Ohio 4-H Small Garden Virtual SPIN Club

Ohio 4-H Small Garden Virtual SPIN Club

Have fun in this virtual 4-H Special Interest SPIN Club learning how to make small gardens from easy to find items. Activities include seed starting, seed bombs, repurposing containers for the garden, herb and pizza gardens, terrariums, succulents, garden art, imagination gardens, and more!

Every Tuesday at 3:30-4:30pm from May 28 to July 9

Location: ONLNE! Register at go.osu.edu/gardenspinclub

Cost: FREE!

Details: Open to ANY youth grades 3-12. Limited to the first 25 to enroll

Contact information: Sue Hogan, Franklin County, Hogan.239@osu.edu


4-H Display Barn – Booth Information, Theme, Volunteers Needed!

The 4-H Display Barn will house all still projects! Clubs will have a booth in this building and all projects will go in your booth. Gardening/Crops entries should be brought to the 4-H Display Barn during setup times and will be displayed together in a central location in the AGmazing AgriCenter (Ed Sands Building). Please check with the 4-H Display Barn staff present at setup to complete an exhibit card.

If your club is not requesting a booth, there will be a special area in the 4-H Display Barn for your member’s projects to be displayed. A reminder that in order for a member to receive a premium for their project, it MUST BE DISPLAYED the entire week of the fair!

We do not have a 4-H theme for 2019. Clubs should decorate their booth using the theme of their choice. Please note, no straw is permitted in the displays including bales). The use of feathers of any kind are prohibited for any type of display at the Fairfield County Fair. To view a booth score rubric, see the Club Advisors Resources on our website!

To request a booth, one advisor from your club should fill out the 2019 BOOTH REQUEST and VOLUNTEER SHEET that was emailed to them earlier this month. It needs to be submitted by Friday, September 6th. Please list how many projects your club has and specify
the size of the items. There will be a formula used to give clubs a fair/equal amount of space for each project.

Continuing in 2019: With the update of panels for booths that are not against the wall, these booths will be on 4 foot increments (4×4 ft, 4×8 ft, 4×12 ft, etc.). The outside wall booth sizes will be the same as before.

Display Barn Setup is 1:00 – 7:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday, October 4th and 5th (NO SUNDAY SETUP!).

Display Barn Tear Down is Sunday, October 13th, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. No booths or projects may be removed prior to this time!

Display Barn Guards: To help cut down on vandalism or theft in the barns, all clubs with booths in the 4-H Display Barn are REQUIRED to sign up for at least one – 2 hour period to guard and keep an eye on displays in the 4-H Display Barn. During your club shift(s), we ask that you have at least two people per club – one adult and one person age 16 or older. They can be parents, advisors, or older 4-H members. The guards watch the area and answer visitors’ questions. Please contact your club advisor or call the Extension Office to sign-up for a shift. If you know the names of those who will be representing your club during those days and times, please also include their names. Please share all the days and times you are able to help. (Note: You will not be placed in every time you list—that will just assist in the process of acquiring

2019 Ohio State Fair Non-Livestock Results

The non-livestock results from the 2019 Ohio State Fair are posted online. Click here to see a complete list.

Creative Arts

  • Scrapbooking, Senior – Hannah Kitsmiller, Outstanding of the Day
  • Scrapbooking (2nd Year or More), Junior – Moriah Ewen, Outstanding of the Day


  • Demonstration (Senior Individual – Age 14+) – Gabriella Gugliemotto, Outstanding of the Day

Engineering Excitement

  • Knot Just Knots – Senior – Kaylor Byrd, Clock Trophy


  • Terrific Tops – Raegan Needs, Outstanding of the Day
  • Sundresses & Jumpers – Rachel Sponseller, Outstanding of the Day
  • Sew Fun, Senior – Kathleen Slaby, Outstanding of the Day
  • Look Great for Less, Senior – Anna Fusek, Outstanding of the Day
  • Ready, Set, Sew Active! – Cece Woods, Outstanding of the Day
  • Clothing Skillathon (Tuesday) – Emily Hendershot, 2nd Place Intermediate; Mary Cate Kitsmiller, 4th Place Intermediate; Cara Luallen, 2nd Place Senior; Adrienne Miller, 3rd Place Senior; Hannah Kitsmiller, 4th Place Senior
  • Clothing Skillathon (Thursday) – Cece Woods, 4th Place Intermediate

Food and Nutrition

  • Let’s Bake Quick Breads, Junior – Julia Ribo, Outstanding of the Day
  • Racing the Clock to Awesome Meals, Senior – Olivia Spillers, Outstanding of the Day
  • Dashboard Dining, Senior – Anna Woods, Outstanding of the Day
  • Snack Attack, Senior – Caleb Hayes, Outstanding of the Day
  • Everyday Food & Fitness, Junior – Caroline Kitsmiller, Outstanding of the Day


