Join OSU Extension at the Small Farms Conference in Wooster, Ohio

Ohio State Extension announced plans to host a Small Farm Conference in Wooster, OH on March 8th. The theme for this year’s Small Farm Conference is “Sowing Seeds for Success.”

Conference session topics are geared to beginning and small farm owners as well as to farms looking to diversify their operations. There will be five different conference tracks including Horticulture and Crop Production, Business Management, Livestock, Natural Resources, and Diversifying Your Enterprise. Check out the official program guide here. Continue reading Join OSU Extension at the Small Farms Conference in Wooster, Ohio

Register Now for the January 9-10 Ohio State Organic Grains Conference

Registration is open for the 3rd annual Ohio State Organic Grains Conference, January 9-10, 2025, at Kalahari Resorts & Conventions in Sandusky, Ohio. The conference offers programming for experienced organic growers, growers transitioning to or considering organic, and consultants or educators who support these growers.

“Attendance last year was encouraging,” says conference director Eric Richer. “There’s a growing interest in organic production and practices. We’re pleased to move to a larger venue that allows organic farm equipment to be displayed at our trade show and more room for concurrent sessions and networking.”

Featured speakers for 2025 include Erin Silva, University of Wisconsin-Madison State Extension Specialist in Organic and Sustainable Cropping Systems; Damon DeSutter of DeSutter Farms in Attica, Ind.; Osler Ortez, Ohio State Corn and Emerging Crops Specialist; and Sophie Rivest-Auger, Organic Field Crop Advisor for Quebec’s Centre for Expertise and Transfer in Organic and Local Agriculture.

Additional farmers, researchers, and educators from Ohio and beyond will round out two full days of agronomic and farm management sessions. Topics for this year include interseeding cover crops in organic corn, flame cultivation, the use of biological products in organic production, setting up weed control equipment for success, nitrogen credits from cover crops and manure, and a market end-users panel.

The conference is presented by Ohio State University Extension’s Farm Office and Ohio State’s Organic Food & Farming Education and Research (OFFER) program. The event also receives input from a planning committee of Ohio State staff and researchers, educators from organic non-profits, and organic farmers, including Bridget Burgess. Burgees is the current president of the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association’s Organic Grain Growers Chapter and head of seed cleaning, compost operations, and sales at Hirzel Farms in Luckey, Ohio. She especially encourages growers new to organic to attend the January event.

“Any entry-level organic or transitioning farmer would benefit from time spent listening and networking with the growers at this conference,” says Burgess. “These are growers who were doing organic before it was cool,” she adds.

Registration is $175 from now through January 3. Continuing education credits will be available for Certified Crop Advisors. For more information, visit

Get Ready to Dig into Soil Health with the 2025 Ohio State Soil Health Webinar Series!

Are you ready to expand your knowledge of soil health? The 2025 Ohio State Soil Health Webinar Series is here, bringing expert insights on hot topics requested by viewers in recent years.

This free, virtual series offers a unique opportunity to learn from leading researchers, educators, and farmers who are shaping the future of soil health. Recordings will be available through the Ohio State Extension Agronomic Crops Team page, but event planners encourage live participation. Joining live sessions allows attendees to ask questions, share insights, and engage in meaningful conversations with experts.

Register now at to receive meeting links and calendar reminders. Certified Crop Advisors (CCAs) can earn continuing education credits by attending live sessions. Continue reading Get Ready to Dig into Soil Health with the 2025 Ohio State Soil Health Webinar Series!

NW Ohio Newsletter 2025

📬 The 2025 Northwest Ohio Newsletter is Coming!

Exciting news! The 2025 Northwest Ohio Newsletter will be hitting mailboxes near the end of December! 🗓️

Packed with the latest updates on agriculture, Extension programming, and community opportunities, this newsletter is your go-to resource for staying informed and connected.

Prefer to read online? 📲 Check out the Virtual Version here.

Stay tuned—there’s a lot to look forward to as we kick off a new year together! 🌾

#Agriculture #Extension #NWOhio #StayConnected #LeanOnYourLandGrant #PauldingCountyStrong #OSUE

Organic Grain Production Field Day – Marketing, Mindset and Weed Management

Organic grain equipment

Article is taken from by Cassandra BrownEric Richer, CCAEugene Law, PhD

The Ohio State University and the Organic Agronomy Training Service (OATS), will host the workshop “Organic Grain Production – Marketing, Mindset and Weed Management” on Monday, August 19 at Bishop Family Farms in Mount Blanchard, Ohio.

Organic grains can be profitable, but organic production and marketing are quite different from conventional practices. This all-day event will provide agricultural advisors and farmers an opportunity to better understand the unique challenges, tools, and benefits of organic grain production.

Programming runs from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with registration opening at 9:30 a.m. Morning sessions are centered around the 3 M’s crucial in organic transition: mindset, machinery, and marketing. Talks and panel discussions will feature experienced farmers and grain marketers, along with organic educators from OATS and Ohio State. After lunch, the focus is on organic weed management in grains, with machinery demonstrations and talks by workshop farmer speakers and Ohio State weed ecology specialist Eugene Law.

The cost of $20 includes a provided lunch. Up to 4 hours of CCA credits are also available. For more information and to register, please visit

Upcoming Organic Grains Conference Registration Opens

Registration is open for the 2nd annual Ohio State Organic Grains Conference, January 4-5, 2024 at the Maumee Bay Lodge and Conference Center near Toledo, Ohio. The 2024 conference offers programming for experienced organic growers, growers transitioning to or considering organic, and consultants or educators who support these growers. Continue reading Upcoming Organic Grains Conference Registration Opens

Farm Science Review is just around the corner!

