Missing the Junior Fair Livestock Contests at the 2020 County Fair? Find all the details to watch the shows online here!

All of the details regarding the live streaming of the Fairfield County Junior Fair Livestock shows is here. There will be 2 live streams: One from the Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Show Arena and one from the Feeder Creek Show Arena. Please note: all shows in the Round Dairy Barn and the Horse arena will be recorded in their entirety and be ready for viewing following the completion of the live stream in the Feeder Creek Show Arena. Thumb drives will be available for purchase for each of the daily show activities. Contact the Senior Fair Board office to pre-order at 740-653-3041.

2020 Junior Fair Updates (by specie) as of 9/23/2020 are posted!

2020 Junior Fair Updates by specie have been organized and posted by specie on the OSU Extension/4-H website. Please note that this information is current as of 9/23/2020 and is subject to change. Updated documents will be reposted to this site with the updated date noted next to the specie should that need to happen. http://go.osu.edu/2020fairinfo

Please take the time to read all updates as it pertains to your family and Junior Fair participation this year. Please review the 2020 General Rules and Modified Junior Fair Schedule listed at the top of this page. Additionally, since no updated rule book was printed for 2020, it is important to read the 2019 Junior Fair Book rules as well for your respective specie. All of this information is listed on this page of the website.

Please reach out if you have any questions at all!

Here is a screenshot of our OSU Extension/4-H website where the updates are posted. Below the 2020 updates, you will find links to the 2019 Junior Fair Rule Book.

2020 4-H//FFA Project Book Review – PLEASE READ!

4-H members are required to complete a project or record book each year for each of the projects in which they are enrolled. In past years, advisors reviewed project books for livestock, horse, gardening/crop projects at the club level – unless members pursued the Premier Exhibitor Contest, where they turned in their project book at the fair to compete in the Project Book Contest.

Likewise, FFA members are required to complete project records for their Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) projects through AET. If FFA members chose to participate in Premier Exhibitor in the past, they also turned in a printed version of their project records from AET to be reviewed in the Project Book Contest.

In 2020, Skillathons returned to the Fairfield County Junior Fair and the Project Book Contest and Premier Exhibitor Test have been discontinued for the Premier Exhibitor Contests. Originally, our plan was to have project books reviewed as a station of in-person Skillathons. The books would have been quickly reviewed in person by a judge who also would have interviewed the exhibitors on what they have learned from their 4-H/FFA project(s). Due to COVID-19 and moving Skillathons virtually, this in-person book review could not take place and an alternative plan was established.

Our alternative plan to review project books this year will be a county level review. 4-H Project/Record Books will be reviewed by 4-H Staff at the Extension Office while FFA Record Books will be reviewed by each FFA Advisor in their respective chapters.

What do exhibitors need to do?

  • Each member will need to turn in a project book for each project you plan to bring to the fair. This includes: All Beef (breeding, market, feeders, dairy beef feeders), Hogs, Sheep (breeding, market), Goats (meat does, market wethers, dairy, pygmy), Poultry, Rabbits (breeding, market – NOT Pet Rabbits), Horses, Dairy (breeding), and Llamas/Alpacas.
  • Records should be completed through September 18th. We understand there are portions of your book(s) that cannot be finished until after fair (i.e. profit/loss statements). We also know that you could not do everything you normally could have done this year with regard to citizenship, leadership, and project activities – but please update these sections of your book(s) the best you can for what you were able to do this year. Complete as much of your book as possible through September 18th.
  • For project completion requirements for each species, please review the 4-H Project Guidelines for Fair Projects.
  • If more work does need to be completed in project books (i.e. a book is turned in with numerous pages not filled out), you should expect to get a phone call asking you to pick-up your book and work on it more in order for it to be complete and be eligible to show at the fair.
  • Remember: Exhibition at the fair is an option beyond completion of 4-H and FFA projects. It is a privilege, not a right. You must be a member in good standing with your 4-H Club/FFA Chapter in order to show at the fair. One of the requirements for both organizations is completed project/record books.
  • Families can choose to drop off books on their own but should communicate that with their club advisor(s).

