Stop Apologizing Workshop

FOCUS (Females of Chemistry Uniting Scientists) invites you to their Stop Apologizing Workshop on Tuesday, November 1st at 6 pm in CBEC 267.

Join FOCUS in learning practical strategies for boosting confidence and to stop apologizing in your professional life. There will be pizza and refreshments provided.

FOCUS is not limited to females, all who support diversity in science are welcome!

University of Pittsburgh

Application Deadline: February 23, 2017

The Department of Chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh is opening a 2017 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship program (SURF Pitt 2017).  Summer research opportunities are available for up to five female or minority undergraduate students majoring in chemistry who are expected to graduate in 2018. 

Students selected for the program will receive a stipend of $360 per week for 10 weeks of summer research starting on May 30th.  Students will also be provided free housing at Pennsylvania Hall on the University of Pittsburgh campus.

Applicants are required to send their cover letter, official or unofficial transcript, and a prioritized list of four Chemistry Department research groups in which they are interested.  Two letters of recommendation must be sent directly to Debbie Hunt (

Want to jump start your search for the right research program? Check out this listing  of programs that have recently reached out to CBC students

SURI: University of Pittsburgh

uofpittThe Department of Chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh will be offering a 2016 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program (SURF Pitt 2016).

There are opportunities for up to five female or minority undergraduate students majoring in chemistry who are expected to graduate in 2017.

A stipend of $350 per week will be provided for up to 10 weeks of summer research, with the ability to start as early as May 23.

Free housing in Pennsylvania Hall on the University of Pittsburgh campus is also included.

Interested applicants can apply online.

Want to jump start your search for the right program? Check out this listing  of programs that have recently reached out to CBC students.