Ohio 4-H Entrepreneur SPIN Club (Virtual) – scholarships available!

Ohio 4-H is proud to partner with Believe in Ohio (https://believeinohio.org/) to kick off a new STEM- based 4-H SPIN club this fall and winter for high school youth.

This club will meet virtually on Thursday from 6:30 – 8:00 pm starting on 10/27 – 12/15 (skipping Thanksgiving).   Youth will learn about the components of an entrepreneurial business plan and create a STEM-based project and pitch video as the final product.  Projects will be eligible for local ($100-500), regional ($1,000) and state ($5,000) based scholarships.  In Spring 2022 not all scholarships were given out.

Youth who participate will be 2023 4-H members in the county they live in.

To participate in the club, sign up using the link below.


Youth can only miss 2 meetings to be eligible for awards. Youth can also submit their project as a self-determined 4-H project in their own county for county based awards and recognition in summer 2023.

All meetings will be recorded.  Youth will work on their STEM business plans with the help of a STEM advocate from Believe in Ohio from 12/15/22 – 1/31/2023.

More information about the scholarships and program can be found here: https://believeinohio.org/scholarships/

If you cannot make the Thursday night meetings, you could also participate on your own as an independent student, but would not receive the support of the STEM Advocates, and learning with other 4-H members.


2022 Fair Photos from Blackberry Photography are now available!

At this time, all images are now available to purchase on the site (including the auctions if you need buyer photos!): https://prints.blackberryphotography.co/fairfieldcountyjrfair2022/

Please note that our main priority during the fair is creating high-quality images for buyers of all the market animals in time for the auctions, which is why the majority of images are backdrops from the market shows. Ring Shots and other images from breeding shows, etc. are at our discretion and availability, and if we don’t have them for the show or exhibitor you were hoping to see, please know that we appreciate your enthusiasm and are sorry we couldn’t get the shot you were hoping for this year.

Thank you, Blackberry Photography

The Livestock Sale Committee contracts a photographer for market livestock shows for the thank you sale placards given to livestock sale buyers. This cost is a part of the commission from Livestock Sale checks. A sincere thank you to Blackberry Photography for their talents and efforts in capturing these 2022 Fairfield County Junior Fair photos.

New rule for the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association’s BEST program, BVD testing required


October 15, 2022                        


Hanna Fosbrink, manager of communications
614-873-6736, hfosbrink@ohiocattle.org

New rule for the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association’s BEST program, BVD testing required

(MARYSVILLE, Ohio) – A new rule regarding Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) persistent infection (PI) status will be applied to the 2022-23 Ohio Cattlemen’s Association’s (OCA) Beef Exhibitor Show Total (BEST) program. All cattle (BEST and non-BEST) (in-state and out-of-state) must have a negative BVD test to exhibit at any OCA BEST sanctioned show.

BVD is a respiratory and reproductive virus that wreaks havoc on cattle’s immune systems and their ability to bore calves. It can be passed on to calves at birth and has variable symptoms. The key to ensuring the health of a herd is to spot the signs of BVD early and cut off contact between healthy and infected livestock.

Like declaring a breed at the first sanctioned show, proof of a negative BVD PI test MUST be provided at the next BEST sanctioned show immediately following the first BEST show the animal attended, whether or not you plan to exhibit cattle at the show. Failure to do so will result in the animal being dropped from the BEST point standings and the program. Additionally, any showmanship points garnered with the animal will be forfeited.

A BVD PI test is a one-time test good for the life of the animal. Schedule the BVD PI test with enough lead time to receive the test results prior to a BEST show. A lead time of at least two weeks is recommended prior to the first show. If purchasing show animals, ask your seller if the animal has had a BVD PI test.

Acceptable tests include and are limited to: Immunohistochemistry (IHC) on skin, Antigen-capture ELISA (ACE) on serum (blood test) or skin, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on whole blood, serum or skin. Animals must be individually tested and individually identified. Pooled testing is acceptable only if documentation is provided that the animal was specifically included in the pool and that the pool contained no more than seven animals.

