Information for Livestock Owners (including 4-H youth): VFD Reminders!

Due to the changes that occurred earlier this year with medicated feeds, there has been some confusion as to whether exhibitors can use medicated feed for their livestock projects.  As a reminder, a Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) fact sheet can be found at and other species’ pages.

From the fact sheet:

Am I going to be able to get medicated feed?

YES. The steps and process are more involved because you can no longer just go to a feed store and buy certain medications to mix in with your feed or buy medicated feeds containing medically important antibiotics. Producers must get a VFD order from their veterinarian and then send or take the VFD order to a feed distributor to get the VFD feed. Your veterinarian may send the VFD directly to where you buy feed.

Some additional information that may be helpful:

A VFD is only required if the medication to be added to feed is a medically important antibiotic for a food-producing species.

Medication to be added to feed……………………………VFD needed from veterinarian?

  • Medically important antibiotic (i.e. oxytetracycline, neomycin, tylosin): YES
  • Antibiotic not on medically important list (i.e. monensin, lasalocid): NO
  • Dewormer (not an antibiotic) i.e. fenbendazole, pyrantel: NO
  • Coccidia prevention/treatment (not an antibiotic) i.e. decoquinate, diclazuril: NO
  • Beta agonists (not an antibiotic) i.e. ractopamine, zilpaterol: NO

Please ask your 4-H’ers/families to consult with their veterinarians if they have questions.


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