Ohio State Fair 4-H Poultry Judging Contest and Avian Bowl Contest Information

The Ohio State Fair 4-H Poultry Judging Contest moved from July 23 to SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2016 the same day and location as the Ohio State Fair Avian Bowl Contest.

After much discussion between the State 4-H Office and the Ohio State Fair, they agreed it would be in the best interest of implementing the contest to move it from Saturday, July 23 to Saturday, August 6, 2016. Poultry Judging would be held at the Buckeye Building prior to the Avian Bowl Contest. Team and individuals postmark entry deadline without day-of-contest fee charge will still be Friday, July 8.

Both contests would be during the Junior Fair Poultry Show and allow youth entered in the Poultry Judging Contest to compete during the fair instead of pre-fair. We hope this date change will interest more youth, as the number of contestants are typically small for the amount of planning and time it takes to put on this contest.

Registration for the Poultry Judging Contest will begin at 8:30 a.m. The Avian Bowl Contest will now follow Poultry Judging and will begin at approximately noon. Once we know how many Avian Bowl teams we have, we will let them know a more definite start time.

The date change for Poultry Judging and the time change for Avian Bowl will be posted on the 4-H and OSF websites as well as posted on the 4-H Animal Sciences Facebook page.

For those youth interested in participating in either contest representing Fairfield County, please contact 4-H volunteer, Loretta Sweeney, for more information at Loretta Sweeney lorettasweeney@ameritech.net.

Ohio State Fair Poultry Judging Contest

The following Ohio State Fair animal event rules are now posted on the Ohio 4-H website:

Posted on specific species Calendar of Events pages:

Ohio State Fair 4-H Poultry Judging Contest and Entry Form

  • Entry Deadline – July 8 postmark without penalty
  • Contest Date – July 23
  • Entry procedure changed from 2014 contest
  • Juniors have the option of giving oral reasons; it is not required. Awards will be given to the top 10 highest scoring individuals who elect to give oral reasons.

If interested in participating in the Ohio State Fair Poultry Judging Contest, contact Fairfield County 4-H Volunteer, Loretta Sweeney, at lorettasweeney@ameritech.net.