The Washington County Interstate Exchange members and advisors have been fundraising, organizing and planning to host 4-H teens from North Carolina. The last week of June was filled with activities, tours, and fun as local 4-H members planned for the arrival of 4 teens and 2 advisors from Nash County North Carolina. The group kicked off their week with a welcome picnic and backyard games. The group then traveled to the Flight 93 memorial, Ziplining, Amish Country, Tullius Cattle Farm, and Jukebox Pizza. Next the group enjoyed a tour of Sewah Studios, the Multicultural Genealogical Center, Old Man’s cave, historic Downtown Marietta and Blennerhasset Island. Everyone had a blast and although the North Carolina group has returned home, this exchange could not be possible without the support of local businesses and individuals. The interstate exchange is thankful for the generosity of those who donated local items for goodie bags, offered an extra treat when visiting their dining establishment, and those who gave educational tours of their businesses. The club is excited to share these opportunities with other teens in the area looking to learn and travel the US to experience cultures in other states. They would also like to thank Bridgeport Equipment and Tools, Heritage Country Store, Jeremiahs Coffee House, Jukebox Pizza, Sewah Studios, the Multi Cultural Genealogical Center and Florence Creamery for the support throughout the week. A special thank you to all the 4-H families and members who hosted the group throughout the week and the Washington County Advisory Committee for their support. If you would like to join the club and learn where they travel next please contact our office or Ellie Tullius, advisor.
Author: hartline.24
Kona Ice is coming to Project Judging
Kona Ice will be coming to 4-H Project Judging on July 13, 20203. Members and their families coming for their project interviews will be able to enjoy some Kona Ice as a tasty treat from 5:30-8pm. Please review the attached flyer for price and details. Kona Ice will be donating a portion of their sales back to the 4-H program in Washington County.
“New” Chick Pick Up Date
The Chick pick up date for all chicks ordered for the market chicken project this year has been changed. Chicks will arrive on June 29th or 30th. This is due to the holiday during our regular pick up schedule. The pick up time will remain from 3:00-4:30pm at Heritage Country Store. Please watch for additional announcements that week and be prepared for either day. Please also call our office at 740-376-7431 to check on the status Thursday before traveling to be sure the birds have arrived.
Washington County 4-H Endowment Dinner a Success
The Washington County 4-H Endowment Dinner was held on April 1, 2023 at the Washington County Fair Grounds. This year’s dinner featured a steak or chicken dinner along with Live and Silent auctions and a Grab bag station. The Endowment committee along with 4-H volunteers served over 390 meals and raised over $30,000 to support the 4-H program in the county. The funds raised will be used to help with camp and trip scholarships, as well as other 4-H events held throughout the year that reaches the youth of Washington County. The committee is excited with the event and reached their goals for the dinner this year. A special thanks goes out to all the businesses, families, 4-H Clubs and individuals who supported the event this year. The committee is already planning for 2024. If you would like to help and join the committee to plan the event in 2024 please call the Extension Office at 740-376-7431.
June 1st Deadline for Horse Project Members
ATTENTION ALL HORSE MEMBERS!! Our horse paperwork deadline is quickly approaching on June 1, 2023. Members will need to turn in their horse declaration form, Immunization form, stall reservation for County Fair, Lease agreements, and PAS forms for those participating. The Saddle Horse Committee is hosting a PAS show on Saturday June 3, 2023 and we will conclude with a Fun show following the PAS events/classes. The PAS show is the state qualifying event for horse members to be eligible to compete at the Ohio State Fair. This event will be held at the Washington County Fair located at 922 Front Street Marietta Ohio. Horse members in Washington County will not be charged a fee for PAS classes, however all other out of county participants must pre-register with a $10 fee per class by May 27th. The Fun show will immediately follow the PAS event and all participants must be 4-H / FFA members of 4-H project age and follow all 4-H Uniform Horse Rules. Fun Show classes are $2 per class with a fee of $10 max for the day. PAS Fun Show 2023 Participants will register at the event approximately 1 hour before the show.
The last Educational Equine Session is scheduled for June 24th from 9am to noon at the Washington County Fair, any horse member planning to exhibit at fair must attend one Equine Session to be eligible to show. For questions please call OSU Extension 740-376-7431.
Horse Equine Riding Session Scheduled
The second educational equine session is scheduled for May 20th from 10am to 12noon. The event will be held at the Washington County Fair horse arena. This is an open workout with a focus on understanding PAS patterns and riding. Members may bring their horses to this event. All 4H riding rules will be enforced according to the uniform horse rules book. Any member who missed the mandatory parent meeting must arrive at 9am to complete the required training. Any member who has not completed the Equistep training must watch the modules and complete the quiz prior to the session. Members who complete the Equistep training must email their results to by May 17th. For more details please call the office at 740-376-7431.
Mandatory Parent / Member Horse Meeting
The mandatory Parent / member horse meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 17th from 6:00 to 8:00pm at the Extension Office. All 4-H members enrolled in a horse project must attend. Members will be learning about the new Equistep Requirement which is mandatory for 2023. Horse committee members will also be present to answer questions for parents and youth. The agenda will also include instruction on 2 hand vs 1 hand riding, goal setting, and more. Please plan to attend, our meeting will be in the conference room on the second floor at 1115 Gilman Ave, Marietta. For additional information please call our office at 740-376-7431.
Trailblazers 4-H Club Tack Auction
Trailblazers 4-H club along with Broken Wheel Tack will be hosting a tack auction on April 22, 2023 and 6pm. The event will take place at the Barlow Fairgrounds with doors opening at 4pm. New and used tack and other items will be auctioned. Trailblazers will have a food booth on the grounds. For more information contact Pam Moore 740-516-4157.
Horse Immunization Clinic
The Washington County 4-H Saddle Horse Committee is hosting a Horse immunization Clinic. The clinic will be held at the Washington County Fairgrounds at 922 Front Street Marietta, Ohio. 4-H horse members may trailer their horses in for the clinic and receive the required immunizations for fairs. The clinic will be held Saturday April 29, 2023 from 9am to 11am. We would like to thank Dr John Groah from Morgan Veterinary Services for his time and helping us host the clinic. Please sign up at the sign up at the link on the flyer. Payment (cash or check only) for services must be paid for at the clinic regardless if horse owner has an account with Morgan Veterinary Services. For additional questions please contact the Extension Office at 740-376-7431.
Ohio CARTEENS 4-H Safety Education Virtual SPIN Club
The Ohio 4-H CARTEENS program is hosting a virtual SPIN club for all those interested in learning about CARTEENS clubs and safety education for drivers and passengers in the state of Ohio. The virtual sessions will be held once a month at 5:30PM. There is no cost to members, just join the zoom link and be ready to learn about hands on activities to implement in your county. Please see the attached flyer for dates and topics. Members attending at least 6 sessions will be awarded a goody bag of supplies. For more information please call our office 740.376.7431.