FOCUS Recruitment Event

Females of Chemistry Uniting Scientists (FOCUS) is a student-run seminar series and community outreach program whose purpose is to promote awareness and understanding of the scientific achievements of prominent females within the field of chemistry, an underrepresented group in science. FOCUS promotes awareness of women’s achievements to inspire and encourage females, minorities, and other members of the scientific community.

On Thursday, September 14, 2023 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm in CBEC 267, Females of Chemistry Uniting Scientists (FOCUS) is hosting a Barbie themed recruitment event!

The event will begin with a short presentation about who FOCUS is, what the group stands for, what they have accomplished, and what they hope to accomplish the upcoming year. After that, attendees will split up into teams for Barbie/STEM trivia to promote team bonding.

Snacks, drinks, and pizza will be provided!

You are encouraged to attend the event to learn more about FOCUS and see how you can get involved. All are welcome to join!

Tonight: FOCUS Recruitment Event

Females of Chemistry Uniting Scientists (FOCUS) is be a student-run seminar series and community outreach program whose purpose is to promote awareness and understanding of the scientific achievements of prominent females within the field of chemistry, an unrepresented group in science. FOCUS promotes awareness of women’s achievements, inspire and encourage females, minorities, and other members of the scientific community.

The group is having their first meeting of the semester on TONIGHT, September 13th at 7 pm in CBEC 110/120. They will have a short introduction to FOCUS to inform everyone about their goals and upcoming events. Afterwards, they will have a social hour and trivia game with snacks provided! You are encouraged to attend tonight’s event to learn more about FOCUS and see how you can get involved. All are welcome to join!