10th Anniversary of the 4-H Endowment Dinner

Tenth Anniversary of the 4-H Endowment Dinner

The Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Board is busy preparing for the 10th Annual 4-H Endowment Dinner scheduled for Thursday, June 13, 2019 at the Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds.  We need your help!!  One of the highlights of the annual fundraising event is the Live and Silent Auction.  If your club would like to help by donating a gift basket or item for the auction, your donation would be most appreciated.  Popular items for themed baskets have included Pet Themed Basket, Kid Friendly Movie Baskets, Family Board Game Baskets. A very popular basket last year was the Shooting Sports Basket which offered a basket of supplies plus passes to a shooting range.

Does your club focus on health-related projects?  How about a basket of healthy snacks!!  Quilt projects…who wouldn’t love a nice table runner quilted by a 4-H club member(s)!!  Does your club have a great health and safety committee…everybody always needs to update their home or vehicle safety kits or maybe a basket of sun screen protection products. Gardening projects….hanging baskets, succulent gardens…oh my, the possibilities are endless!!

Think outside the box. Be creative and focus on something that might be a good representation of your 4-H club’s scope of projects: maybe a basket of brushes, combs and grooming supplies, halters or feed pans and buckets.   Maybe a set of clippers!!   How about your 4-H clubs’  favorite snack …make or bake your favorite recipe, fill a basket with the ingredients and a sampling of the cookies, brownies or snack!!   Make it fun!! Legacy Dinner Basket Ideas

Better yet, send a representative of your club to the Endowment Dinner!!  Put your head to clearer thinking and hands to larger service and help us “Leave a Legacy” at the 2019 4-H Endowment Legacy Dinner.    Your generous support is truly appreciated.

Please contact Sherry Kilbarger at purplek1991@gmail.com or 740-503-6998 with questions.

Do you have a COOL 4-H project? We need you!

Have you done something COOL, AMAZING, FUN, ONE-of-a-KIND as a 4-H project? We are looking for a few GREAT 4-H members with still projects (no animals) to interact with guests at the 4-H Endowment’s Legacy Dinner on June 14th. You will be expected to interact and talk with adults, bring an interactive and hands-on 4-H project display, and show off your knowledge and experiences from this project! Not to mention, this is a great event to add to your Junior or Ohio 4-H Achievement Forms for 4-H Leadership: Educational and Promotional. If you think you’be got something great, we’d love to hear from you! Contact Sherry Kilbarger at 740-503-6998 or Leslie Cooksey at 740-652-7272 if you are interested in volunteering for this event!

4-H Endowment Legacy Dinner Silent Auction – Basket Challenge for 4-H Clubs!

All clubs are hereby challenged by 4 Creation 4-Hers, to participate in the 4-H Legacy Dinner basket silent auction. Our club donates a basket every year to help support the Endowment Fund. We would love to see more clubs be a part of this event. If you need basket ideas or themes, contact Sherry Kilbarger and she will help you with an idea. Her number is 740-503-6998.

Endowment Breakfast, Sunday October 8th at the Fair

4-H Legacy Breakfast; Celebrate the Present, Look Forward to the Future!

Come enjoy a flippin good time!

If you’ve been around Fairfield County very long, you realize the Saturday before the Fair – affectionately known as move-in day – might be the most hectic day exhibitors and their families experience during that week. If you’re one of those who agree and get up the next morning after all the exhibits are settled in and find yourself in need of an opportunity to relax and unwind, be sure to attend the 4-H breakfast!

Please consider this the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Board’s formal invitation to you to the 2017 Fairfield County 4-H Endowment “Awareness” Breakfast, Sunday, October 8th in the Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building located at the North Side of the Fairgrounds racetrack.  You’ll not only enjoy breakfast, but you’ll also have a “Flipping Good Time” with Katies Pancakes.  The Breakfast begins at 8 am and will continue thru 11:00 am.  This annual donation event is geared to be a morning of fellowship and friendship for our 4-H members, their families, our volunteers and anyone else who would like to join us for breakfast.