What do 4-H advisors need to do?

  • Sign the front covers of the 4-H Project Books!
  • Help with book collection and drop off at the Extension Office.
  • Books can be dropped in a box/tote provided by the club at the front door of the Extension Office. Or, you may place books in tote that we will place outside the Extension Office. No appointments are needed for book drop-off only.
  • Families can choose to drop off books on their own but should communicate that with you.

Drop-off schedule:

  • Monday, September 21st from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday, September 22nd from 9:00 a.m. – 7:15 p.m.
  • Wednesday, September 23rd from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, September 24th from 9:00 a.m. – 7:15 p.m.
  • Friday, September 25th from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

How will 4-H Staff/FFA Advisors review books?

  • We will not be using a rubric.
  • We will be looking for current, up to date records for this year.
  • We expect the book to be completed for the projects that are taken.
  • We expect the front cover of the book to be completed and legible.
  • We expect members to complete their own project/record books.
  • A quick project/record book review will take place prior to fair. If more work needs to be done in a 4-H project/record book prior to fair (i.e. a book is turned in with numerous pages not filled out), we will contact the exhibitor to pickup their book(s) and to work on it more in order for it to be complete and be eligible to show at the fair.
  • We will keep books until after fair to allow for a more thorough review books and so we can provide feedback on how 4-H members can learn and make their books better. This is meant to be a learning process this year, much like learning how the Skillathons were going to be for the first time this year. Books will be returned in December when 4-H Advisors pick-up Livestock Sale Checks on behalf of the club.

Details on 4-H Project Books:

The newer 4-H livestock record books are designed to include records for all projects taken in that specie. Add additional pages if needed if you are keeping separate records (i.e. pygmy vs. dairy goats). If you are taking more than one project in a specie, you should fill out all information applicable for those projects in your 4-H record book (market, breeding, feeders, etc). Those projects that share ONE 4-H record book are as follows:

  • ONE (135) Project/Record Book should be turned in for all 4-H Goat Projects:
    • (135BD) Dairy Goats
    • (135BM) Breeding Meat Goats
    • (135M) Market Goats
    • (135PY) Pygmy Goats
  • ONE (117) Beef Project/ Record Book should be turned in for all 4-H Beef Projects:
    • (117B) Beef Breeding
    • (117DF) Dairy Beef Feeder
    • (117M) Market Beef
    • (117BF) Beef Feeder
  • ONE (150) Poultry Project and Record Book should be turned in for all 4-H Poultry Projects:
    • (150CE) Chicken, Exhibition
    • (150CM) Chicken, Market
    • (150CEP) Chicken, Egg Production: Hens and Pullets
    • (150DE) Duck, Exhibition
    • (150DM Duck, Market
    • (150GE) Goose, Exhibition
    • (150TE) Turkey, Exhibition
    • (150TM) Turkey, Market
    • (150H) Helmeted Guinea Fowl
  • ONE (190R) Equine Record Book for the following Horse Projects:
    • (174) Beginning Horse Management*
      • *First year members taking (174) Beginning Horse Management can turn in this book with completed records for their first year and do not need to turn in the (190R) Equine Record Book. For second year and up, members taking (174) Beginning Horse Management should turn in the (190R) Equine Record Book.
    • (175) Light Horse Selection
    • (177) Horse Training: How to Talk to Your Horse
    • (180) Learning to Jump
    • (181) Draft Horse
    • (182) Small Equine
    • (184) Standardbred Horses
    • (185) Equine Reproduction and Genetics
    • (188) Trail Riding
    • (189) Dressage
    • (762) Horse Nutrition

The 4-H livestock record books that have not been updated by Ohio 4-H in recent years have separate books for breeding and market. 4-H members taking both market and breeding should be completing a book for each project.

  • SEPARATE Record/Project Books should be turned in for (199) Sheep Breeding and (198) Market Lambs.
  • SEPARATE Record/Project Books should be turned in for (225) Breeding Rabbits and (226) Market Rabbits.
  • SEPARATE Record Books should be turned in for (122 ) Dairy Heifers and (126) Dairy Cows.

