The 2018 Undergraduate Graduation & Awards Banquet was home to graduating seniors, scholarship recipients, awards winners and their families. Gathering to recognize academic excellence, CBC alumni, Dr. Marinda Wu ’71, was also in attendance to wish our graduates a bright future!

A.J Zanyk Photography 2018
Dr. Susan Olesik, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Chair, began the evening by congratulating all students in attendance, honoring alumni and donors, and thanking the families of our students for supporting their pursuit of an education in the field of Chemistry or Biochemistry. Dr. Marinda Wu then spoke about her experiences as an undergraduate student at Ohio State and beyond. She encouraged students to maintain passion and perseverance in order to be successful in future endeavors.
Vice Chair of Undergraduate Studies, Dr. Terry Gustafson, used the remainder of the evening to recognize our and congratulate our Scholarship and Award Recipients – thanking the many alumni & donors for their contributions which gives our students optimal opportunity.
Congratulations to all of our students and good luck to our graduating seniors! May all your dreams come true!
PHOTOS from the event can be found here.

A.J Zanyk Photography 2018
This year, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry will be awarding 135 bachelor’s degrees to undergraduate students. Of those 135 students, there are 12 who have pursued a double major or dual degree and 55 who have earned a minor in at least one other field. CBC students are diverse in their studies and academically successful with 13 graduating summa cum laude, 23 graduating magna cum laude, and 14 graduating cum laude.
Freshman Chemistry Award: John Vu
Sophomore Organic Chemistry Award: David Wood
ACS Columbus Chapter – Junior Chemistry Achievement Award: Dennis Yang
ACS Columbus Chapter – Senior Chemistry Achievement Award: Scott Garner
Partners for Progress and Prosperity: Kristen Dammeyer
Irene Rosenfeld Scientific Achievement Award: Surabhi Tewari

A.J Zanyk Photography 2018
Hypercube Scholar Award from Hypercube, Inc: Scott Garner
Undergraduate Student Teacher – Rookie of the Year Award: Brittany Shook
Distinguished Undergraduate Student Teacher Award: Jordan Fleenor
Distinguished Organic Student Teacher Award: Sydney Sillart, Sydney Mckee
Royal Society of Chemists Certificate of Excellence: Adam Weiss
ACS Undergraduate Award in Physical Chemistry: Evan Lach
ACS Undergraduate Award in Organic Chemistry: Xin Gu
Thanks to A.J. Zanyk Photography!
Questions about photos/etc can be directed to Caitlin Golec.