Traditionally, this breakfast has served as the “Kick-Off” to the start of a very busy Fair week for our youth who have entered over 1,350 projects in the 2017 Fair. Yes, our County Fair truly is the last, largest and greatest fair in the State!!

After breakfast we invite you to stay and visit the AGmazing Agri-Center Building featuring all of the local FFA Chapters and take the opportunity to participate in the 4-H Commodity Challenge activity with our 4-H members.  Make time to visit the barns, talk with the youth and learn more about their project work.

We also invite you to mark your calendars now for our only major fund raising event . . . the 4-H Endowment Legacy Dinner slated for Thursday, June 14, 2018 in the Miller Farm Shop near Pleasantville, Ohio.

We hope you will find time to enjoy a morning with us at the 2017 4-H Endowment Awareness Breakfast, Sunday, October 8 at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds.  Everyone’s welcome, reservations are not needed, and the breakfast is by donation only!

Thank you for another successful 4-H Endowment Legacy Dinner!

From the 4-H Endowment Blog….u.osu.edu/4hlegacy…please visit the official blog for pictures!

Thanks for Another Great Legacy Dinner & Auction!

While we don’t have all of the final details or numbers just yet, judging from all the smiles, handshakes and kind remarks, the 2017 Legacy Dinner & Auction was a great success.  Over 280 individuals were registered for the event and with all of the helpers and Junior Leaders attending we estimate over 300 individuals were served.

A great meal featured Leg of Lamb – expertly prepared by Kris Doyle and Frank Cox, Pork Tenderloins – cooked to perfection by Doug and Aaron Leith, and some awesome Beef Loins – prepared by Cheryl Majors. Special thanks to Bower and Sons Meats & Sausages for some of the biggest baked potatoes ever, to Maradore Farms for providing the Swiss cheese, and to Ruffwing Farms for sharing their newly created Tuemma (Sheep) Cheese for great additions to the appetizer table.  Not to mention some delicious cakes and cupcakes baked by and donated by McKenzie Justice, Melanie & Sherry Keller, Marcy Love and Becky Sharp, and of course, topped off by Schaffner’s Vanilla Ice Cream!!

A special thanks to the Thurston Future Farmers 4-H Club for all of their help with set-up and tear down of the tables and chairs, and the effort of the 4-H Junior Leaders as they helped with dinner and cleanup throughout the evening.

It takes a very dedicated team of individuals to pull off a dinner of this magnitude each year, and all who help are sincerely appreciated.

And, of course a very special thanks to the entire Grube family – especially Karl and Judy – for opening your home and farm to host this year’s event.

From the entire Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Board, thank you all for being a part of the 2017 Fairfield County 4-H Legacy Dinner.  Whether you bought a ticket, sponsored a table, baked a cake, participated in the silent or live auction, or became a “Friend of the Legacy Dinner” with your monetary donation, we sincerely thank you for your generous support. It truly does take the support of the entire Fairfield County 4-H Family including sponsors and donors to make this Legacy Dinner and Auction a true success!

Sincerely, Connie

Consider a 4-H Legacy Dinner Donation or Sponsorship!

The Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Board is in full swing planning the 2017 4-H Legacy Dinner benefiting the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Funds. They are currently looking for sponsorships and donated items for the silent auction. The 4-Creation 4-H Club challenges each 4-H Club to donate a nice item or a gift basket of items to the Legacy Dinner. For more information, contact Leslie Cooksey at 740-652-7272 or read more on their website at: http://u.osu.edu/4hlegacy/

Attend the Dinner, Leave a Legacy!

Make your reservation today, and plan to join us for an evening of fun, food and giving at the 2017 Fairfield County 4-H Legacy Dinner and Auction! This year’s event is being held at the Grube Farm on Thursday, June 22, and tickets are now on sale.

The Fairfield County 4-H Youth Development program strives to teach leadership, citizenship and life skills to nearly 1,400 4-H club members each year. While most of these young people participate in the traditional 4-H club experiences, children who are not yet 4-H age can participate in a non-competing, activity based curriculum known as the Cloverbud program. Nearly 1000 additional youth are exposed to 4-H work through school enrichment programs. In addition, the 4-H Youth Development program also offers training and leadership opportunities for more than 200 4-H advisors in our County.

