Know a student passionate about government, history, political science, education, speaking, or leadership? Encourage them to apply to be a Summer 2017 Program Assistant (PA) at the National 4‑H Conference Center. For more information and to apply, click here.
Kings Island Discount Coupons Available
The Extension Office has received discount coupons good July 1 – August 21, August 27-28 and September 3-5, 2016. You can pick the discount coupons up between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.
Coupons are redeemed at the Kings Island Front gate during the dates listed above for four (4) discount admission tickets per coupon for that day. The front of the coupon states a four pack of adult admission tickets are only $162, which is less that $41 per ticket.
Coupon must be presented at the time of purchase and the dates are subject to change. Please see or call 513-754-5700 with questions.
Ohio 4-H Specialty Logo Plate Sales – Available NOW!
Ohio 4-H Specialty Logo Plate Sales – Available NOW!
The Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) is once again offering a specialty license plate dedicated to Ohio 4-H Youth Development and the new logo plates are now available for purchase. Show your support for Ohio 4-H by purchasing an Ohio 4-H Specialty License Plate. A portion of the annual plate fees collected from sold and renewed plates is given directly to Ohio 4-H and is earmarked for 4-H programming.
License plates are more than just an accessory – they are an investment in your 4-H members. Ohio 4-H provides over 250,000 youth members in local clubs and county based special interest programs with experiential learning that enhances their ability to use critical thinking, leadership, communication and social skills.
You can purchase or renew your Ohio 4-H Specialty plate at your local Ohio BMV Deputy Registrar’s Office or online at
Other ways that you can help:
- Promote the Ohio 4-H Logo plate to your friends and family
- Talk about the plate on your Facebook page and Twitter
- Promote the logo plate at all of your meetings
- Display a banner ad on your website
- Promote the 4-H logo plate in your newsletters and emails
- Talk to local companies about supporting Ohio 4-H with a plate on their vehicles
Show your pride by purchasing an Ohio 4-H Specialty License Plate today!
Attention Sheep Enthusiasts!
Sent to you on behalf of the Ohio Cheviot Breeders Association.
The Ohio Cheviot Breeders Association (OCBA) is seeking applicants for the Jim Cluff Memorial Starter Flock Award. The OCBA started the contest in 1994 to award a starter flock to an Ohio youth of up to 17 years of age. The purpose of the award is to introduce the youth to the enjoyment of raising and owning a purebred Cheviot sheep, as well as encouraging the growth of new Cheviot breeders in Ohio. The contest winner will receive the following: a one year membership in the (OCBA), one bred ewe the first year, one ram the second year and in the third year the youth will donate a lamb to continue the award. The application deadline is September 30, 2016. For an application and contest rules please contact Bob Hunter at (614)483-3202 or at
Candy Cottage in Lancaster to offer Upcoming Classes
The Candy Cottage in Lancaster will be hosting upcoming classes. All classes are taught by Cindy Hartman. If you have any questions, call Candy Cottage at 740-653-6842. Classes are offered for cake decorating!
Candy Cottage 2271 W. Fair Ave. Lancaster, OH 740-653-6842
Tween/Teen and Kids’ Summer Classes (2016)
Tween/Teen Basic Cake Decorating Class ($60)
This class is very similar to the Basic Cake Decorating Class, but is aimed toward 12 to 17 year olds. The class covers basics, including cake baking tips, torting, & filling, icing techniques with recipes, & some basic cake decorating methods, including dots, stars, and zigzags. Students will take home a completed decorated cake, included in the cost of the class.
*Tuesday, June 7; 1-4 p.m.
*Wednesday, July 6; 6-9 p.m.
*Wednesday, August 10; 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Kids’ Cupcake Decorating Class ($40)
Students will learn how to ice and decorate cupcakes in this two-hour class. Included will be proper ways to work with decorating bags and tips. Designs will vary with the season. Ages 8 and up.
*Saturday, June 11; 2-4 p.m.
*Thursday, July 7; 1-3 p.m.
Kids’ “Summer Time” Cake ($40)
Come learn how to ice and decorate a one-layer cake with a summer theme. You will take home a decorated cake. This class is designed for ages 8 and up.
*Thursday, June 30; 10 am.-12 p.m.
*Wednesday, July 13; 6-8 p.m.
*Saturday, August 6; 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Kids’ “Stars and Stripes” Buttercream Cookies ($40)
We will learn basics of using decorating bags and tips. Students will take home approximately 8 cookies decorated for the “Fourth of July.” This class is designed for ages 8 and up.
*Tuesday, June 28; 1-3 p.m.
*Wednesday, August 10; 2-4 p.m.
~Upon request, classes can be scheduled for students younger than 8 years old. There is a minimum of 4 students required to hold class. Students younger than 8 need to be accompanied by an adult. Supply lists available at the Candy Cottage when you register for a class.
Candy Cottage in Lancaster to Host Upcoming Classes
The Candy Cottage in Lancaster will be hosting upcoming classes. For a class schedule, check out: Candy Cottage – Summer Classes 2016
All classes are taught by Cindy Hartman. If you have any questions, call Candy Cottage at 740-653-6842. Classes are offered for cake decorating!
Seasonal Cooks Wanted for Tar Hollow 4-H Camp!
The Ross-Hocking Camp Association, an equal opportunity employer, is hiring 4-H camp cooks for the 2016 4-H camping season which runs from June 5 through July 12. We camp at Tar Hollow State Park near Laurelville, Ohio. The application is available by phoning 740-385-3222 or 740-652-7272. Applications are due immediately – disregard the due date on the application. For more information, or to submit a completed application, contact Joyce Shriner, Camp Food Service Director at 740-385-3222 or
Baltimore Farmers Market
The Baltimore Farmers Market is allowing non-profits to set up free of charge at their market. Any 4-H group wishing to set up to raise funds would be welcome. For more information, go to