Additional books that should be completed for the following projects:

  • Market Hogs: (139) Market Hog Project and Record Book
  • Llama/Alpaca: (132) Llama and Alpaca Project and Record Book
  • Pigeons: (365.22) Self Determined Idea Starter: Pigeons

Book Drop-Off Exceptions:

  • You and Your Dog exhibitors will keep books and bring with them to Dog Judging at the fair on Sunday, October 11th.
  • Companion Animal (including 227 Pet Rabbit) exhibitors will keep books and bring with them to Companion Animal Judging at the fair on Sunday, October 11th.
  • 4-H Gardening/Crop Project exhibitors will keep books and bring with them when they drop off their fair display on Saturday, October 10th between 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. in the 4-H Display Barn.
  • Cakes/Pies/Candies exhibitors will keep books and bring with them to Cakes/Pies/Candies Judging at the fair on Monday, October 12th.

Additional questions can be addressed to Leslie Cooksey, 4-H Extension Educator, by email at cooksey.25@osu.edu. Additionally, feel free to listen to this recording of an interview with Connie Smith featured on 88.9 The Farm Page on Saturday, September 12th where 4-H and FFA project/record books are discussed: https://u.osu.edu/thenews/files/2020/09/LeslieBooks.2020.mp3

 For a printable version of this information, click here: 2020 Project Book Information

Junior Fair Schedule Update as of 8/28/2020 – PLEASE READ!

There have been many hours and planning put in to discuss Junior Fair options for the 2020 Fairfield County Fair. There is no doubt that the 2020 Fairfield County Junior Fair will be different – but we are doing everything to plan a fair for our 4-H and FFA members to showcase their projects they have been working hard on. These decisions are difficult and sometimes ever changing. We understand there is a lot to keep up with and we appreciate your patience and flexibility. Please note that multiple meetings have taken place by various groups of volunteers, FFA Advisors, 4-H Educators, Junior Fair Directors, Senior Fair Board members, and Superintendents. They have done so with the kids in mind every step of the way. More details will be forthcoming as it relates to health and safety expectations, how each specie will run their show with safety precautions, animal release details for each specie, camping, and admission. The 2020 Junior Fair will not be open to the public. Plans are in the works to provide a live broadcast for most shows/judgings during fair week.

The main ideas on the following schedule are as follows:

  • We wanted to keep the same days and times for judging as best we could.
  • Buyer feedback confirmed that an in-person sale will continue as planned on Thursday at 5:00 p.m. and Friday at 10:00 a.m.
  • There are changes to animal arrival/weigh-ins/dismissal and many of the details are still being confirmed.
  • We also need to limit the number people on the grounds – which is why some weigh-ins have been moved, some species have decided to trailer in/trailer out, and early release times.

All of these decisions are for 2020 only. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Junior Fair Director, Chuck Miller, (keywest100@att.net) or 4-H Educator, Leslie Cooksey, (cooksey.25@osu.edu).

As approved by the Fairfield County Senior Fair Board as of 8/25/2020:

Fairfield County Junior Fair Program 2020

Friday August 28th

4 p.m. All Junior Fair Entries are due in the Senior Fair Office

Tuesday September 1st

8 a.m. Junior Fair Virtual Skillathons open on-line for all Junior Fair Exhibitors (information will be sent by email and posted on the 4-H Blog). Click here for more information.

Friday September 4th

All Junior Fair Livestock Exhibitors must have completed Quality Assurance.

Friday September 11th

4 p.m. Junior Fair Queen, Commodity Representatives, and Friend of the Junior Fair Award Applications are due at the OSU Extension Office.

Sunday September 20th

In-person Skillathon (by appointment) for those needing internet access. Click here for more information.

Monday September 21st

8 a.m. Project books completed through September 18th may start to be turned into the OSU Extension Office by way of the 4-H/FFA Advisor. (Last day to turn in is Friday, September 25th 4 p.m.).

