4-H Summer Judging for Creative Arts, Family & Consumer Science Misc. Projects: Tuesday, July 12th

Hello 4-H Members enrolled in CREATIVE ARTS AND FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE MISC. Projects!

We hope that you are busy working on your 4-H projects this summer. Here are a few important updates to be aware of:

  • All Creative Arts (including Self-Determined Creative Arts) and Family & Consumer Science Misc. Projects will be judged on Tuesday, July 12, 2022 from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (by appointment, see scheduling info below).
    • If you cannot attend this judging day, you can:
      1. Attend Late Judging on Tuesday, July 26th from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. by calling 740-653-5419 to schedule an appointment. Participation in Late Judging receives a grade only, and is not eligible for county awards or state fair consideration.
      2. Advisor Completion – Talk to your club advisor as they can work with you to review your project for completion only. No grades or awards will be given with this option.
      3. There will be no early judging.
  • Scheduling is now open for summer judging!
    • We ask that you schedule an appointment that works best for you by using this link: go.osu.edu/fcsummerjudging
    • Scheduling will be open through MIDNIGHT, Sunday, July 10th. 
    • If you have more than one project judged on this day, please be sure to schedule an appointment for EACH PROJECT. Also, please allow time between appointments to complete each interview.
  • Please review the 4-H Member Handbook and 4-H Project Member Guidelines as you complete your project(s) and prepare for judging.
  • If you are taking a Cake Decorating Project – you have the option to complete judging in July OR at the Fairfield County Fair. Only those members participating in July project judging will be considered for the Ohio State Fair.
  • If you are taking a Writing Project – writing entries are due to the OSU Extension Office by July 1st.

Please contact the Extension Office if you have additional questions about project judging! We can’t wait to see you in less than one month!

Summer Judging Project Interviews – Scheduling opens next week!

Summer project interviews will be coming soon! Dates for projects are correctly listed in the 4-H Member Handbook. Please note that there are errors on correct dates in the 4-H Project Guidelines for Self-Determined Projects. Again, pay attention to dates in the 4-H Member Handbook.

We will be scheduling interviews by appointment. The summer project judging sign up link will be sent to all youth enrolled in these respective projects via 4-HOnline next week.  The email will say from 4-HOnline, so please be on the lookout – some email systems don’t like 4-HOnline.

Please contact Stacy Hicks at 740-653-5419 if you have questions about summer judging sign ups!

Projects to be judged on Tuesday, July 12, 2022 from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (see page 11 of the 4-H Member Handbook):

  • All Food and Nutrition Projects
  • Family Life (Babysitting)
  • Genealogy
  • Home Living
  • Scrapbooking
  • Photography
  • Cake Decorating (youth must complete summer judging option if they wish to qualify for Ohio State Fair)
  • Collectibles
  • Creative Arts/String Art/Graphic Design
  • Money Management
  • Quilting
  • Creative Writing
  • Healthy Living

Projects to be judged on Wednesday, July 13, 2022 from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (see pages 11-12 of the 4-H Member Handbook):

  • Self Determined 365.00
  • Self Determined 365.04 Natural Resources
  • Self Determined 365.06 Workforce Prep
  • Communication/Leadership/Citizenship
  • Discovering 4-H/4-H Around the Globe
  • Horseless Horse/All About Dogs
  • Veterinary Science
  • Science Fun
  • Aerospace
  • Robotics
  • Bicycle
  • Electricity
  • Knots
  • Small Engines
  • Energy
  • ATV
  • Woodworking
  • Welding
  • Natural Resources
  • Gardening (youth must complete summer judging option if they wish to qualify for the Ohio State Fair)

Projects to be judged on Thursday, July 14, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (see page 12 of the 4-H Member Handbook):

  • All Clothing Projects

The Style Revue will be at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 14th for all clothing project members.

Junior Fair Cakes, Pies and Candy Information

Junior Fair Exhibitors of Cakes/Pies/Candies – Each of you who will be participating in Cake/Pies/Candies judging this year should have received an email with a personalized link requesting you to schedule a time for judging.  The email was sent to the family email from 4-H Online.  Judging will be Monday, October 11, 2021, 3:00 – 6:00 p.m., and will be held in the 4-H Display Barn. The barn will be closed to the public during this time and only one helper will be permitted into the barn with each exhibitor. Judging will be in-person with appropriate safety measures in place.  The Senior Fair Board is requiring all youth and adults wear masks while indoors.  Each member will be redirected to the 2021 fair guidelines for Cakes/Pies/Candies once their appointment time has been selected.  Here is a link for your reference as well, 2021 Dept 125-Fair Guidelines.