The OCA BEST Committee will be working with local jackpot shows and county cattlemen’s associations to offer BVD testing ahead of the BEST show season to reduce the cost of the test for exhibitors and to streamline BEST check-in procedures. More information on these tests is available at www.ohiocattle.org/best or by calling the OCA office at 614-873-6736. If unable to attend one of the pre-season testing opportunities, your local veterinarian may perform one of the approved BVD tests.

For more information on testing, refer to the complete BVD rule included within the OCA BEST rules for 2022-2023 and available on the OCA website www.ohiocattle.org/best


BEST is a youth program of the OCA that recognizes Ohio’s junior beef exhibitors through a series of sanctioned shows. Juniors who participate in these sanctioned shows earn points for their placing at each show. The OCA BEST program promotes educating Ohio’s juniors about beef industry issues, providing career development opportunities, and rewarding the successful accomplishments and hard work of those junior beef producers.

Unwrap Your Gifts Email Challenge Invitation Message

When you hear the term “gifts” what comes to mind first? Does an image of boxes wrapped in colorful paper adorned with ribbons and bows pop up? Join the Live Healthy Live Well 6-week “Unwrap Your Gifts” Email wellness Challenge to expand your thinking about the “gifts” in your life.
Along with the weekly Email message and a call to action for each week’s theme, we will be hosting a 5-part webinar series related to the Challenge content. For those who like to make a game of it, we will have a BINGO card for you to cross things off. You also have access to the OSU Live Healthy Live Well blog site and our OSU Family and Consumer Sciences Facebook Page all year long.
Register at go.osu.edu/lhlwfairfield by October 28th.

May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'CFAES E Unwrap Your Gifts Free Email Wellness challenge with tips to help you optimize your health and well-being! Adults can register to receive email per week and a Wellness Wednesday webinar invitation. Deadline to sign-up: October 24th Challenge starts: October 31st To Register: https://go.osu.edu/hlwfairfield THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION LiveHealthyLiveWell'

Beef Exhibitors, we want your opinions!

Dear past, present and future, Fairfield County Junior beef exhibitors,

Share your thoughts, make the 2023 beef show the best ever!

We hope you enjoyed the Fair and are already looking forward to next year. In an effort to make the environment in the beef barn and surrounding area the best it can be we are asking for your input.

As you’re likely aware, participation in Fairfield County’s beef projects has been on the rise during the past eight years nearly doubling over that time. As with anything that experiences rapid growth, there are some growing pains. In particular, barn space and the surrounding grooming area spaces have become very tight in recent years.

We are exploring a variety of alternatives to address the many challenges that result from growing participation in the beef project area. And, we want to carefully consider your suggestions and opinions as we proceed.

In an effort to make next year’s beef projects and shows the best experience possible for our youth, their families and spectators, we hope you will take a few minutes and complete our survey. We realize the 20 questions we are asking will take a few minutes of your time, but we sincerely want your thoughts and opinions!

Please tell us what you think by clicking on this link!


Desirae Logsdon & Matt Henwood
Fairfield County Junior Fair Beef Superintendents

Ohio CattleWomen Scholarships – Application deadline 12/15/2022

Up to five $1,000 scholarships will be awarded annually to outstanding students entering their college junior or senior year. Priority will be given to applicants attending a school in Ohio. Applicants’ majors may vary, however, preference will be given to a major in agriculture, specifically relating to beef. Applicants must be maintaining a 2.75 GPA or higher. Visit www.ohiocattlewomen.com for more information.

Meat Judging Practice (Open House) – open to 4-H/FFA youth

On November 5th, the meat science program, in the Department of Animal Sciences, will open their doors for all meat judging teams to practice on carcasses, wholesale cuts, and retail ID. Everyone is welcome to take advantage of our product. Doors will be open from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm. OSU will provide hairnets, beard nets and disposable frocks (for those needing). If you are interested in attending, please contact Leslie Cooksey at cooksey.25@osu.edu.

Jr. Beef Barn . . . Last minute Updates from the Superintendents!

Dear Fairfield Co. Beef Exhibitors and Families,

Thanks to Horn Farms for sponsoring the mulch in the Beef Barn!

With this note we wanted to give you another update as we prepare to move into Fair this weekend. We hope this answers any questions that remain.