6 p.m. Lamb & Wool Queen Applications due to Trish Preston: e-mail Trish at raridanpreston1@gmail.com

8 p.m. Must have completed the Virtual Skillathon.

Tuesday September 22nd

6 p.m. Queen Finalist Interviews, Location TBA

Friday September 25th

4 p.m. Project Books completed through September 18th must be turned into the OSU Extension Office – Advisors must have all members books turned in by 4 p.m.

6 p.m. All beef exhibitors must contact Chris Turner, Beef Superintendent, to inform him if you are stalling in the barn or tying out your beef project at the fair. Email Chris at turnerc@libertyunion.org

Sunday September 27th

1 p.m. Barrow MQP Show – Feeder Creek Vet Arena.

Wednesday September 30th

7 p.m. Show Committee Meeting – Zoom or Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building, Location TBD

Sunday October 4th

12:30 p.m. Sheep MQP – Feeder Creek Vet Arena

Saturday October 10th

8:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. Swine Weigh-In & Check-In – Swine Barn

9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Breeding Rabbit Check-In – # 50 Building – DO NOT BRING YOUR BREEDING ANIMAL, but you must check in with Rabbit Committee to verify your classes for Thursday’s Show.

9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Market Rabbit Weigh In & Tagging – # 50 Building – You may bring up to two pairs (1 fryer pair, 1 roaster pair). Market rabbits will be placed in cages after weigh-in and stay at the fair.

1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Market Beef & Feeder Weigh-In – Beef Barn

1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Beef Heifer & Feeder Weigh-In & Check-In.

4 p.m. All 4-H/FFA Shop and Crop Exhibits must be in place in the 4-H Display Barn.

Sunday October 11th

8 a.m. Dog Show Registration and Show – Feeder Creek Vet Show Arena

TBD – Junior Fair Livestock Judging Contest

10 a.m. Companion Animal Show – Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building

10 a.m. Market Sheep arrival and to be penned in the AAA Building

11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Market Sheep Weigh-In & tag checking – AAA Building

12 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Market Chicken & Market Duck Weigh-In # 19 Poultry Building – Market Animals will be housed at Poultry Barn until show on Monday.

12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Breeding Poultry Projects & Turkey Projects – Check-In and verify your classes with the Poultry Committee – # 19 Poultry Building. (DO NOT BRING YOUR BREEDING ANIMALS UNTIL POULTRY SHOW ON MONDAY).

12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Pygmy Goat Check-In – Round Cattle

3 p.m. Swine Showmanship – Feeder Creek Vet Arena

4 to 5 p.m. Dairy Feeder Weigh-In – Round Cattle Barn

6 p.m. Junior Fair Queen Contest (By Invitation only)

Monday October 12th

8 a.m. Opening Ceremony & Queen Announcement and attendants – Ricketts Hall (by Invitation Only)

8 a.m. Poultry Turkey and Breeding Animals should arrive for Show – Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building

8:30 a.m. Market Swine Show – Feeder Creek Vet Arena

9 a.m. Poultry Show (Turkey & Showmanship) – Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building

11 a.m. Pygmy Goat Show – Round Cattle Barn

12:30 p.m. Poultry Show (Market & Breeding) Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building

3 p.m. Cakes, Pies, and Candies Judging – 4-H Display (1:30 to 3 p.m. for Zoom, if requested)

4 p.m. Market Goat Weigh – In AAA Building

Tuesday October 13th

7:30 a.m. Dairy Goat Check-In – AAA- Building (animals will be trucked in and trucked out)

8:30 a.m. Dairy Feeder Show – Round Cattle Barn

9 a.m. Dairy Goat Show – Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building

10 a.m. Beef Show, Breeding, Feeders, Steers – Feeder Creek Vet Show Arena

12 p.m. Meat Doe and Market Wether Goat Show – Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building

Wednesday October 14th

8:30 a.m. Horse Show Competition (Classes 1 through 33) – Horse Show Outdoor Arena