Awards will be announced following judging at 7 p.m. in the #50 Show Arena.

If you have any questions or have a member that is not able to find the appointment email, please contact the OSU Extension Office at 740-653-5419.

2021 Junior Fair Rule Book is now available!

Please find a link to the 2021 Junior Fair Rule Book below. Since there will not be a print version this year, the on-line version you see is what we will be working from this year, and likely into the future. As you review it, please note the following:

  • Near the top of the index page that will open from the link below, you’ll find links to the NEW Junior Fair Entry Forms. Links to these forms are also included within each Department link you find in the index. Carefully read and follow the protocol for completing and submitting entry forms that you find on the Entry Forms page.
  • In addition to each specie, in the index also find links to the General Rules, DUNF, Premier Exhibitor, Skillathon and Project Book Review, Showmanship, the Livestock Judging Contest and the Livestock Auction. Carefully review these pages for further instruction.
  • Rules for ‘take home’ animals and the livestock auction have changed. Carefully review these changes found under the Exhibitor Info ’21 link on the 78th Fairfield County Fair 4-H & FFA Livestock Auction page.
  • We know there may still be some mistakes in this new on-line version of the Junior Fair Rule Book. Newly adopted rules plus over 60 pages from the old rule book have been converted from PDFs and Publisher into a web format. We know some things didn’t convert perfectly . . . if you find them, please share with us and they can be quickly fixed.
  • IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS please email them to us. We will be hosting a live ZOOM August 11th at 6:00 pm and will address all your questions then, and share additional information about how best to utilize this new on-line Rule Book and Entry forms. Register here for the zoom meeting.
  • Entries will be accepted at the Sr. Fair Office on the Fairgrounds from Advisors on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. from August 16 thru August 27, 2021.

Use this link to access the 2021 Fairfield county Junior Fair Rule Book: https://go.osu.edu/jrfairbook

Please review the entire book before you start asking questions.  There are now pages with the Entry Forms, Showmanship Information in one place, DUNF information, Skillathon and Project Book Review, Livestock Judging Contest, and Super Showmanship.  We are still working with a committee to finalize Premier Exhibitor information and hope to have that posted by Sept. 1. Continue reading 2021 Junior Fair Rule Book is now available!

Summer Judging Award Results and Photos are POSTED!

We are so proud of all of the hard work each of our 4-H members (and their families…and their advisors!) have put into the last few months as you have worked through your 4-H project work and completed summer project judging last week!

Please know that we hope that each 4-H member is able to learn and grow from their 4-H project judging experiences – an opportunity to be asked questions and respond, an opportunity to open up and talk to an adult that they do not know, an opportunity to be brave! As 4-H staff, we truly have the best seat in the house on judging days watching the kids and their projects come through the door and we are so proud!

Did you miss summer judging? No problem…call our office (740-653-5419) to schedule an appointment for late judging which will take place on Tuesday, July 27th at the Ag Center/Extension Office. Members participating in late judging are no eligible for awards for state fair consideration.

The results from 2021 Summer Judging have been posted on our website. Click here to check them out! On the webpage, please select each day to view Summer Judging results. Eligible youth will be contacted when State Fair packets are available. Please note: State Fair Delegates are selected at the discretion of the judge(s). Not everyone will qualify for State Fair Selection.

Save the date for our Summer Judging Awards Program: Summerfest! Scheduled for Saturday, August 21st from 7-9 pm, Ed Sands Building, Fairgrounds. Invitations will be sent to the Award Winners soon!

Additionally, we tried to get photos of most youth while participating in judging this week. All photos have been posted in our Facebook Photo Album: Click here to access.

How do I get ready for summer judging?

