4-H Members Enjoy a Variety of Activities at Craft Event

The annual 4-H Holiday Crafting event was hosted on December 22nd at the OSU Extension Office in Washington County.  Attendees enjoyed making wreaths, ornaments, candles, coloring pages, no hook throws, and even Christmas cookies.  The participants also were surprised by a Santa Shop where they were able to choose a few items for gifts for friends and family.  Crafting supplies and Santa Shop items were provided by Joann Fabric and Crafts through the Kids in Need Program.  This event is always a favorite for those attending and the event is open to all youth in Washington County.  You can save the date for 2024 as the event will be held on December 23, 2024.

4-H to Host Crafting Day

The Washington County 4-H program will be hosting a make it and take it craft day.  Youth in grades Kindergarten thru 12 are invited to the OSU Extension office located at 1115 Gilman Ave Marietta on December 22nd.  The event will be open  from 9:30 to 12noon.  Youth will enjoy wreath making, off the hook crochet, ornament making, cookie baking, Christmas movies, and snacks.  Participants are encouraged to bring a friend and register at the following link.  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A094EADA72CA1FD0-46485833-holiday  You do not need to be a 4-H member to attend.  Please contact our office for further details 740-376-7431.

Washington County Fair Sale Check Pick Up

The livestock checks are ready for pick up and the Washington County Fair has added an additional pick up time for exhibitors.  If you missed the pick up days last weekend, you may visit the fair board office on Friday, October 13th from 5 to 7pm.  Once you have picked up your check please promptly cash or deposit the check.  It is also a great time to visit your buyers and offer a thank you card for supporting you by purchasing your animal at the 2023 Washington County Fair.

Horse Committee to host Wendy’s Fundraiser Night – Oct 12

The Washington County Saddle Horse Committee is hosting a fundraiser night at Wendy’s located at 105 Pike Street Marietta.  Everyone is invited to Get Together and invite your friends and family to join us on October 12, 2023 from 4pm- 8pm.  The saddle horse committee will earn 10% of the total restaurant sales during this time.  Let us serve you- committee members and youth will be on hand to help you in the dining room, and the Wendy’s Prize wheel will be on site with some cool prizes for participants.  Coloring pages for youth and learn about 4-H and the horse program at our Get Together event.

Waterford Fair Checks available for pick up Saturday

The Waterford Community Fair announced the Hog Sale checks will be available for pick up on Saturday September 23, 2023 from 9:30am- 12noon.  Hog Exhibitors will need to visit the Athletic Boosters vendor both to sign for their check.  If you are unable to make the Saturday time, then checks will be mailed out on Monday.

Horse Stalls Assigned

The horse stalls have been assigned for the Washington County Fair.  Members may decorate their stalls beginning Thursday.  Horses are moved in on Friday from 3pm to 7:30pm and will remain stalled until Tuesday at 4pm.  Please review the list for your stall assignments.  Also there will be a clean stall award this year so be sure to keep those stalls and barn areas neat and clean. 

Horse Patterns for Washington County Fair

The horse patterns for the Washington County Fair Junior Horse show may be found at the link below.


If an exhibitor would like the patterns printed off they may contact our office at 740-376-7431 for a printed copy.  The copies may be picked up from our office Monday through Friday from 8am to 4pm.  Horse exhibitors are reminded that move in day is Friday September 1 beginning at 3:30pm and the horses must stay until released from the fair Tuesday, September 5 at 4pm.  Horse shows are Saturday and Sunday of the fair with additional activities and a cookout on Monday.  Refer to your junior fair guide for the schedule of events and best of luck at the fair.

Market Ducks to Arrive Next Week

Our market ducks should be arriving next week and will be available for pick up at Heritage Country Store.   Market Duck exhibitors should have their pens and housing ready for ducks by Monday.  Ducks will be shipping from the hatchery on Monday and will arrive a day or two after.  We are scheduling a tentative pick up day on Wednesday July 19th from 3 to 4:30pm.  Please note that if ducks arrive prior to the pick up time or date we will contact the exhibitor to let you know the birds have arrived. We will also post updates on Facebook when they arrive as well.  If you would like to contact the office before your trip please call us at 740-376-7431 to be sure they have arrived.  Please also bring a box or container to transport your ducks as we have a limited number to hand out.  For more details contact the Extension Office.

Washington County Interstate Exchange Club hosts 4-H teens from North Carolina

The Washington County Interstate Exchange members and advisors have been fundraising, organizing and planning to host 4-H teens from North Carolina.  The last week of June was filled with activities, tours, and fun as local 4-H members planned for the arrival of 4 teens and 2 advisors from Nash County North Carolina.  The group kicked off their week with a welcome picnic and backyard games.  The group then traveled to the Flight 93 memorial, Ziplining, Amish Country, Tullius Cattle Farm, and Jukebox Pizza.  Next the group enjoyed a tour of Sewah Studios, the Multicultural Genealogical Center, Old Man’s cave, historic Downtown Marietta and Blennerhasset Island.  Everyone had a blast and although the North Carolina group has returned home, this exchange could not be possible without the support of local businesses and individuals.  The interstate exchange is thankful for the generosity of those who donated local items for goodie bags, offered an extra treat when visiting their dining establishment, and those who gave educational tours of their businesses.  The club is excited to share these opportunities with other teens in the area looking to learn and travel the US to experience cultures in other states.  They would also like to thank Bridgeport Equipment and Tools, Heritage Country Store, Jeremiahs Coffee House, Jukebox Pizza, Sewah Studios, the Multi Cultural Genealogical Center and Florence Creamery for the support throughout the week.  A special thank you to all the 4-H families and members who hosted the group throughout the week and the Washington County Advisory Committee for their support.  If you would like to join the club and learn where they travel next please contact our office or Ellie Tullius, advisor.

Kona Ice is coming to Project Judging

Kona Ice will be coming to 4-H Project Judging on July 13, 20203.  Members and their families coming for their project interviews will be able to enjoy some Kona Ice as a tasty treat from 5:30-8pm.  Please review the attached flyer for price and details.  Kona Ice will be donating a portion of their sales back to the 4-H program in Washington County.