  • Your Thoughts Matter, Senior – Hannah Kitsmiller, Outstanding of the Day
  • Health & Safety Speaking Contest, Junior, Caroline Endsley – Clock Trophy


  • Club Leadership – Chase Hamilton, Outstanding of the Day
  • Finding Your Voice: Public Speaking, Senior – Gabriella Gugliemotto, Outstanding of the Day
  • Teens on Board – Hannah Henry, Outstanding of the Day
  • Leadership Road Trip – Dalton Henry, Outstanding of the Day

Natural Resources 

  • Shooting Sports – Archery, Senior – Sara Hayes, Outstanding of the Day
  • Shooting Sports – Shotgun, Junior – Jaycie Spires, Outstanding of the Day
  • Explore the Outdoors – Kate Johnson, Outstanding of the Day
  • Trapping Muskrats in Ohio – Tommy Wolfe, Clock Trophy
  • Growing with the Seasons – Ellie Burns, Outstanding of the Day
  • Geology – Can You Dig It? – Dominic Woods, Outstanding of the Day
  • Self Determined, Natural Resources – Jaela Kim, Outstanding of the Day


  • You Can Quilt, Senior – Hannah Henry, Clock Trophy
  • Self Determined Quilting, Senior – Allie Carter, Clock Trophy


  • All Systems Go! (Vet Science 2) – Gabriella Gugliemotto, Outstanding of the Day
  • Rockets Away (Solid Fuel Rockets) – Dominic Woods, Outstanding of the Day
  • Solid Fuel Rocketry Master – Caden Sweeney, Clock Trophy

Self Determined

  • Emma Morton, Outstanding


  • Making the Cut, Junior – Tessa Simmons, Outstanding of the Day

Workforce Prep

  • Junior – Chase Hamilton, Outstanding of the Day
  • Senior – Hannah Henry, Clock Trophy
  • Senior – Emmalee Preston, Outstanding of the Day

Final Reminder – Sign up for Summer Judging!

The sign ups for summer judging opened Friday afternoon, June 14th.  By participating in this judging, you may be selected to represent Fairfield County at the Ohio State Fair.  If you need to know what projects are being judged what days at the state fair, they are available at this link.

To participate in judging you’ll need to schedule an appointment using the following instructions (Registration will close on July 3rd):

  • Go to https://oh.4honline.com to log into your account using the same email and password you used to register for 4-H this year.  Please remember to use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as your web browser.  Also, use a regular computer, not your phone please. 
    • If you don’t know which email you used, reply to this email or contact the extension office (740-652-7260)
  • Once you are logged into your account, you should be on the page with ‘Announcements and Newsletters’ as well as an arrow that says ‘go to family’. Directly above the “Announcements and Newsletters” you will find the My Meetings section in small blue font. Select My Meetings. If you are not on this page, please select the house symbol on the top right of your profile to get to the page.
  • This will show your available meetings.  There should be the 4 days of judging listed.  Choose the correct project area and go to the far right to the blue ‘Sign Up‘.
  • Use the drop down box to select the correct family member and then the topic (which we have as project number).  Once you have selected the project number, the times will populate.  Use the drop down box to select the time you would like for judging. There are projects being judged by more than one judge, so please check the second (or third) judge as well to see if they have a time available that fits your schedule better.  If there are multiple judges, you only need to sign up with 1 judge. Multiple judges mean there are more members signed up for the project that one judge can complete in a scheduled day.
  • If you have problems getting your judging scheduled, please contact Missy at 740-652-7264 or koenig.398@osu.edu.
  • We also have additional instructions on the website at https://fairfield.osu.edu/sites/fairfield/files/imce/4hPDFs/Scheduling%20Judging%20Times.pdf

It’s time to sign up for Summer Judging!

Summer judging will be held the week of July 8-11th.  Please see your member handbook pages 9 & 10 for the specific projects being judged each day.  The sign up is now ready for you to use! Registration will close on July 3rd!

You will register for judging through 4-H online. Go to https://oh.4honline.com to log into your account using the same email and password you used to register for 4-H this year.  If you don’t know which email you used, contact your club advisor or the extension office (740-652-7260).

Once you are logged into your account, you should be on the page with ‘Announcements and Newsletters’ as well as an arrow that says ‘go to family’. Directly above the “Announcements and Newsletters” you will find the My Meetings section in small blue font. Select My Meetings. If you are not on this page, please select the house symbol on the top right of your profile to get to the page.

This will show your available meetings.  There should be the 4 days of judging listed.  Choose the correct project area and go to the far right to the blue ‘Sign Up‘.

