Do You Shop on Amazon?

Help the Fairfield County 4-H Advisory Committee raise money for the county 4-H program while shopping at no additional cost to you! Want to know more?

Here’s How:

  1. Use this link:


  1. Follow these Steps:
  • Go to
  • Sign in with your current Amazon account or create a new account
  • In the upper right corner where it says “Hello, Your Name”, use the drop down menu to find ‘change your charity’ and click on that link.
  • Search for “Fairfield County OH 4-H Advisory Committee” as the charitable organization you want to support.
  • Every time you shop on Amazon, make sure you start from the Amazon Smile page because the Advisory committee gets 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products
  • There is no cost to you when using this program and Amazon Smile makes the donation after you make your purchase.
  • Please share this with all of your 4-H members, and help us make this fundraiser a great success! Thank you for supporting the 4-H program in Fairfield County!