October 15, 2022
Hanna Fosbrink, manager of communications
New rule for the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association’s BEST program, BVD testing required
(MARYSVILLE, Ohio) – A new rule regarding Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) persistent infection (PI) status will be applied to the 2022-23 Ohio Cattlemen’s Association’s (OCA) Beef Exhibitor Show Total (BEST) program. All cattle (BEST and non-BEST) (in-state and out-of-state) must have a negative BVD test to exhibit at any OCA BEST sanctioned show.
BVD is a respiratory and reproductive virus that wreaks havoc on cattle’s immune systems and their ability to bore calves. It can be passed on to calves at birth and has variable symptoms. The key to ensuring the health of a herd is to spot the signs of BVD early and cut off contact between healthy and infected livestock.
Like declaring a breed at the first sanctioned show, proof of a negative BVD PI test MUST be provided at the next BEST sanctioned show immediately following the first BEST show the animal attended, whether or not you plan to exhibit cattle at the show. Failure to do so will result in the animal being dropped from the BEST point standings and the program. Additionally, any showmanship points garnered with the animal will be forfeited.
A BVD PI test is a one-time test good for the life of the animal. Schedule the BVD PI test with enough lead time to receive the test results prior to a BEST show. A lead time of at least two weeks is recommended prior to the first show. If purchasing show animals, ask your seller if the animal has had a BVD PI test.
Acceptable tests include and are limited to: Immunohistochemistry (IHC) on skin, Antigen-capture ELISA (ACE) on serum (blood test) or skin, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on whole blood, serum or skin. Animals must be individually tested and individually identified. Pooled testing is acceptable only if documentation is provided that the animal was specifically included in the pool and that the pool contained no more than seven animals.
The OCA BEST Committee will be working with local jackpot shows and county cattlemen’s associations to offer BVD testing ahead of the BEST show season to reduce the cost of the test for exhibitors and to streamline BEST check-in procedures. More information on these tests is available at or by calling the OCA office at 614-873-6736. If unable to attend one of the pre-season testing opportunities, your local veterinarian may perform one of the approved BVD tests.
For more information on testing, refer to the complete BVD rule included within the OCA BEST rules for 2022-2023 and available on the OCA website
BEST is a youth program of the OCA that recognizes Ohio’s junior beef exhibitors through a series of sanctioned shows. Juniors who participate in these sanctioned shows earn points for their placing at each show. The OCA BEST program promotes educating Ohio’s juniors about beef industry issues, providing career development opportunities, and rewarding the successful accomplishments and hard work of those junior beef producers.