Ohio State Fair 4-H Poultry Judging Contest and Avian Bowl Contest Information

The Ohio State Fair 4-H Poultry Judging Contest moved from July 23 to SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2016 the same day and location as the Ohio State Fair Avian Bowl Contest.

After much discussion between the State 4-H Office and the Ohio State Fair, they agreed it would be in the best interest of implementing the contest to move it from Saturday, July 23 to Saturday, August 6, 2016. Poultry Judging would be held at the Buckeye Building prior to the Avian Bowl Contest. Team and individuals postmark entry deadline without day-of-contest fee charge will still be Friday, July 8.

Both contests would be during the Junior Fair Poultry Show and allow youth entered in the Poultry Judging Contest to compete during the fair instead of pre-fair. We hope this date change will interest more youth, as the number of contestants are typically small for the amount of planning and time it takes to put on this contest.

Registration for the Poultry Judging Contest will begin at 8:30 a.m. The Avian Bowl Contest will now follow Poultry Judging and will begin at approximately noon. Once we know how many Avian Bowl teams we have, we will let them know a more definite start time.

The date change for Poultry Judging and the time change for Avian Bowl will be posted on the 4-H and OSF websites as well as posted on the 4-H Animal Sciences Facebook page.

For those youth interested in participating in either contest representing Fairfield County, please contact 4-H volunteer, Loretta Sweeney, for more information at Loretta Sweeney lorettasweeney@ameritech.net.

Attention College Students: Work at the Ohio State Fair!

Ohio 4-H Youth Development, is looking for 4-H Educational Assistants to work at the Ohio State Fair from July 15 through August 7, 2016.

4-H Educational Assistants will:

  1. Provide assistance in cleaning and painting of the 4-H area in the Youth Discovery Center prior to the fair’s opening.
  2. Provide assistance to 4-H Assistant Superintendents in helping with set-up and conducting their respective 4-H educational activities/events.
  3. Assist with daily event/activity registration.
  4. Provide information on the Ohio 4-H Youth Development Program to fair visitors.
  5. Assist with awards ceremonies as needed.

Work schedules are flexible and the position requires a commitment of  35 hours/week. Interested students currently enrolled in college should send a resume to Allen Auck, auck.1@osu.edu.  Requires successful completion of a background checks.

Ohio State Fair Skillathon Updates

The following Ohio State Fair animal event rules are now posted on the Ohio 4-H website:

Posted on the Ohio State Fair Skillathon Home page:

Ohio State Fair Skillathon Rules

  • The Dog Skillathon is one day only – Tuesday, August 2
  • There are time changes for the following skillathons: Goat, Sheep, Dog and Poultry
  • Skillathon Excellence Awards are new this year – a great opportunity for youth!

Ohio State Fair Skillathons are open to any 4-H members. You do not need to be exhibiting an animal at the Ohio State Fair to participate in skillathons. For more information, contact Leslie Cooksey at cooksey.25@osu.edu.

Ohio State Fair 4-H Livestock Judging Contest

The following Ohio State Fair animal event rules are now posted on the Ohio 4-H website:

Posted on specific species Calendar of Events pages:

Ohio State Fair 4-H General Livestock Judging Contest and Entry Form

  • Entry Deadline – July 15 postmark without penalty
  • Contest Date – July 29
  • No changes from last year

If you are interested in participating at the Ohio State Fair 4-H Livestock Judging Contest, you must contact Fairfield County 4-H Volunteer, Trey Miller, at tmill09@me.com.

Ohio State Fair Poultry Judging Contest

The following Ohio State Fair animal event rules are now posted on the Ohio 4-H website:

Posted on specific species Calendar of Events pages:

Ohio State Fair 4-H Poultry Judging Contest and Entry Form

  • Entry Deadline – July 8 postmark without penalty
  • Contest Date – July 23
  • Entry procedure changed from 2014 contest
  • Juniors have the option of giving oral reasons; it is not required. Awards will be given to the top 10 highest scoring individuals who elect to give oral reasons.

