Entrepreneurial Camp for Teens

Ohio Business Week is a unique opportunity to experience working with a team of peers from around the state to develop a simulated business from concept to pitch. During the week, you will be mentored by a business professional, hear insiring keynote speakers and participate in other activities to bring out the qualities needed to not only learn business, but succeed in business. Join 175 high school students for this week-long experience while living on a college campus, July 21-27 at Ohio University in Athens.  More information at ohiobusinessweek.org

If you would like to learn more about Ohio Buisness Week, contact:

Cory Dippold, Executive Director
Ohio Business Week Foundation

4-H Camp Registration opens May 1st!

Fairfield County 4-H has a rich tradition of camping and this year will be no exception! Reservations are on a first-come-first serve basis. Please make checks payable to: OSU Extension.  Our mailing address is 831 College Ave, Suite D, Lancaster OH 43130.

Our Cloverbud Day Camp (for those 5-8 years old and in kindergarten through second grade) will be held Saturday June 15th at Alley Park just south of Lancaster.  The fee for this camp is $35.00.  Camp fee includes a partial lunch, a snack, t-shirt and health insurance.  If you register prior to June 1st, your fee will only be $20.00 due to the generous Bertha Wilson Trust Scholarship.  All you need to do is complete the registration form found in the yellow member handbook on page 41, or the link found here and have it postmarked or in our office with payment by June 1st.  Registrations received after June 1st will include the full camp fee plus a late fee, for a total of $60.00.  Cloverbud camp registration closes on June 1st.

Continue reading 4-H Camp Registration opens May 1st!

Are you entering livestock at the Ohio State Fair?

Don’t forget that you have to have completed your quality assurance training 45 days in advance of the event.  Our office is asked to verify both QA  completion and that members are enrolled in the correct projects (breeding projects, for example) on all Ohio State Fair junior livestock entries.

PS. The entries are now open…Oh my!  Here is the link to the Ohio State Fair livestock website.

Welcome Harper Sue Cooksey!

4-H Educator Leslie Cooksey, husband Seth and sisters Peyton (in middle) and Sadie welcomed Harper Sue to the family on April 20th.

Harper came into this world at 10 lbs. 6 oz. and was 20 and 1/4 ” long.

While Leslie is on leave, please direct 4-H questions to Aubry (fowler.443@osu.edu) or Missy (koenig.398@osu.edu)

Barrow and Lamb MQP Applications Due May 1

Please be reminded that applications to participate in the Barrow MQP and also the Lamb MQP programs are due by next Wednesday. The application along with an essay not to exceed 300 words must be postmarked by May 1, or received in the OSU Extension office before the close of business on May 1, 2019. Find the applications complete with more detail under these links:

Barrow MQP application

Lamb MQP application

It’s time to complete your 4-H enrollment!

Thank you to the 875 youth and 180 adult volunteers who have completed their 2018-2019 enrollments.  We still have approximately 600 members and 50 advisors yet to register! Emails were sent to those advisors and members that are incomplete or inactive as of Wednesday April 12, 2019.  Please have your 4-H Online enrollment completed by April 28th, as advisors need to provide our office a list of their club members and a completed enrollment packet by May 1st. 

If you can’t remember your family email we have for you in the system, first contact your club advisor.  They were provided with a list of emails used in the system last year.  If you need to change your email, you can use the old email to log into the system, and then EDIT the family profile and add the new email address.  You will need to reset your password if you change your email address.

If you still have trouble with your email address, please contact the office and Missy can make the change for you. She may be reached at 740-652-7264 or koenig.398@osu.edu.

Here are the instructions on enrolling in case you need them.  These are also on page 7 of your yellow Member Handbook.

Returning Families- Please DO NOT MAKE A NEW PROFILE. Follow these instructions:

  • -Go to https://oh.4honline.com
  • -Select ‘I have a profile’
  • -Enter your family email address you have used previously – if you don’t remember what email you used, or have changed emails, please call the office! 740-652-7260
  • -Select ‘Family’ for role
  • -Click ‘Login’
  • -Review your family basic demographic information (make changes by using the edit button, if necessary)
  • -Click on the Edit button to the right of each person’s name
  • -Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Enroll for 2018-2019 year
  • -You can now update individual member information here – add cell phone, member email, parent/guardian updates.
  • -Select the continue button to go to the next page. You will need to use the check boxes for Responsibility and Release, 4-H Code of Conduct, General Permission and Photo Release as well as typing the member and parent/guardian name into the system
  • -Select the continue button again to complete the health form, and then the club page. Your current clubs and projects will be listed. You will not need to select them again! This is where you will add new clubs or projects. Use the continue button to get to your projects to check that you are enrolled in for this year (it will be the same as last year). Make changes by using the ‘Edit’ button to delete old projects. To select a project, make sure you have the correct club listed in the first drop down box, select the project using the 2nd drop down box and make sure you use the ‘Add Project’ button to add the project. Once your clubs and projects are entered, review your entry for completeness. Make changes as necessary. Cloverbuds should be enrolled in 710GPM
  • If you need to delete a project, select the edit button to the right of the project, then delete.
  • -Once done, select the ‘Submit Enrollment’ button.
  • -Missy at the Extension Office will process your enrollment.  Please check your email if you receive a must resubmit on your entry.  Missy will send you very specific information on what is missing and what needs to be changed prior to your enrollment being accepted.

After reviewing your enrollment and if you need to make changes, please email the changes to Missy at koenig.398@osu.edu by May 10th.  After that, no additional additions or corrections can be made.

Were you on the Ohio State Junior Fair Board? If so, read on!

This year is the 90th anniversary for the Ohio State Fair Junior Fair Board. They will be hosting an Alumni Event in late July. Formal invitations will be sent out at a later date (via mail and email, and a Facebook event). We need your help obtaining current contact information (mailing addresses and/or email addresses) for former Ohio State Fair JFB members that represented 4-H. If you were or know of a former 4-H member in Fairfield County that served on the Ohio State Fair Junior Board, please submit their contact information to Allen Auck at auck.1@osu.edu. Thanks for your assistance.

Attention Market Goat Members – You’re Invited to the Perry County Goat Clinic!

Although the Fairfield County Junior Fair Market/Meat Goat Committee will not be hosting their own clinic this year, they would like you to be aware that you are more than welcome to attend the Perry County Market Goat Clinic coming up on May 18, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to. 1:00 p.m. at the Perry County Fairgrounds. For more information, please see the information flyer and registration form below.

4-H Day at Bill Davis Stadium – May 11th

Play ball! Bring your 4-H club, families and friends to 4-H Day at Bill Davis Stadium on May 11 with the OSU Baseball Buckeyes. You can take a behind-the-scenes tour of the locker room, and kids can be “Anthem Buddies” and join their favorite player on the field for the National Anthem. General admission tickets are just $5. Find all the details at go.osu.edu/4hbaseball.