Erwin Raphael Seminar on October 4

Chemistry & Biochemistry undergraduate alum, Erwin Raphael ’89, will be here on Thursday, October 4 to present a seminar entitled “Interesting Byproducts: Why Genesis was Born to Rise” and to speak to you, our undergrads, on his experience here at Ohio State. Erwin is now the Executive Director at Genesis (Hyundai). Please come to CBEC 267 this Thursday at 12:00pm to meet Erwin and listen to his seminar!

CBC Faculty Spotlight: Associate Professor and CBC Alum, Zac Schultz ’00

As an OSU Chemistry and Biochemistry alumnus, Associate Professor Zac Schultz ‘00 was excited to bring his research program to CBC, and to indulge in the Columbus community, which has changed immensely since his time as a student, he stated. “Columbus today is a dynamic and vibrant metropolitan area that my family and I look forward to living and working in.” Dr. Schultz said.

As an undergraduate at OSU, Zac wanted to become a Biochemist, until a professor convinced him to jump ships; he’s stuck with Chemistry ever since. “I really enjoy understanding how things work and chemistry lets me explore this at a molecular level, which allows me to explore many different applications and areas,” Zac explained. His current research looks to harness advancements in lasers and nanomaterials to develop disease diagnostic technology, catalysts, and build on science that will enable even more developments. Nanomaterials developed in his lab even have the potential utility for converting carbon dioxide into fuels. “The possibility that our research may prevent or help treat diseases, such as cancer, or help solve environmental and energy challenges is really motivating. At the same time, working with students and training the next generation of scientists in my laboratory is equally rewarding. I see my research as way to impact the future.”

Read more about Dr. Schultz here…

Chemistry & Biochemistry Club Ice Cream Social

We hope to see you Thursday, August 30th at Browning Amphitheatre!

All are welcome to enjoy free ice cream, mingle with other CBC students & faculty, and learn about the Chemistry & Biochemistry Club. Students are invited to join the club for exciting events, captivating speakers, pizza, and fun! Regular meetings are held on Thursday at 6:00pm, location TBD.

Introducing Handshake – don’t miss out!

Are you having trouble finding an internship, research opportunity, or job?! If so, handshake is the place for you! Ohio State has partnered with handshake to provide you with easy access to all things related to your career development! Visit and sign in with your OSU name.# and password. 

Handshake has replaced previous OSU sponsored programs such as CareerEngine, Hireabuckeye, FutureLink, and Buckeye Careers Network.

Rodriguez Selected as ACS Scholar

Congratulations to undergraduate Emily Rodriguez on receiving the American Chemical Society Scholar Award! The ACS Scholars Program awards renewable scholarships to underrepresented minority students majoring in undergraduate chemistry-related disciplines, and who are also intending to pursue careers in the field of Chemistry. Recipients can receive up to $5,000 per academic year.

“Chemistry has always been a door for me; it has opened the way to many opportunities and adventures. Being selected as an ACS Scholar has not only validated all of the hours put into my study of chemistry, but it will also allow me to pursue endeavors in which I can not only enrich my knowledge of chemistry, but also spread my love of chemistry to others. The American Chemical Society has always been a resource for me to use educationally, and I look forward to the many other opportunities now available to me as a scholar of this organization.” -Emily Rodriguez

Denman Undergraduate Research Forum

Congratulations to all of the CBC Undergraduate students who presented at the 2018 Denman Undergraduate Research Forum! See below our students who placed!

Analytical and Physical Chemistry

1st place: Alexander Grooms (Chemistry); Advisor: Heather Allen

Cell Biology and Physiology

3rd place: Johan Harris (Biochemistry); Advisor: Kristin Stanford

Molecular Biophysics and Chemical Biology

1st place: Seth Lyon (Biochemistry); Advisor: Venkat Gopalan

3rd place: Madison Smith (Chemistry); Advisor: Zucai Suo

Synthetic Chemistry, Catalysts, and Materials

1st place: Dennis Yang (Chemistry); Advisor: Chris Callam

2nd place: Milauni Mehta (Chemistry); Advisor: T.V. Rajanbabu

3rd place: Sydney Sillart (Chemistry); Advisor: Chris Callam

Undergraduate Graduation & Awards Banquet celebrates CBC Students, Award Winners, and Scholarship Recipients

The 2018 Undergraduate Graduation & Awards Banquet was home to graduating seniors, scholarship recipients, awards winners and their families.  Gathering to recognize academic excellence, CBC alumni, Dr. Marinda Wu ’71, was also in attendance to wish our graduates a bright future!

A.J Zanyk Photography 2018

Dr. Susan Olesik, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Chair, began the evening by congratulating all students in attendance, honoring alumni and donors, and thanking the families of our students for supporting their pursuit of an education in the field of Chemistry or Biochemistry. Dr. Marinda Wu then spoke about her experiences as an undergraduate student at Ohio State and beyond.  She encouraged students to maintain passion and perseverance in order to be successful in future endeavors.

Vice Chair of Undergraduate Studies, Dr. Terry Gustafson, used the remainder of the evening to recognize our and congratulate our Scholarship and Award Recipients – thanking the many alumni & donors for their contributions which gives our students optimal opportunity.

Congratulations to all of our students and good luck to our graduating seniors! May all your dreams come true!

PHOTOS from the event can be found here

A.J Zanyk Photography 2018

This year, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry will be awarding 135 bachelor’s degrees to undergraduate students.  Of those 135 students, there are 12 who have pursued a double major or dual degree and 55 who have earned a minor in at least one other field.  CBC students are diverse in their studies and academically successful with 13 graduating summa cum laude, 23 graduating magna cum laude, and 14 graduating cum laude.