Use the drop down box to select the correct family member and then the topic (which we have as project number).  Once you have selected the project number, the times will populate.  Use the drop down box to select the time you would like for judging. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday judging times are in 15 minute increments.  Thursday Clothing judging is in 20 minute increments. There are projects being judged by more that one judge, so please check the second (or third) judge as well to see if they have a time available that fits your schedule better.

If you have problems getting your judging scheduled, please contact Missy at 740-652-7264 or koenig.398@osu.edu.

Please call 740-652-7260 to sign up for late judging on July 23rd if you can’t make it to Summer Judging.

Exhibitor Premiums

If you completed a project during summer judging and have the project exhibited at the fair, you are eligible to receive the premium award based on the grade you received.  Stop by the little red building east of the Junior Fair Office (on top of the hill) and pick up your premium.  For those of you that are showing this week at the fair, you can get your premium the day AFTER your show.  The ladies working in the premium office need your grade before they can give you your premium, and we need until the following morning to get them copies.

4-H Booths and 4-H Display Barn – Fair Information

The 4-H Display Barn will house ALL still projects. Clubs who submitted a booth request by September 7th will receive a letter from our office with the location of your booth and other fair details in a couple weeks. If your club has a booth, all still projects will go in the club’s booth.

Gardening/Crop Projects will be brought to the 4-H Display Barn during set-up times and will be displayed together in a central location in the AgMazing AgriCenter (Ed Sands Building). Please check with the 4-H Display Barn staff present to complete an exhibit card.

There will be a special area in the 4-H Display Barn for all State Fair Clothing Participants – so these projects will not be displayed in the club’s booth.

If your club is not having a booth, there will be a special area in the 4-H Display Barn for your member’s projects to be displayed. A reminder that in order for a member to receive a premium for their project, it MUST BE DISPLAYED the entire week of the fair! 

As a reminder, there is not a them for the 4-H Display Barn this year – it’s your club’s choice! Please note, no straw is permitted in the displays including bales! The use of feathers is also prohibited from 4-H Display Barn displays.

4-H Display Barn Setup will be Friday, October 5th from 1:00 – 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, October 6th from 1:00 – 7:00 p.m. 4-H Display Barn Tear Down is Sunday, October 14th from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. ONLY – no early removals!

Please Remember to THANK YOUR SPONSORS!

We need to make sure our sponsors receive thanks and appreciation for supporting Fairfield County’s youth. This would include applying for the Bertha Wilson Scholarship, receiving awards at Summerfest, as well as receiving awards at the Fairfield County Junior Fair.

Please make sure if you are receiving awards (or have received awards already this year), to write a thank you note to your sponsor for these awards. Several people took lots of time making sure there was an address label for your particular sponsor on the back of rosettes/ribbons and attached to trophies.

Please note that we often lose sponsors because they do not receive a note of appreciation and thanks from our youth members receiving the awards that they have sponsored. If a member is not sure of their sponsor for an award received at Summerfest or the Fair, please contact the Extension Office and we will help you get the information you need.

We also strongly encourage youth to share information about their project, award(s) received, and perhaps a picture! Sponsors really enjoy reading this information.

Please Remember to THANK YOUR SPONSORS!

We need to make sure our sponsors receive thanks and appreciation for supporting Fairfield County’s youth. This would include applying for the Bertha Wilson Scholarship, receiving awards at Summerfest, as well as receiving awards at the Fairfield County Junior Fair.

Please make sure if you are receiving awards (or have received awards already this year), to write a thank you note to your sponsor for these awards. Several people took lots of time making sure there was an address label for your particular sponsor on the back of rosettes/ribbons and attached to trophies.

Please note that we often lose sponsors because they do not receive a note of appreciation and thanks from our youth members receiving the awards that they have sponsored. If a member is not sure of their sponsor for an award received at Summerfest or the Fair, please contact the Extension Office and we will help you get the information you need.

We also strongly encourage youth to share information about their project, award(s) received, and perhaps a picture! Sponsors really enjoy reading this information.

4-H Fall Flower Sale at Lancaster Greenhouse: September 15th and 16th!

Are you ready for fall?

Come support the Fairfield County 4-H Advisory Committee by shopping at Lancaster Greenhouse and Nursery on September 15th and 16th, 2018. Hours are 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Saturday and 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Sunday.

This is a fundraising event for the 4-H Advisory Committee. The 4-H Advisory Committee supports county 4-H programming for all youth members and adult volunteers including, but not limited to: awards and banquets, trips and scholarships, printing costs, special programming costs and more!

Supporters must present coupon at the time of purchase and 15% will go directly to the Fairfield County 4-H Program. Please share this post with family members and friends! We will post this coupon the blog next week!