LONDON, Ohio – More than 50 companies will join the ranks as exhibitors for the 61st Farm Science Review Sept. 19-21 at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center. The new exhibitors represent various sectors in the agriculture industry including livestock handling, equipment advancements, agronomic technology, agricultural policy, and more.

Paulding County Extension Office has tickets for sale at a discounted price total of $10 per ticket. Tickets will be for sale until Monday, September 18 at noon. Continue reading Farm Science Review is just around the corner!

2023 Small Farm Conference Registration Open!

Ohio State Extension announced plans to host a Small Farm Conference in Mansfield Ohio on March 11, 2023.  The theme for this year’s Mid-Ohio Small Farm Conference is “Sowing Seeds for Success.”

Conference session topics are geared toward beginning and small farm owners as well as farms looking to diversify their operations.  There will be five different conference tracks including Farm Office, Horticulture and Produce Production, Livestock, Agritourism/ Marketing, and Natural Resources.

Some conference topic highlights include: How to purchase our family farm, food animal processing, beekeeping, sweet corn, blueberry and pumpkin production, small ruminant nutrition, agritourism laws, fruit tree pruning, and cut flower diseases.

Anyone interested in developing, growing, or diversifying their small farm is invited to attend including market gardeners, farmers market vendors, and anyone interested in small farm living.

Attendees will have the opportunity to browse a trade show featuring the newest and most innovative ideas and services for their farming operations. The conference provides an opportunity to talk with the vendors and network with others.

The Conference will take place from 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the Mansfield OSU Campus in Ovalwood Hall, just minutes from I-71 and US Rt 30.

For conference and registration call OSU Extension Morrow County at 419-947-1070 or OSU Extension Knox County at 740-397-0401. Please follow this link to register for the conference:

2023 Session Descriptions

Small Farm Conference Brochure 2023

2023-2024 Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide

The 2023-24 Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide is now available.  The easiest way to get a hard copy is to order from the website  You can also download the guide for free.

This guide provides conventional pest management recommendations for commercial tree fruit, small fruit, and grape producers throughout the Midwest and surrounding states. These recommendations have been formulated to provide up-to-date information on pesticides and their application.

Choosing and Evaluating Seed Varieties to Meet your Market Needs: A Grower Panel and Discussion

Growers of organic produce or those interested in organic varieties and production are welcome to join the Ohio Organic Farmer Researcher Network for their monthly online meeting Thursday, January 5 at noon. Denise Natoli Brooks and Matt Kleinhenz will host a small but varied panel of Ohio produce professionals. They will discuss their variety and selection processes and priorities, some of their best and worst experiences, and how their choices relate to marketing, labor, and other concerns. Panelist Q&A will be followed by an open discussion about what motivates us to choose certain seed varieties and how we decide where/how to source them. The primary focus will be on organic vegetable varieties that perform well in Ohio.

Connection details are available at Sign up for reminders and future meeting notices by emailing Cassy Brown. Continue reading Choosing and Evaluating Seed Varieties to Meet your Market Needs: A Grower Panel and Discussion

Regenerative Grazing Pasture Walk to be held in Paulding County!

Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) is hosting a series of Farm Tours across Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan this summer to showcase organic and ecological farms in the region. Among those being showcased is Canal Junction Farm, right here in Paulding County! A Regenerative Grazing Pasture Walk will be held at the farm on Saturday, July 16th, 2022, starting at 10AM. The address is 18637 Rd. 168, Defiance OH. Questions can be directed to Ralph, Sheila, and Kyle Schlatter at (419) 399-7545 or Their farm’s website is

More information about this OEFFA Farm Tour and other stops along the tour can be found at OEFFA’s website, or this link.

The Dirt on Soil Health: Investing Below the Surface recordings available.

Did you miss out on the live presentations for this winter on The Dirt on Soil Health: Investing Below the Surface? Great news! Recordings are available for the entire series of topics.

In this weekly series, farmers, industry, and academic experts weighed in on practical steps to improve soil health and measure impact on crop yield and farm profitability.

Recordings and Slide Sets are available at or on the OSU Agronomic Crops Team YouTube Channel at or by clicking one of the videos below.

Does It Pay to Improve Soil Health on Your Farm?

Panel discussion with farmers Nathan Brown (Highland County), Matt Falb (Wayne County), and Les Seiler (Fulton County).

Continue reading The Dirt on Soil Health: Investing Below the Surface recordings available.

Transition to Organic Grain Workshop Offered on March 30

As many producers look to diversify their farms and find opportunities to increase on-farm revenues – one potential avenue to consider is organic grain production. A Transition to Organic Grains workshop offered through Ohio State University Extension in Putnam County will take place in Ottawa, OH at the Putnam County Educational Services Center on March 30, 2021, from 9 am to 2 pm. The workshop is designed to answer producers’ common questions when considering a move from conventional to organic production. What do I need to know and what steps do I need to take to transition my fields to organic production? How long will the process take? What markets are available for my grain? How do I approach fertilization, weed management, and pest control? These and many more questions will be answered by industry and extension experts – as well as first-hand experiences of organic farmers.

The Transition to Organic Grains workshop is offered at no cost, but registration is required. Registration includes all handouts and a boxed lunch. To register, please call the Putnam County Extension office at 419-523-6294, visit, or email

2021 Organic Transition Flyer