8:30 a.m. Sheep Show (Showmanship – starting with Seniors, Breeding, Under/Over Market Class, Lunch Break, Market) – Feeder Creek Vet Show Arena

8:30 a.m. Market Rabbit Show – Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building

10 a.m. Dairy Cattle Breeding Show and Showmanship – Round Cattle Barn

12:30 p.m. Rabbit Showmanship – Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building (No animals required)

Thursday October 15th

9 a.m. Horse Show (Classes 34 through 64) – Outdoor Horse Arena

TBD Super Showmanship

10 a.m. Alpaca Show – Round Cattle Barn (Truck in day of show)

10 a.m. Breeding Rabbits should arrive at the Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building (Must be checked in on Saturday October 10th with Rabbit Committee to show.

12 p.m. Rabbit Breeding Show – Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building

5 p.m. Junior Fair Livestock Auction Session 1 – (Market Beef, Dairy Products, Dairy Feeder, Swine) Feeder Creek Vet Arena

Friday October 16th

9 a.m. Junior Fair Livestock Champions on Display #50 Building

9 a.m. Rain Date for Horse Show – Outdoor Horse Arena

10:00 a.m. Junior Fair Livestock Auction Session 2 – (Market Lambs, Market Rabbits, Market Poultry, Dairy Goat Products, Market Goats) – Feeder Creek Vet Show Arena


*** Animals will be released following your show (both market & breeding) except for Champion and Reserve Champion Market Beef/Market Goats/Market Sheep/Market Swine. The exact time you can remove your animals will be determined by Junior Fair Director and Superintendents of your show and will be announced.

The Fairfield County Fair Board has set a 10 p.m. curfew for the grounds each day as requested by the Governor at 10 p.m. No exhibitors or parents should be in the buildings so cleaning can be taking place.












Sponsors Needed for Junior Fair Awards (Updated list as of 8/28/2020)

Award sponsors should have received their invoices to make payment toward sponsoring 2020 Junior Fair Awards. Please send payment in as soon as possible. If questions, contact Ashleigh Traster at 740-503-4980 or by email at ashleigh.trasterffw3@gmail.com. Please note, Ashleigh is the new Junior Fair Awards Coordinator!

The following awards are currently not sponsored for 2020 as of August 28, 2020. Please contact Ashleigh (contact information listed above) to be sure the award is still available. Thank you in advance!

Book 1 – Dairy

  • 2nd-6th Place Jr. Dairy Market Feeder Showman – 5 Rosettes at $4.50 each
  • 2nd-6th Place Beginner Dairy Feeder Showman – 5 Rosettes at $4.50 each
  • 4th-5th Place Dairy Showman of Showmen Contest – 2 Rosettes at $4.50 each
  • Junior Champion Guernsey Heifer – 1 Trophy at $18.50
  • Reserve Junior Champion Guernsey Heifer – 1 Rosette at $4.50
  • Dairy Breeding 1st Place, each class – 9 Rosettes at $4.50 each

Book 4 – Sheep

  • 1st Place Sheep Premier Exhibitor – 1 Award at $100.00

Book 6 – Dairy Goats

  • 1st -5th Place Senior Yearling – 5 Rosettes at $4.50 each
  • Reserve Champion Milker – 1 Trophy at $17.50
  • Division II 2nd Place Dairy Goat Showman (ages 12-14) – 1 Trophy at $17.50
  • 1st-5th Place 5 Year Old and Over Dairy Goat – 3 Rosettes at $4.50 each

Book 11 – Rabbits

  • 3rd-10th Place Pen of 2 Home Grown Fryers – 6 Rosettes at $4.50 each
  • 1st-3rd Place Each Breed Class, Does & Bucks – 14 Rosettes at $4.50 each
  • 1st-5th Place Premier Rabbit Exhibitor – 1 ARBA Book at $22.00

