Due to the changes that occurred earlier this year with medicated feeds, there has been some confusion as to whether exhibitors can use medicated feed for their livestock projects. As a reminder, a Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) fact sheet can be found at https://ohio4h.org/statewide-programs/animal-sciences/livestock/livestock-resources and other species’ pages.
From the fact sheet:
Am I going to be able to get medicated feed?
YES. The steps and process are more involved because you can no longer just go to a feed store and buy certain medications to mix in with your feed or buy medicated feeds containing medically important antibiotics. Producers must get a VFD order from their veterinarian and then send or take the VFD order to a feed distributor to get the VFD feed. Your veterinarian may send the VFD directly to where you buy feed.
Some additional information that may be helpful:
A VFD is only required if the medication to be added to feed is a medically important antibiotic for a food-producing species.
Medication to be added to feed……………………………VFD needed from veterinarian?
- Medically important antibiotic (i.e. oxytetracycline, neomycin, tylosin): YES
- Antibiotic not on medically important list (i.e. monensin, lasalocid): NO
- Dewormer (not an antibiotic) i.e. fenbendazole, pyrantel: NO
- Coccidia prevention/treatment (not an antibiotic) i.e. decoquinate, diclazuril: NO
- Beta agonists (not an antibiotic) i.e. ractopamine, zilpaterol: NO
Please ask your 4-H’ers/families to consult with their veterinarians if they have questions.