If interested in participating in the Ohio State Fair Poultry Judging Contest, contact Fairfield County 4-H Volunteer, Loretta Sweeney, at lorettasweeney@ameritech.net.

Ohio State Fair Avian Bowl Contest Information

The following Ohio State Fair animal event rules are now posted on the Ohio 4-H website:

Posted on specific species Calendar of Events pages:

Ohio State Fair Avian Bowl Contest Rules and Entry Form

  • Entry Deadline – July 8 postmark
  • Contest Date – August 6
  • Major changes from 2015 contest: (1) Teams of 2 or 3 are permitted provided they are not a part of cross-county teams; (2) Contest procedure and scoring is more aligned with the National Avian Bowl Contest; (3) Questions must come from the National Avian Bowl Manual revised in 2016.

If interested in participating in the Avian Bowl Contest, contact Fairfield County 4-H Volunteer, Loretta Sweeney, at lorettasweeney@ameritech.net.

State Fair Information for Llama and Alpaca Folks!

Attention youth interested in llamas and alpacas! This year the State Fair will be hosting the first Ohio 4-H high point award! More information can be found on the Ohio 4-H website under State Fair Information. Please share this information with those you know that would be interested as it will be a wonderful opportunity to grow the program and could be a start of something fantastic.


2016 Youth Conservationist Program (For those interested in sheep)

Youth interested in applying for the 2016 Youth Conservationist Program:

  • Must be between 9 and 18 years old.
  • Submit an application postmarked by April 1, 2016 that includes: An essay which introduces you, your experience with animals, if for any reason, the animal is not being kept at your own home, explain, in detail where it will reside and what exactly your responsibilities will be, your essay should explain your interest in sheep, and answers the question: “Why I would like to help preserve a heritage breed of sheep.”
  • Each applicant must include a letter of recommendation from their 4-H advisor, FFA advisor, veterinarian, teacher or clergy.
  • The total application/essay should be no more than 2 pages in length.
  • The applicant should indicate if they wish to be considered for a particular breed or for any of the breeds available.
  • The application must include address, phone and if available, email address. Interested young people should contact Elaine for an updated list of breeds available, and then submit their letter of application/essay to Elaine Ashcraft, 46118 CR 58 Coshocton, OH 43812; 740.622.1573 tankewe_cr58@yahoo.com


Requirements if selected:

  • Must be present to receive the ewe at the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival on Sunday, May 8, 2016.
  • Must exhibit the ewe at least twice in 2016 at: 1) a county fair or local sheep show and 2) the State Fair in the state where the recipient lives.
  • Must breed the ewe to a registered ram (of her breed) in the fall of 2016, should consult the donor breeder for their recommendations.
  • Must either use the ewe’s fleece to personally make a wool item or sell the fleece to a spinner, felter or weaver.
  • Must submit an article the following Feb/Mar to their local newspaper covering their year and including information concerning the next year’s YCP program.
  • Must submit a one to two page report, with pictures, to the Donor Breeder by April 30, 2016 and provide a scrapbook to be used at the Maryland Festival which is then given back to the youth.

Any questions please contact Elaine Ashcraft 46118 CR 58 Coshocton, Ohio 43812; 740.622.1573; tankewe_cr58@yahoo.com

Donors choose the recipients from the essays submitted by the youth.

Workforce Prep Day at the Ohio State Fair

As a reminder, each year outstanding youth have the opportunity to compete in Workforce Prep Day at the Ohio State Fair and now is the time to start planning! The date for the event this year has changed and is now on July 31 (pre-registration July 15). More details can be found in the Workforce Prep Day Instructions. Don’t forget, a $250 cash award goes to the top senior and top junior in this event, so participation in this Workforce Prep event does pay! If any youth is interested in preparing for this opportunity, please contact Leslie Cooksey for more information by email at cooksey.25@osu.edu or by phone: 740-652-7260.