
There are many ways to get help with your courses across campus. Below are some resources for help in your chemistry courses. Note: these listings will be kept as up to date as possible, but are still subject to change.

General Chemistry


Autumn & Spring Semester Hours: 9:00AM-4:00PM Monday-Friday
Summer Semester Hours: TBD

The Learning Resource Center (LRC) is staffed with teaching assistants (TAs) to assist students with needs for general chemistry lecture, lab and recitation. The LRC is in Celeste Laboratory 170. Students enrolled in Chemistry 1110, 1210, 1220, 1250, 1610 and 1620 can seek help during the autumn and spring semesters Monday-Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM.

In addition, general chemistry TAs will hold virtual office hours via Zoom on evenings and weekends.

You can visit the LRC or join via Zoom when any TA is present, not just the TA for your class. You do not need to make an appointment, just stop by when convenient. The LRC has limited space and is not designed to be a library or study hall, but a place where students can come for individual help and instruction.

For the office hour schedule and necessary Zoom links, please visit http://go.osu.edu/genchemofficehours for the most up-to-date schedule. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Dr. Daniel Turner, Student Learning Specialist (turner.707@osu.edu).

Students enrolled in CHEM 1910H and 1920H should contact their TA regarding office hours.

Organic Chemistry

Information about Organic Chemistry TA office hours is found here.

Residence Hall Tutoring

Certified peer tutors are provided in math, physics, chemistry and more in several residence halls.  The tutors are upper-class students who have demonstrated aptitude and success in math and science. There’s no need to schedule an appointment; just drop-in with your questions and your class materials. If you are struggling with a specific subject, they can access a list of coursework that their peers have completed and where they are working.  More information, including tutoring hours, is available here.

Private Tutoring

The Chemistry & Biochemistry Undergraduate Office maintains a list of individuals who have indicated their interest in tutoring students privately. All arrangements, including payment, are handled independently by student and the tutor. For General Chemistry courses, the tutor list is posted in your Carmen course. For Organic Chemistry courses, ask your instructor for more information. Physical copies of the list are available in the Undergraduate Office, Celeste 110.