Ohio State Fair 4-H Poultry Judging Contest and Avian Bowl Contest Information

The Ohio State Fair 4-H Poultry Judging Contest moved from July 23 to SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2016 the same day and location as the Ohio State Fair Avian Bowl Contest.

After much discussion between the State 4-H Office and the Ohio State Fair, they agreed it would be in the best interest of implementing the contest to move it from Saturday, July 23 to Saturday, August 6, 2016. Poultry Judging would be held at the Buckeye Building prior to the Avian Bowl Contest. Team and individuals postmark entry deadline without day-of-contest fee charge will still be Friday, July 8.

Both contests would be during the Junior Fair Poultry Show and allow youth entered in the Poultry Judging Contest to compete during the fair instead of pre-fair. We hope this date change will interest more youth, as the number of contestants are typically small for the amount of planning and time it takes to put on this contest.

Registration for the Poultry Judging Contest will begin at 8:30 a.m. The Avian Bowl Contest will now follow Poultry Judging and will begin at approximately noon. Once we know how many Avian Bowl teams we have, we will let them know a more definite start time.

The date change for Poultry Judging and the time change for Avian Bowl will be posted on the 4-H and OSF websites as well as posted on the 4-H Animal Sciences Facebook page.

For those youth interested in participating in either contest representing Fairfield County, please contact 4-H volunteer, Loretta Sweeney, for more information at Loretta Sweeney lorettasweeney@ameritech.net.

State Quality Assurance Opportunities

Here are a few upcoming opportunities for Fairfield County Junior Fair livestock exhibitors to attend an event to meet their annual Quality Assurance requirement to exhibitor market livestock or lactating animals at the fair this fall. Please contact Leslie Cooksey for more information at cooksey.25@osu.edu.

These state events will meet the county QA requirement:

  • Bi-State Youth Poultry Clinic is on April 2
  • DairyPalooza Northeast is on April 30
  • DairyPalooza West is on May 7

Please note that each of these events may require additional registration to attend. You cannot just show up!

Ohio State Fair Skillathon Updates

The following Ohio State Fair animal event rules are now posted on the Ohio 4-H website:

Posted on the Ohio State Fair Skillathon Home page:

Ohio State Fair Skillathon Rules

  • The Dog Skillathon is one day only – Tuesday, August 2
  • There are time changes for the following skillathons: Goat, Sheep, Dog and Poultry
  • Skillathon Excellence Awards are new this year – a great opportunity for youth!

Ohio State Fair Skillathons are open to any 4-H members. You do not need to be exhibiting an animal at the Ohio State Fair to participate in skillathons. For more information, contact Leslie Cooksey at cooksey.25@osu.edu.

Ohio State Fair Poultry Judging Contest

The following Ohio State Fair animal event rules are now posted on the Ohio 4-H website:

Posted on specific species Calendar of Events pages:

Ohio State Fair 4-H Poultry Judging Contest and Entry Form

  • Entry Deadline – July 8 postmark without penalty
  • Contest Date – July 23
  • Entry procedure changed from 2014 contest
  • Juniors have the option of giving oral reasons; it is not required. Awards will be given to the top 10 highest scoring individuals who elect to give oral reasons.

If interested in participating in the Ohio State Fair Poultry Judging Contest, contact Fairfield County 4-H Volunteer, Loretta Sweeney, at lorettasweeney@ameritech.net.

Ohio State Fair Avian Bowl Contest Information

The following Ohio State Fair animal event rules are now posted on the Ohio 4-H website:

Posted on specific species Calendar of Events pages:

Ohio State Fair Avian Bowl Contest Rules and Entry Form

  • Entry Deadline – July 8 postmark
  • Contest Date – August 6
  • Major changes from 2015 contest: (1) Teams of 2 or 3 are permitted provided they are not a part of cross-county teams; (2) Contest procedure and scoring is more aligned with the National Avian Bowl Contest; (3) Questions must come from the National Avian Bowl Manual revised in 2016.

