4-Hers interested in INSECT projects!

The new 644R Insect Collection Guide (4-H resource publication) is delayed, long enough that 4-H members will need to consult other resources for making their insect collections for 2018. They shouldn’t worry, however. We’ve identified great resources from around the web to support their collecting activities. The links are posted at http://www.ohio4h.org/insects, are all free to view and, if desired, can be downloaded and printed.  A list of recommended equipment and suppliers is included.

Thinking about an Entomology Project for 2018?

Ohio 4-H has rolled out new entomology (insect collecting) projects for this year.   The projects are Insect Adventures 1, 2 and 3.  The state website at https://ohio4h.org/insects has some great information on these projects.

645 Insect Adventures 1

Insects are always fun, but they are not always this fun! This project guides you through “entomology” basics like insect types and parts, how to catch insects, and why they are so important to us. Make your own collection of 30 insects! 2018. Beginning level. State fair eligible.

645 Insect Adventures 2

Dig a little deeper into the world of insects by learning to love a caterpillar, recognizing relatives of insects, building a new trap, and identifying friendly predators. There’s more too! Your collection at this level is 40 insect specimens. 2018. Intermediate level. State fair eligible.

646 Insect Adventures 3

These activities take you to expert level as you dissect a grasshopper (yes, you read that right), explore insect history, investigate trapping, and welcome “beneficials.” Anyone want a room in the bee hotel? Finish with your own collection of 50 insect specimens. 2018. Advanced level. State fair eligible. Coming soon!

644R Insect Collection Guide

Unfortunately, this how-to resource is not yet ready for publication. In the meantime, we scoured the web and found fantastic resources you can access. Please visit the website https://ohio4h.org/insects  to find resources from Purdue, NC State and Oregon State Universities, as well as where to purchase materials for your project.



The Ohio State Beekeepers Association 4-H Partnership Program for 2018

For 2018, the Ohio State Beekeepers Association will selectively sponsor five 4-H members across Ohio by providing the basic woodenware and toolkits to establish 2 complete hives. By partnering OSBA, Extension 4-H staff, and local beekeeping organizations with the 4-H
members undertaking the beekeeping project, the program will support and encourage young beekeepers by providing experienced practical support and reducing the expenses required to get started in beekeeping. Ideally, active participation of key players, including the student, his/her guardian, 4-H advisor, local association and a mentor will significantly increase the likelihood of success of the 4-H beekeeper through experiential learning. Local beekeeping associations who participate gain visibility to a new and vital audience and increase positive community involvement of the “next generation” of beekeepers. Registration deadline is November 22th, 2018.

Summerfest and Junior Fair Award Winners – Don’t forget to THANK YOUR Award Sponsors!

All Junior Fair Awards were sponsored this year for the 4-H Summerfest and Fairfield County Junior Fair. It is important for our members to extend their appreciation and gratitude to our award sponsors. Members are responsible for providing their thank you note in an addressed and stamped envelope and mailing the thank you note directly to the award sponsor. If you received a trophy or special award at Summerfest or at the Fairfield County Fair, a thank you note with your sponsor’s information was included.

Members may reference this guide from Oregon State Extension for helpful thank you note writing tips. Please make sure you say more than “I really enjoyed taking this project this year.” or “Thank you for sponsoring this rosette.” Our sponsors want to know more about you and your 4-H/FFA experiences. Take the time to write a thoughtful thank you note just as they took the time and money to recognize your accomplishments this year.

If you need to know who your sponsor is or the address for your sponsor, please do not hesitate to contact the Extension Office and we can provide that information for you.

Please Remember to THANK YOUR SPONSORS!

We need to make sure our sponsors receive thanks and appreciation for supporting Fairfield County’s youth. This would include applying for the Bertha Wilson Scholarship, receiving awards at Summerfest, as well as receiving awards at the Fairfield County Junior Fair.

Please make sure if you are receiving awards (or have received awards already this year), to write a thank you note to your sponsor for these awards. Several people took lots of time making sure there was an address label for your particular sponsor on the back of rosettes/ribbons and attached to trophies.

Please note that we often lose sponsors because they do not receive a note of appreciation and thanks from our youth members receiving the awards that they have sponsored. If a member is not sure of their sponsor for an award received at Summerfest or the Fair, please contact the Extension Office and we will help you get the information you need.

We also strongly encourage youth to share information about their project, award(s) received, and perhaps a picture! Sponsors really enjoy reading this information.

Ohio State Beekeepers Association renews the 4-H Partnership Program for 2018!

After a successful inaugural 2015 OSBA 4-H Partnership program, Ohio State Beekeepers Association has renewed and refreshed the program for the 2018 beekeeping and 4-H season. For 2018, OSBA will selectively sponsor five 4-H members across Ohio by providing the basic woodenware and toolkits to establish 2 complete hives.

