The Young Engineers in Solar Energy project book has finally been released! To make Young Engineers in Solar Energy available as soon as possible, we’re posting it online as a downloadable PDF on the Ohio 4-H website.
For 2017, instead of completing all nine activities, members enrolled in the project can complete five activities of their choosing. They will be asked to provide feedback about the experience via a survey afterwards.
Here is the link to the web page for Young Engineers in Solar Energy. Members already enrolled in the project will receive an email with the link via 4-H Online by the end of the day on Monday.
Just a reminder, this project is NOT eligible for state fair as indicated in the Family Guide. It may be in the future, but definitely not for 2017.
If you have problems printing the PDF, let Missy ( or 740-652-7264) know and she can print one off for you at the office. The cost for a print version will be $6.00.