While dollars to support the 4-H Youth Development program are received cooperatively through Federal, State and County funding, several years ago friends and former 4-Hers met to begin what is now known as the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment. The mission of this Endowment and the Board who manage it is to raise awareness and dollars for long term investment in the 4-H program. Their hope is to leave a Legacy for 4-Hers for generations to come by generating enough funding over time to endow a 4-H position in Fairfield County.

The major annual activity of the 4-H Endowment Board is the Legacy Dinner and Auction which will be held this year on Thursday, June 22, 2017 at the farm home of Karl & Judy Grube and Family, located at 1225 Canal Road NE, northeast of Baltimore. The evening will begin with cheese and wine tasting, and the auction preview at 6 p.m., followed by dinner at 7:00. The entire evening is dedicated to the benefit of the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment when you will enjoy great food, fellowship with other supporters of our County’s 4-H program, and perhaps most importantly, lots of fun!

You are invited to help leave a legacy by simply attending, and/or by becoming one of the contributing sponsors for the evening. There are actually four different ways for you to consider becoming involved and supporting the effort of the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment.

First, for $40 you can attend and simply enjoy a great meal!

Second, for $400 you may purchase a table for 8 to attend the Dinner and Auction and share the table with your business colleagues or friends.

A third alternative for participation is a donation for either the silent or live Legacy Auction that is held during the Legacy Dinner. Examples of suggested items that are appreciated for these auctions include themed gift baskets, event tickets, autographed memorabilia, gift certificates, jewelry, photography, art work, baked goods and sweet treats, or any items that represent 4-H and youth. You may also find a listing of few items already included in the Auctions on the Legacy Auction page.

If you would like to offer your support by simply become a contributing sponsor of the event, there are multiple levels of support available ranging from donations and/or sponsorships of from $100 to $1500+.

Regardless of the extent you choose to participate, we do hope you will come and share in an evening of food, fellowship and fun in support of the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Dinner and Auction.

2017 4-H Legacy Dinner – Come Join Us!

The Fairfield County 4-H Endowment’s one and only fundraiser for the year, The Legacy Dinner  is just a few weeks away and we need your help! If your 4-H Club would like to donate an item or a basket for our silent auction, we would appreciate your support. Baskets can be themed in any way you choose or could maybe even represent a project in your 4-H club’s work. Use your creativity and imagination for creating your giveaway item – baked goods work too!!  If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the chair of the Silent Auction, Tarah Reed at 740-407-1688 or Connie Smith at the Extension Office at 740-652-7267.  We would like to have your donation ideas as soon as possible, so we can highlight your generous donation on the Endowment Blog prior to the June 22, 2017 Legacy Dinner.  This year’s event will be held at Grube Farms, 1225 Canal Road near Baltimore. Come….join us!!

To subscribe to 4-H Legacy Dinner Updates, please contact Connie Smith or Leslie Cooksey. You may also visit: http://u.osu.edu/4hlegacy/

Schumacher wins Leadership Washington Focus Trip to D.C.

Fairfield County 4-Her, Gabriella Schumacher, was recognized on April 4th, 2017 at the Achievement Banquet for winning a trip to the 4-H Leadership Washington Focus this summer. The Leadership Washington Focus (LWF) Tour will take place in Washington D.C., July 17 – July 21, 2017. This is a unique opportunity for 4-H youth who will be entering grades 7 through 9 this fall to learn about developing their own personal leadership styles, exchange ideas and develop freiendships with other 4-H’ers from across the nation, and experience hands-on learning using the historical backdrop of Washington D.C.

Gabriella received this honor after completing excellent records as documented in her Ohio 4-H Achievement Form. Thank you to Industrial Custom Control Solutions (Mike and Missy Koenig) for sponsoring this trip in addition to their continued support of the Fairfield County 4-H Program. Additional trip sponsors include the 4-H Endowment (annual OSU endowed interest) and the 4-H Advisory Committee.

Pictured: Award Winner – Gabriella Schumacher and Award Sponsors – Missy and Mike Koenig with Industrial Custom Control Solutions.