Spring 2025 Student Involvement Fair

The Spring 2025 Student Involvement Fair will be a two-day event on Wednesday, January 15 and Thursday, January 16 from 4 – 7 p.m. each day in the Ohio Union Archie M. Griffin Grand Ballroom. 

The Spring Student Involvement Fair takes place each year January, giving new and returning students an opportunity to explore more options for their involvement. Smaller and more intimate than the Student Involvement Fair held during the Fall Semester’s Welcome Week, the Spring Student Involvement Fair gives students a perfect chance to meet people and learn about the great things Ohio State’s student organizations are doing.

A list of participating organizations and map of the event will be posted on this page before the event. Students are encouraged to explore multiple areas of the fair to maximize the number of organizations they interact with.

Day 1 – Wednesday, January 15

  • Special Interest
  • Technology
  • Academic/College
  • Creative/Performing Arts
  • Sports/Recreation
  • University Departments

Day 2 – Thursday, January 16

  • Awareness/Activism
  • Sustainability
  • Community Service
  • Social Fraternities and Sororities
  • Ethnic/Cultural
  • Religious/Spiritual
  • University Departments

“Donut Stress” – A Midterm Destress Event by ChemTalks

To help students destress during this particularly busy time of the semester, OSU student org ChemTALKS has organized “Donut Stress,” a delightful break from your studies and research. CHemTALKS believes that this event will be of particular interest to undergraduates looking for a supportive community within the Chemistry Department. 

Date: Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Time: 10:00 – 11:00 am
Location: CBEC 267

At “Donut Stress” the members of ChemTALKS have prepared a relaxing experience just for you. Here’s what you can look forward to:

  • Delicious Donuts: Treat yourself to a variety of scrumptious donuts that will surely satisfy your sweet tooth.
  • Coffee: Enjoy a cup of freshly brewed coffee or water to keep your energy up. (Bring your own mug!)
  • Therapy Dog: Spend quality time with adorable therapy dog Ashby who is guaranteed to bring smiles to your face and relieve stress.

Donuts, coffee, and time with Ashby the therapy dog are free; but the event is BYOM (bring your own mug).

If you have any questions or want to join our organization, feel free to reach out to us at chemtalks@buckeyemail.osu.edu.

FOCUS Recruitment Event

Females of Chemistry Uniting Scientists (FOCUS) is a student-run seminar series and community outreach program whose purpose is to promote awareness and understanding of the scientific achievements of prominent females within the field of chemistry, an underrepresented group in science. FOCUS promotes awareness of women’s achievements to inspire and encourage females, minorities, and other members of the scientific community.

On Thursday, September 14, 2023 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm in CBEC 267, Females of Chemistry Uniting Scientists (FOCUS) is hosting a Barbie themed recruitment event!

The event will begin with a short presentation about who FOCUS is, what the group stands for, what they have accomplished, and what they hope to accomplish the upcoming year. After that, attendees will split up into teams for Barbie/STEM trivia to promote team bonding.

Snacks, drinks, and pizza will be provided!

You are encouraged to attend the event to learn more about FOCUS and see how you can get involved. All are welcome to join!

Stop Apologizing Workshop

FOCUS (Females of Chemistry Uniting Scientists) invites you to their Stop Apologizing Workshop on Tuesday, November 1st at 6 pm in CBEC 267.

Join FOCUS in learning practical strategies for boosting confidence and to stop apologizing in your professional life. There will be pizza and refreshments provided.

FOCUS is not limited to females, all who support diversity in science are welcome!

Tonight: FOCUS Recruitment Event

Females of Chemistry Uniting Scientists (FOCUS) is be a student-run seminar series and community outreach program whose purpose is to promote awareness and understanding of the scientific achievements of prominent females within the field of chemistry, an unrepresented group in science. FOCUS promotes awareness of women’s achievements, inspire and encourage females, minorities, and other members of the scientific community.

The group is having their first meeting of the semester on TONIGHT, September 13th at 7 pm in CBEC 110/120. They will have a short introduction to FOCUS to inform everyone about their goals and upcoming events. Afterwards, they will have a social hour and trivia game with snacks provided! You are encouraged to attend tonight’s event to learn more about FOCUS and see how you can get involved. All are welcome to join!

CBC Club 2022-2023 Executive Board – Applications Open

Application Deadline: April 7th, 2022 at 11:59 PM

Chemistry and Biochemistry Club is currently accepting applications for all executive board positions for the 2022 – 2023 academic year. A position on the executive board provides an opportunity to make connections with other individuals interested in chemistry and biochemistry, gain leadership experience and work closely with the department. You do not have to be a Chemistry or Biochemistry major, nor be an upperclassman, to run for a position. If interested, you are highly encouraged to apply to support the club and enhance your resumé!

Available positions are President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Social Chair. Details about each position are available on the application.

If you are interested, please apply here by the deadline, TONIGHT at 11:59 PM. The application is brief, so don’t hesitate!

Voting will take place by Chemistry and Biochemistry Club from Friday, April 8 through Wednesday, April 20. Results of the election will be shared on Thursday, April 21.

If you have questions or would like to join the mailing list for updates on club activities, you may reach out via email to current president Rosemary, zaleski.34@osu.edu, or on social media (https://www.instagram.com/chemclub_osu).

Ohio University’s HCOM presents PreDOC program for undergrads

Ohio University’s Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine (OU-HCOM) is excited to announce the launch of its new PreDOC program.

PreDOC, which stands for Pre-Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, is an undergraduate engagement program with the purpose of actively educating central Ohio undergraduates about osteopathic medicine and OU-HCOM, as well as connecting them to OU-HCOM students, staff, faculty, alumni and each other. The goal of PreDOC is to create a close-knit community of undergraduate students who are informed and excited about practicing osteopathic medicine and who feel closely connected to OU-HCOM, its mission, and its culture.

The program will hold a monthly session beginning in September and ending in May. PreDOC will be a standing program at OU-HCOM and we hope students will join us as they would a student organization at their home school.

Kickoff Event: Tuesday, September 22, 2020.

Relevant Links:

Questions can be directed to Terry Porter, portert@ohio.edu.

FOCUS-Females of Chemistry Uniting Scientists

Hello students!
This year we have started a new student organization and seminar series, FOCUS – Females of Chemistry Uniting Scientists.
The purpose of this organization is to promote awareness and highlight scientific achievements of prominent females within the field of chemistry while motivating and encouraging other women, minorities, and members of the scientific community. Additionally, FOCUS will coordinate community outreach at local schools and social events. 
If you are interested in interacting with successful female chemists, other OSU students, or building your CV, please join us for the 1st general body meeting of FOCUS this Thursday, August 30, 2018 in CBEC 267 at 5:30 pm.
At our first meeting, we will be discussing open positions on the board, outreach events for Fall 2018, and begin planning our Spring 2019 seminar, featuring Dr. Rebecca Ruck (Merck Executive Director, Process Chemistry – a recent recipient of the ACS Award for Encouraging Women into the Chemical Sciences).
FOCUS is not limited to females, all that promote diversity within science are welcome!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact:

Leah Stateman, stateman.1@osu.edu
Stacy Fosu, fosu.4@osu.edu
Ally Langley, langley.54@osu.edu

Women in Math & Sciences (WIMS) Ice Cream Social

ice cream

We invite you to join the students of the Women in Math & Sciences (WIMS) student organization for Graeter’s ice cream during Welcome Week!

What? A chance to meet and mingle with the ladies of WIMS, and to learn how to get involved (along with delicious ice cream)

When?  Tuesday August 23, 1-3 pm

Where? Atrium of the Physics Research Building

Check out this flyer for more details!