First, the mulch has arrived. Once again, we need to thank Horn Farms (4455 Lancaster-Thornville Road, Pleasantville 43148), the Kevin & Tim Horn families for sponsoring the beef barn this year and providing all the mulch. It will be placed in the barn prior to 5 p.m. on Thursday when you are welcome to begin moving tack into place.

The stalling map is not yet complete but will be prior to Thursday at 5 p.m. and will also be posted for you to see on the BAND app. We will be utilizing the BAND App again this year for show day communication as well with any other information that needs to be sent out before, during or after the show. If you do not presently have this app, go to your app store and download the Band App and then search “Fairfield County Fair Beef Barn”. If you have any problems, contact Desirae.

Check-in Saturday, October 8, will be handled the same as it was last year.

Market steers/heifers including the carcass steers/heifers will be weighed and checked in anytime between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. (yes, we know the Jr Fair Book was published with two different times). After weighing, steers/heifers entered in the ‘carcass contest’ will then be scanned.

DUNF forms for each market animal must be submitted on-line by Continue reading Jr. Beef Barn . . . Last minute Updates from the Superintendents!

Market Livestock: Take Home Forms DUE at Weigh-In

Take Home Forms MUST be completed and turned in before the animal leaves the scale at your respective weigh-in. No EXCEPTIONS.

Take Home Forms: Market Hogs, Market Beef, Market Lambs, Market Goats, Dairy Feeders, and Market Rabbits will have the option to take home animals. NEW NCR (carbon copy) forms will be available from your Superintendent on weigh-in day. Forms must be completed and submitted before the animal crosses the scale. There is no reversal on the decision to take home once the forms are turned in.

Please read the info below (also available at u.osu.edu/livestocksale) regarding Take Homes and the 2022 Livestock Sale:

The 2022 Fairfield County Fair Junior Fair will have a partial terminal sale/show for all species. The only exception to this is the 8 champions that must be slaughtered and inspected at a designated packer according to ODA (grand/reserve market beef, grand/reserve market hog, grand/reserve market lamb, grand/reserve market goat). Take homes will be allowed for all species with the exception of those 8 declared grand/reserve champions. Take homes must be declared before the animal leaves the scale during check-in (no exceptions). Take home animals will lose their sale slot and will not be eligible for a premium and packer bid. Exhibitors who do not take home must qualify for their sale slot (as individual or group) at the discretion of the species show committee.

As a result, points for exhibitors of market animals to consider include:

  1. Since there is no packer bid available, all market turkeys, market chickens and market ducks will go back home at the conclusion of the Fair as in past years. No Exhibitor Intent to Take Market Animal Home affidavit is required for those poultry animals. Buyers of the Grand and Reserve Champion turkeys, chickens and ducks have the privilege of ‘keeping’ their purchases. Similar to 2016 and prior, beyond the champions it will be the responsibility of the exhibitor to decide whether to process their birds and give them to their sale buyer or market them privately.
  2. Exhibitors of all other market animals that have an opportunity to earn a sale slot must declare before they leave the scales during weigh-in at the beginning of the Fair if they will choose to take home a market animal by submitting the Exhibitor Intent to Take Market Animal Home Form (available at weigh-in).
  3. Per Ohio Department of Agriculture rules, the ‘live’ Champion and Reserve Champion market beef, market hogs, market lambs and market goats must go to slaughter and may not go home with the exhibitor regardless their choice during weigh-in prior to fair.
  4. Unless named Grand Champion or Reserve Grand Champion market beef, market hog, market lamb, market goat, market duck, market turkey, market chicken or dairy feeder calf during their respective Junior market show, animals designated by their exhibitor to go home after the fair will forfeit the opportunity to accept buyer add-on dollars or earn a livestock sale slot with that animal.
  5. Animals not designated by the exhibitor during weigh-in to go home will compete for an individual or group livestock sale slot as they have in the past.
  6. Buyers will once again have the opportunity to ‘keep’ animals they purchase in 2022.

To further clarify the details of implementing a partial-terminal livestock sale in 2022, review the answers to the FAQs linked here.