By partnering OSBA, Extension 4-H staff, and local beekeeping organizations with the 4-H members undertaking the beekeeping project, the program supports and encourages young beekeepers by providing experienced practical support and reducing the expenses required to get started in beekeeping. Ideally, active participation of key players, including the student, his/her guardian, 4-H advisor, local association and a mentor will significantly increase the likelihood of success of the 4-H beekeeper through experiential learning.  Local beekeeping associations who participate gain visibility to a new and vital audience and increase positive community involvement of the “next generation” of beekeepers.

Please click here for details: Ohio State Beekeepers 4-H Partnership

Selection Criteria

  1. Youth must be between the ages of 12 and 18 by January 1st of the scholarship year, be a member of 4-H, and enrolled in public, private or home school.
  2. Applicant must complete and return the application by November 21, 2017.

Selection Process

  1. The selection committee will carefully consider each candidate and select finalists.
  2. The OSBA 4H Beekeeping Partnership Program Scholars will be announced by January 6, 2018

The selected Partnership Program Scholars will receive:

  1. Woodenware  and tools for two hives (see attached document)
  2. 1 year free membership to OSBA, with electronic newsletter
  3. Free attendance to the OSBA Fall Convention (including 2 guests)
  4. OSBA Beekeeper Training DVD
  5. OSBA Apiary Diagnostic Kit

 The Sponsoring Local Association will be expected to:

  1. Provide membership and mentorship
  2. Provide beginner beekeeping training
  3. Help find a source for purchasing bees

The Partnership Program Scholar will be expected to:

  1. Provide bees for the two colonies
  2. Attend and successfully complete the agreed upon Beginning Beekeeping Classes.
  3. Keep a written record of the 2018 beekeeping experience.
  4. Provide a quarterly update for the OSBA newsletter
  5. Present a final report to the membership at the OSBA Annual Meeting on November 3, 2018.

A Certificate of Completion and full ownership of the colony and the equipment will be presented at the OSBA Annual Meeting upon successful completion of the program criteria and positive evaluation by sponsoring association.

For additional information, questions or comments see the OSBA website at www.ohiostatebeekeepers.org or contact us at 4h@ohiostatebeekeepers.org or call 567-703-6722.

OSBA looks forward to working with 4-H and local beekeeping associations to help nurture our next generation of beekeepers.


Please Remember to THANK YOUR SPONSORS!

We need to make sure our sponsors receive thanks and appreciation for supporting Fairfield County’s youth. This would include applying for the Bertha Wilson Scholarship, receiving awards at Summerfest, as well as receiving awards at the Fairfield County Junior Fair.

Please make sure if you are receiving awards (or have received awards already this year), to write a thank you note to your sponsor for these awards. Several people took lots of time making sure there was an address label for your particular sponsor on the back of rosettes/ribbons and attached to trophies.

Please note that we often lose sponsors because they do not receive a note of appreciation and thanks from our youth members receiving the awards that they have sponsored. If a member is not sure of their sponsor for an award received at Summerfest or the Fair, please contact the Extension Office and we will help you get the information you need.

We also strongly encourage youth to share information about their project, award(s) received, and perhaps a picture! Sponsors really enjoy reading this information.

Calling all 4-H Members interested in Insects and Conservation!

The Gardiner Lab at The Ohio State University Department of Entomology is seeking Citizen Scientists to aid in the study of insect pollination this summer! Our goal is to measure the amount of pollination provided to gardens in rural, suburban and urban landscapes. Measuring pollination is one way to gauge the health of our bee community. All that is required is a small garden space where you will be able to grow four sweet pepper plants and the willingness to follow an experimental protocol this summer!

Information on the Pollination Investigators experiment and details on how to sign up can be found at: u.osu.edu/pollinationinvestigators/background.


Engaging with Insects – Summer Day Camp at the State 4-H Office is BACK!

Engaging with Insects – Summer Day Camp is back! Young entomologists interested in learning about the little creatures that really rule the world are invited for a week of hands-on experiences with experts from OSU’s Triplehorn Insect Collection and the Department of Entomology. The camp runs June 26th-30th, 2017 at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus. Details at https://insects.osu.edu/engaging-insects-summer-day-camp

Engaging with Insects – Summer Day Camp is back 6/26-30/2017

Engaging with Insects – Summer Day Camp is back! Young entomologists interested in learning about the little creatures that really rule the world are invited for a week of hands-on experiences with experts from OSU’s Triplehorn Insect Collection and the Department of Entomology. The camp runs June 26-30 at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus. Details at https://insects.osu.edu/engaging-insects-summer-day-camp