Quality Assurance Session #4 – May 4 at Marietta High School Auditorium


May 4 from 7-9 pm at Marietta High School Auditorium (208 Davis Ave, Marietta) is the final QA session. Members planning to take market livestock and lactating dairy cattle/goats projects and a parent/guardian must attend a Livestock Quality Assurance training in order to participate in Jr Fair events, shows and sales at the fairs. Members may attend a QA session in any Ohio county, the member must still be accompanied by an adult.

Test-out Option – Youth ages 12-14 and 15-18 may participate.  The test will be offered after each QA session. Pre-registration is requested by calling the Extension Office at 740-376-7431

Paper Clover Campaign at Marietta TSC

The Marietta TSC will be participating in the national Paper Clover Campaign and the store is hosting our 4-H display at the front of their store. Stop by and support the campaign!

  • Paper Clover Runs Wednesday, April 27 through May 8
  • Customers will be invited to add an additional donation at check-out or round-up.
  • As usual, counties will receive 80% of the funds. The funds will be used for camp and youth leadership experiences.

4-H Endowment Dinner Thank You

Thank you to everyone that supported the recent 4-H Endowment Dinner with your donations, buying auction items, attending the dinner, or working at the event. The event was a huge success serving 412 dinners!!!!

The event cleared over $31,000 and will be divided between the Marietta Community Foundation Fund, 4-H Endowment Fund at OSU, and funds for the 2022 Camp Director position. The 4-H Endowment Fundraising committee is also discussing potential improvement projects for the Jr Fair Building.

Local Swine Clinic – May 10

Route 7 Feed and Supply will be hold a free educational show pig clinic on Tuesday May 10th at 6:30pm. Click on the flyer for details: 22 Show Pig Clinic_

Note: sharing of this local opportunity does not imply product or business endorsement.

Hervida is Hiring Summer Camp Cooks

Summer Camp Cooks Needed! ☀️ Are you looking for a short term summer job?
June 27-July 1 Washington County Junior Camp
July 5 Washington County Cloverbud Camp
July 6-7 Washington County Beginner Camp
July 11-15 Morgan County 4-H Camp
July 17-21 Washington County Senior Camp
These are Paid Positions. Please contact Jane Lennox asap if available. Call 740-568-8044

Special Needs Camp Opportunity

Camp Dates: June 17 – 19, 2022

If you would like more information about attending or supporting Special Needs Camp at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp, please contact Michelle Stumbo, Camp Program Director, at 740-691-6010 or Stumbo.5@osu.edu.

“4-H is for everyone,” but sometimes accessibility issues deny youth with unique abilities the opportunity to attend camp. In Ohio, a statewide 4-H camp is held at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp in Jackson, Ohio for young people who have needs that cannot be accommodated for in a traditional camp and their caregivers. Being a typical kid is what Camp is all about and it is no different for youth with special needs. Our goal is to give Campers a true experience of Camp while meeting their needs and letting them set their own pace for fun and success!

Some youth need the availability of a camp that can accommodate their varying medical, physical, and emotional needs.  Ohio 4-H Special Needs Camp is designed with these young people in mind and is tailored to their needs.  It gives youth a chance to try new things in a safe environment while building relationships.  When campers and caregivers were asked about the Camp, 100% of those surveyed stated that they want to return next year and one caregiver stated, “Everyone helps all the kids have a great time.  No one is left out.”  Campers feel the same way – one Camper listed their favorite memory as, “Seeing all of the kids, staff, counselors & parents.”

The Camp allows youth to actively participate in activities such as environmental science, crafts, music therapy, outdoor education, aquatic skills, and self-reliability.  The youth, along with their caregivers, enjoy 2 nights and 2 days of camping experience that may not have been available otherwise through 4-H.

Camp webpage: https://4hcanterscave.osu.edu/home/experience-it/special-needs-camp

Registration Materials: Special Needs Camp 2022