds of surveys every year and prepares reports covering virtually every aspect of U.S. agriculture.

If you receive a survey questionnaire, please respond quickly and online if possible.

The results of the surveys help determine the structure of USDA farm programs, such as soil rental rates for the Conservation Reserve Program and prices and yields used for the Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage programs. This county-level data is critical for USDA farm payment determinations. Survey responses also help associations, businesses, and policymakers advocate for their industry and help educate others on the importance of agriculture.

NASS safeguards the privacy of all respondents and publishes only aggregate data, ensuring that no individual operation or producer can be identified.

NASS data is available online at and through the searchable Quick Stats database. Watch a video on how NASS data is used at