If interested in participating in the Avian Bowl Contest, contact Fairfield County 4-H Volunteer, Loretta Sweeney, at lorettasweeney@ameritech.net.

Heritage Show Ring Success Seminar on 4/23/2016 in Madison County

Join us for a FREE educational event! Event focus will be on show lambs, pigs, feeder calves, goats and poultry. Topics will be nutrition/selection, daily care, showmanship and show day prep/fitting. 

AWESOME PRIZES (Prizes will be rewarded at the end of the event)

  • GRAND PRIZE: Brechbuhler Digital Scales
  • 2nd PRIZE: Weaver Hanging Showbox
  • 3rd PRIZE: Honor® Show Chow® feed for the show season
  • 4th PRIZE: Callaway Shavings for the show season

Quality Assurance will be offered.

The Heritage Show Trailer will be on site with Weaver Show Supplies specials! Lunch will be served at the event.

Join us to learn about the new products from Weaver and Honor® Show Chow® for this year’s show season!


  • Mike Harbour – Sheep
  • Kent Bennington – Swine
  • Opie Campbell – Feeder Calves
  • Austin Chandler – Goat
  • John Reed – Poultry


8 a.m. – Registration

9 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Seminars

Quality Assurance to follow program

Share this event on Facebook and Twitter

We look forward to seeing there!

Heritage Cooperative Show Supply

OSU Poultry Team Information – Subscribe!

The OSU Poultry Team page was started this past year to provide a location for content to be shared and then distributed for both commercial and non-commercial chickens, turkey and other poultry species. This Team will be a collaboration between Extension Educators (both Ag/NR and 4-H) and State Extension Poultry Veterinarians. The information will include APHIS updates, Case Studies, Journal Articles, Event information as well as a way to share ideas and information throughout Extension as well as with the Veterinary community and backyard poultry enthusiasts. I have networked with the Ohio Veterinary Medical Association to include distribution to the Veterinarians who are in private practice in Ohio so they can use this as a resource to better serve their clients.

The goal of the Team is to eventually grow into a state of Ohio resource and then grow out further than that into the Region as a resource and will very quickly get distribution to a wide range of people within the Veterinary business community, Extension, commercial poultry operations and backyard hobbyists.

Check out the POULTRY TEAM site and contact me with any questions or to become a member.

Quality Assurance – Assistant Instructor Training

Quality Assurance training will remain in the clubs/chapters again this year. Advisors need to attend a training session to be up to date on the Good Production Practices (GPPs) being covered for 2016. We are looking for interested “teachers” to be trained and certified to educate livestock exhibitors on the required GPP’s. If interested, adult volunteers must RSVP to attend a training to become a certified Assistant Instructor for 2016. Contact Leslie Cooksey at cooksey.25@osu.edu or 740-652-7260 to RSVP so that materials can be prepared for each training.

Training dates for Assistant Instructors are:

Monday, February 29th from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Rickett’s Hall at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds

Monday, March 21st from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Rickett’s Hall at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds

*Please indicate which training you plan to come to when submitting your RSVP!

Poultry Opportunities

Below are two poultry-related opportunities:

  1. Bi-State Youth Poultry Clinic: This clinic will be held in Wooster at OARDC, Fisher Auditorium, Saturday, April 2. Registrations are to be postmarked by Monday, March 21. They will be offering Poultry Quality Assurance training for youth as one of the sessions. Youth completing the training will receive a certificate to bring back to Fairfield County for documentation. This will count for their QA training for 2016. Click here for the registration form.
  2. Pullorum Testing School Dates Set: The schedule and registration information for the 2016 pullorum schools are available. Three schools are held throughout Ohio for people ages 18 and older interested in becoming pullorum testers, or if current testers’ certificates are due to expire. Please pass this on to anyone interested. Clickable link for dates/registration/locations/times/requirements —–> 2016 Pullorum School Schedule_Registration