Book 12 – 4-H/FFA Crops

  • 1st Place Vegetable or Fruit – 1 Rosette at $4.50

Book 13 – FFA Agriculture Engineering/Production

  • 1st Place Woodworking Small (FFA Engineering) – 1 Rosette at $4.50

Book 14 – Dogs

  • 2nd-5th Place Junior, You & Your Dog – 4 Rosettes at $4.50 each
  • 2nd-5th Place Intermediate, You & Your Dog – 4 Rosettes at $4.50 each
  • 2nd-5th Place Beginner Novice (B) – 4 Rosettes at $4.50 each
  • 2nd-5th Place Pre-Novice – 4 Rosettes at $4.50 each
  • 2nd-3rd Place Dog Obedience Graduate (Novice B) – 2 Rosettes at $4.50 each
  • 1st Place Dog Obedience (Open B) – 1 Trophy at $17.50
  • Junior Showmanship (A) (ages 8-11) – 1 Trophy at $17.50
  • 2nd-3rd Place Senior Showmanship (B) (ages 15-18) – 2 Rosettes at $4.50 each
  • Senior Showmanship (B) (ages 15-18) – 1 Trophy at $17.50

Book 19 – Nutrition

  • 1st Place Everyday Food & Fitness – 1 Rosette at $4.50
  • 3rd Place Everyday Food & Fitness – 1 Rosette at $4.50
  • Overall Best Intermediate Cake – $15.00 Award

Book 20 – Clothing

  • 2nd Place Creative Costumes – 1 Rosette at $4.50
  • 1st Place Look Great for Less – 1 Rosette at $4.50

Special 4-H Club Awards

  • 5 Year Member Pins – 10 pins at $2.00 each
  • 11 Year Member Pins – 5 pins at $2.00 each

Junior Fair Entry Form now available

The  Junior Fair Entry form is now available. Please submit one form per youth per club/chapter they belong to.  (an example would be a youth taking livestock in 4-H and FFA would need to submit 2 forms).  Advisors may turn club forms into the Senior Fair Office (SFO), Monday – Friday, August 17-21 and 24-28, between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:00 pm.

Youth and their parents must complete the form using the  2019 Junior Fair Book for class numbers, and turn the form into their advisor.  The advisor is to check the form over, and then will submit all member forms for their club to the Junior Fair Office.  Don’t forget to sign the form – Member, Parent and Advisor!

Please enter all animals (including backup animals) for each member, as we know many of you aren’t sure which market animal you will be bringing to the fair yet.  The form does ask for the Fairfield County Market Tag and Sex in the last column – this is new this year.  Don’t forget to enter those!

Youth entering dogs, companion animals, crops and gardening projects, or cakes, pies and candies will also need to complete this entry form.

Dogs and Horses will need to complete their separate show entry forms as well.  Once those are finalized, we will share those with you.

When going to the Senior Fair Office, located in the brick Administration Building on the fairgrounds, advisors must enter the door marked Junior Fair.  This door is closest to Fair Avenue.  Masks are expected to be worn into the office, and Sandy will be wearing appropriate PPE to accept your paperwork.  There will be a limit of 2 advisors in the office at a time, so if you see people waiting, please wait your turn.  You are expected to stay 6 feet apart when waiting as well.

Once inside the office, turn left to Sandy’s desk and hand her your club entries.  She will review the entries and ask questions if she has any.  Once all entries are finalized, the SFO will prepare pass packets and let advisors know they are ready for pickup.

Please remember, due to COVID-19, the SFOis asking you be patient when dropping off entries.  They will be doing their best to keep the lines moving, but you may have a slight wait.  Also, once the Senior Fair Board finalizes advisor/member/parent pass information, we will share that with you as well.

2020 Fairfield County Junior Fair Project Guidelines

The 2020 Junior Fair Project guidelines are now available.  This is an overall snapshot of what should be completed in your project book,  possession dates, quality assurance and skillathon information, as well as what is expected for those projects that are to be interview judged at the fair (cakes, pies, candies, companion animals).

All dates are subject to change as adjustments are made to accommodate health and safety priorities related to COVID-19.

Summer Judging Results from Day 2 (Tuesday, July 14th): Demonstrations, Communications, Creative Arts

We are so proud of the hard work 4-H members have put into their projects this year! Congrats to all!