Freshman Chemistry Award: John Vu

Sophomore Organic Chemistry Award: David Wood

ACS Columbus Chapter – Junior Chemistry Achievement Award: Dennis Yang

ACS Columbus Chapter – Senior Chemistry Achievement Award: Scott Garner

Partners for Progress and Prosperity: Kristen Dammeyer

Irene Rosenfeld Scientific Achievement Award: Surabhi Tewari

A.J Zanyk Photography 2018

Hypercube Scholar Award from Hypercube, Inc: Scott Garner

Undergraduate Student Teacher – Rookie of the Year Award: Brittany Shook

Distinguished Undergraduate Student Teacher Award: Jordan Fleenor

Distinguished Organic Student Teacher Award: Sydney Sillart, Sydney Mckee

Royal Society of Chemists Certificate of Excellence: Adam Weiss

ACS Undergraduate Award in Physical Chemistry: Evan Lach

ACS Undergraduate Award in Organic Chemistry: Xin Gu

Thanks to A.J. Zanyk Photography!

Questions about photos/etc can be directed to Caitlin Golec.

CBC Inaugural Industry Day Recruitment Session

CBC Inaugural Industry Day - May 7-8, 2018 in CBEC

Chemistry and Biochemistry will be hosting our first Industry Day on May 7th and 8th, 2018. The full schedule of events is available on the department website.  The most exciting part for our undergraduates students is the Recruitment Session on May 8th, when you will have the opportunity to meet with our Industry partners and learn about internship and job opportunities available at their companies. The session will be held in CBEC from 2-3pm.  Let ASC Career Services help you polish up your resume, then RSVP to save your spot at the Recruitment Session by April 20th.  The list of our Industry Partners who will be attending the event will be sent to in advance of the event to those who RSVP.  All of our Industry Partners will bring both scientists AND recruiters from their HR department, so they will be able to answer any questions you have.

If you are unable to make it but still wish to have your resume shared with the companies, please email your resume to Caitlin Golec at

Student Spotlight: Evan Lach

CBC Undergraduate Senior, Evan Lach of Chardon, Ohio, was recently published in an article in the Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Journal – Evan’s humble reaction states, “It’s an honor to be published for undergraduate work, and it’s a gratifying feeling that our article was recognized specially by the journal. I have to thank Bethany Wellen (graduate advisor) and Dr. Heather Allen for their major contributions to that project and their continual advising.” Lach, a Chemistry major, has researched fundamental molecular interactions at the water surface in an atmospheric context with Dr. Allen since 2014 – but that’s not all! Evan’s hard work has paid off as he received the 2017 Junior Chemistry Achievement Award from the American Chemical Society Columbus Chapter! See more about Evan below…

Favorite college class ever:  Cannot pick a favorite – I’ve enjoyed at least a few. Everyone should take BusFin 1200 before graduation though, personal finance is very important and often overlooked.

Favorite Professor and Why: Tough question since the majority of faculty have been wonderful, but I’ll have to choose Dr. Noel Paul. Very challenging class (organic II), but he is a great instructor and person, and I learned bunches.

On-campus club involvement: I attend some Chemistry/Biochemistry club events. Their guest-speaker events are great for exploring interests within the chemical field.

Extra-curricular activities (volunteering, athletics, organization involvement. Etc.): I teach organic chemistry lab, train at the gym 3x a week, and volunteer at Cleveland Food Bank satellite locations over breaks from school.

Career goals: I’m applying to jobs currently and hoping to start as a chemist. Within a few years with a company, I want to phase out lab work and move towards lab management, compliance, or technical service.

Something unique about you: I produce a lot of music as one of my hobbies. I started in music by playing guitar, but now I mostly work on electronic music (follow me on Soundcloud “Evan Lach”)

Favorite place on/near campus:  Kingmakers in the Short North. Bring friends – for $5 you can play any board/card games from their extensive library while you’re there.

Why should an incoming graduate consider a major in the Chemistry or Biochemistry? This department provides so much in addition to strong academic training. From a robust network of professors to employment opportunities that develop marketable skills and many departmental scholarships, there’s no doubting the value of a Chemistry/Biochemistry degree.

Have you ever studied abroad or plan to? No but I went on a service trip to Ecuador my freshman winter break.

Dog or Cat person: Dogs but hypoallergenic pleas

Have any chemistry jokes or puns? I’m more of a chemistry meme connoisseur

If you could pick one superpower, what would it be and why? To see the future given a choice made today.

Dr. Shiyu Zhang, one of CBC’s newest faculty members

Please join us in welcoming one of our newest faculty members, Dr. Shiyu Zhang, to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry!  He joins our department after receiving his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Georgetown University and postdoctoral work at both MIT and Harvard. His research revolves around applying inorganic synthesis in energy research.

Dr. Zhang was first attracted to Ohio State and Columbus because of “good food and college football”. Can you blame him? Among many goals of his during his hopeful long journey with our department, he most aspires to train extraordinary students and show them their potential as scientists. Everyone’s path to the love of chemistry is different, his started with playing around making “funky” molecules. If you find Dr. Zhang teaching a Catalysis course – take it – it’s his favorite class!

Now for some fun facts about Dr. Zhang:

  • He most admires Steve Jobs
  • If he wasn’t a scientist he’d be an Astronaut! He loves space.
  • In his free time he’s just like all of us – he plays video games and watches HBO shows! We can only hope he’s a Game of Thrones fan…
  • He has two dogs: Pancake (pug) and Professor (mini schnauzer)

We are ecstatic to have Dr. Zhang in our department and can’t wait to see the innovative and exciting things he has in store for us!