  1. Complete your project book and activities as outlined in your the Project Guidelines for your particular project.
  2. Practice reviewing your project with an adult. Have them ask you questions about what you did and learned from your project.
  3. Schedule an project judging appointment by July 8th for each project that you are completing this summer by clicking this link.
  4. What day is my project judging? Review your project information in the 4-H Member Handbook.
    • Can’t make it on your assigned day? No problem! Although you won’t be eligible for county awards/state fair consideration, you can sign-up for late/make-up summer judging on July 27th at the Ag Center/Extension Office by calling 740-653-5419 to make an appointment.
    • That still doesn’t work for you? No problem! Although you won’t be eligible for county awards/state fair consideration, you can talk to your 4-H advisor to work with you to review your project for completion for the year.


Interview judging is a discussion between the judge and 4-H member regarding the member’s project, the member’s learning experience and development and plans for the future. It is a one-on-one discussion. Members do not have to participate in interview judging to complete a project, but it is an excellent way to build skills in interviewing and provides an opportunity to compete for county awards and state fair participation. Listed below are a few statements or questions often used in making the interview meaningful to the 4-H member. These types of statements help a judge find out about the member’s knowledge, accomplishments, interests, and challenges with the project.

a. What projects have you taken in 4-H?
b. Why did you select this project this year?
c. What did you hope to learn from the project?

a. Knowledge of project – subject matter – use of project terms.
b. What went well with the project? What did you do? What did you accomplish?
c. What problems did you encounter?
d. What assistance did you have? – 4-H Advisor, Junior Leader, Parents, Friends or Relatives.
e. Questions related to 4-H project book content.

a. What more would you like to learn in this project area?
b. What project will you take next year?
c. What are your other interests?

a. What 4-H activities have you participated in within your club or county?
b. Leadership experience in local club
c. Overall knowledge of 4-H
d. Plans for future – schooling, career, etc.
e. What was the biggest thing 4-H taught you this year?

This is an interview, so 4-Hers will want to keep in mind:
a. Wear nice clothes (dress pants/slacks, skirts, nice blouses, tops, etc.)
b. Grooming is essential. (hair, nails, etc. should be presentable)
c. Shake the judge’s hand
d. Be polite; use please and thank you
e. Do not have gum or other food in their mouth!

2020 Fairfield County Junior Fair Cakes, Pies & Candies Results

Fairfield County Junior Fair Exhibitors were invited to participate in interview judging for their Cake, Pie or Candy entries during Fair Week. Here are the results of the 2020 Fairfield County Junior Fair Cakes, Pies & Candies Show. Members should have picked up their awards at the Junior Fair Office during fair week. Any awards remaining can be picked up at the Fairfield County Extension Office by Appt on Tuesday or Thursday (Call 740-653-5419 to schedule), or will be given to club advisors with their end of the year packets.

Congratulations to all our exhibitors for completing their fair project during this difficult year!

2020 Junior Fair Updates (by specie) are posted!

2020 Junior Fair Updates by specie have been organized and posted by specie on the OSU Extension/4-H website. Please note that this information is current as of 10/8/2020 and is subject to change. Updated documents will be reposted to this site with the updated date noted next to the specie should that need to happen. http://go.osu.edu/2020fairinfo

Items that have been updated since they were originally posted on 9/23/2020:

  • Map of parking area
  • Modified Junior Fair Schedule (updated 10/6/2020)
  • Beef Cattle (updated 9/25/2020)
  • Rabbits (updated 10/7/2020)

Please take the time to read all updates as it pertains to your family and Junior Fair participation this year. Please review the 2020 General Rules and Modified Junior Fair Schedule listed at the top of this page. Additionally, since no updated rule book was printed for 2020, it is important to read the 2019 Junior Fair Book rules as well for your respective specie. All of this information is listed on this page of the website.

Please reach out if you have any questions at all!

Here is a screenshot of our OSU Extension/4-H website where the updates are posted. Below the 2020 updates, you will find links to the 2019 Junior Fair Rule Book.

Missing the Junior Fair Livestock Contests at the 2020 County Fair? Find all the details to watch the shows online here!

All of the details regarding the live streaming of the Fairfield County Junior Fair Livestock shows is here. There will be 2 live streams: One from the Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Show Arena and one from the Feeder Creek Show Arena. Please note: all shows in the Round Dairy Barn and the Horse arena will be recorded in their entirety and be ready for viewing following the completion of the live stream in the Feeder Creek Show Arena. Thumb drives will be available for purchase for each of the daily show activities. Contact the Senior Fair Board office to pre-order at 740-653-3041.