Here are the results of our members who participated in judging on Day 2 (Tuesday, July 14th). For a complete list of results, click here.

Summer Judging – Please Schedule an Interview Time by 5:00 p.m. Friday, July 10th!

Greetings 4-Hers!

Thank you to those who recently responded to last week’s survey regarding project completion options. We have taken survey responses into consideration, along with OSU’s guidance on primarily using virtual options for events due to the potential continued spread of COVID-19. In that light, we will be conducting project judging interviews using the online video conference format called Zoom. This will allow for a live, interactive interview with a judge and 4-Her. For those 4-Hers that do not have access to adequate technology to support a Zoom interview, we will offer a few limited slots for an in-person interview. Please read details below before choosing your judging appointment.

All SUMMER project judging will be conducted the week of July 13th. Projects will be judged on these originally scheduled days:

  • Monday, July 13: Food, Home Dec, Genealogy, Laundry, Health, Child Care
  • Tuesday, July 14: Demonstration, Communication, Creative Arts
  • Wednesday, July 15: Engineering and Environmental Science
  • Thursday, July 16: Clothing

Awards this year will be simplified with Outstandings and Honorable Mentions across projects. There is no state-level competition this year, so the primary focus of county judging will be the interview experience and an opportunity for the 4-Her to share what they have learned. Note: we will not be awarding special overall food or clothing awards this year.

Project displays: in order to offer flexibility, you may create a poster and have it near you for zoom judging, or a digital poster that you could ‘screen share’ and later print out to display at the fair. Note: food projects will NOT be required to complete a portfolio this year. Instead you could do a mini poster to display at the fair. The choice is yours.

Online (Zoom) Judging for all summer projects:

  • Extension staff will ‘host’ the meeting and send a link to the judge and 4-Her. Staff will remain online throughout the meeting as tech support, timekeeper and to provide a 2nd adult to avoid any one-on-one meetings with youth.
  • 4-Her and judge will utilize their own computer with a camera or device from their own homes.
  • This is a ‘live’ interactive interview and the judge can ask 4-Her questions.
  • Training will be provided on how to participate in a zoom interview.

In-person Judging for youth without access to internet or computer/phone:

  • Note: this option is reserved for members who cannot do a zoom interview because they do not have access to technology
  • Safety measures:
    • 4-Hers, judges and staff will be asked to wear masks. (provided if needed)
    • Plexiglass tabletop shields positioned between the judge and 4-Her
    • 6-foot distance between everyone
    • Surfaces will be sanitized after each 4-Her
  • Held at the Ed Sands building at the fairgrounds the week of July 13.
  • 4-Hers will wait in their car until it is time to be judged.

As a reminder, if you have a project that you do not plan to complete, please email Missy Koenig at Koenig.398@osu.edu with the project you wish to drop from your record. You also have the option of interviewing with your club advisor for project completion. Please contact your advisor to make arrangements.

We are excited to see all that you have completed and learned in your 4-H projects this summer. Please click on this link to schedule your SUMMER judging appointment by 5:00 p.m. Friday, July 10th: Summer Judging Scheduling Link Please note:  If you have multiple summer projects or multiple 4-H members, you will need to re-select the link to schedule additional projects, it is not member specific.

~Fairfield County 4-H Team

Please Respond: Member survey regarding 2020 4-H Projects

All 4-H members (excluding Cloverbuds) should have received an email from Stacy Hicks on Tuesday, June 16th that shares an overview of 4-H project completion. Families with multiple 4-H members should receive multiple emails personalized to each member. We are asking that all 4-H members reply to the survey so we can continue making plans for summer judging. We have decided to extend the deadline for response to this email to Sunday, June 21st.  Please refer to the email you received for a link to follow and complete the survey to help us plan for judging this year.  The survey will take less than 30 seconds to complete.  If you have any questions, please contact the office at 740-653-5419. If you did not see an email with this survey link, please let us know (and be sure to check your junk/spam folders in your email).

Thank you for your help!