4-H & OSU Extension In-person Programs Postponed/Cancelled Thru May 15

OSU Extension has extended the prohibition of in-person programming from April 20 to May 15. This includes all 4-H programs, activities, and events. This is a necessary and prudent precautionary action that will allow us to continue to monitor the situation while offering an estimated date after which we can begin to reschedule 4-H and other OSU Extension programs, activities and events.

As you know, the situation is dynamic and changes daily, so please be aware that this timeline may be extended beyond May 15. We will continue to monitor conditions and will reevaluate this date as needed and inform you as soon as it is feasible.

4-H Club Officer Training on Zoom – April 13, 14, 15, 16

Are you a 4-H Club Officer or would like to be a club officer and want to like receive training about your roles & responsibilities? You will want to log-on to our Zoom programs featuring Washington County youth and adults.

We will use the Zoom platform for families to log-on for face-to-face training, ask questions, and receive best practices to learn more about your role as a club officer.

The trainings will be recorded for viewing later if you are not able to attend the scheduled trainings.

Here is the schedule:

April 13 at 7:00 pm – Presidents & Vice Presidents

April 14 at 7:00 pm – Treasurers

April 15 at 7:00 pm – Secretaries, Reporters, Historians, Club Scrapbooks

April 16 at 7:00 pm – Health, Safety & Recreation Leaders

The log-in info for each night will be:

Topic: Wash Co 4-H Officer Training

Join Zoom Meeting

Call in on your phone if you don’t have a computer:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 319 154 110

CarmenZoom is supported by the Office of Distance Education and eLearning: http://odee.osu.edu/

If you have a disability and experience difficulty accessing this content, contact the Accessibility Help Line at 614-292-5000 or Text Telephone for the Deaf at 614-688-8743.

Need Enrollment Forms, Poultry Cards, or Blue Livestock Cards?

In order to help families that do not have a home printer, we have placed the following documents in the OSU Extension Drop Box located at 202 Davis Ave., Marietta. This option should be used as a last resort as Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced a “stay at home” order, telling residents to remain in their homes to avoid the spread of COVID-19.

Poultry Orders & Payment – Due April 15

4-H Enrollment Forms – Due May 1 (deadline extended from April 15)

Blue Breed Award/Breed Verification Card – Various due dates starting June 6

  • This card is required for Market Dairy Goats & Dairy Feeder Steers. If you your Market Beef, Market Lamb, Market Goat, Feeder Calf, or Market Rabbit is born and raised in Washington County then you can submit a card to be eligible for Best Born & Raised award. Check the card for various due dates.
  • Download and print card: https://go.osu.edu/wcfairforms

Ohio 4-H Sea Camp Seeking Camp Counselors

Ohio 4-H Sea Camp is recruiting positive role models to serve as camp counselors and staff for this summer! Sea Camp is held from July 11-15, 2020 at Erie County 4-H Camp Kelleys Island. Mandatory on-site training for volunteers and counselors begins on July 10.

If you:

  • Are at least age 18 as of July 11, 2020;
  • Have the week of July 10-15, 2020 available to spend on Kelleys Island;
  • Are enthusiastic in working with teenage youth in a camp setting;
  • Have previous experience as a camp counselor (recommended, not required);
  • Look forward to aquatic discovery and exploration in and around the waters of Lake Erie;
  • Enjoy outdoor recreation such as boating, fishing, kayaking, sailing, and other new adventures…


  • Being a Camp Counselor at Sea Camp is a perfect fit for you!

Ohio 4-H Sea Camp is held July 11-15 at Erie County 4-H Camp on Kelleys Island. Counselors will arrive on Friday, July 10 for training and must be available for the duration of camp.

For those of you unfamiliar with Kelleys Island, there is a ferry that travels to and from the island! Staff members will need to drive or arrange transportation to/from Lakeside Marblehead ferry dock.

Camp activities include: water and sun safety, aquatic science, water navigation skills, boating education, swimming, snorkeling, fishing, career exploration, teambuilding challenges, and so much more! Housing for all staff and campers is traditional cabins with bunks.

If you are interested in applying to be a counselor, please complete the following steps and send ALL documentation by April 1 to the Coshocton County OSU Extension Office (724 S. 7th Street, Room 110, Coshocton, OH 43812) :

  • Complete the application
  • Sign Standards of Behavior
  • Sign 4-H Camp Counselor Code of Conduct
  • Have two references complete a referral for you

Maybe being a camp counselor isn’t for you, but you are interested in being involved in camp in another way!

For individuals interested in serving as an adult staff member and/or instructor to Ohio 4-H Sea Camp, please visit: https://ohio4h.org/camp/sea-camp and select the option that is most appropriate for your interest. “Volunteer Staff” include adults who are on-site for the duration of camp and serve as instructors and program support throughout the week. “Guest Instructors” are volunteers who would be at camp for teaching a particular topic for one or two days of camp programming.

Ohio 4-H Sea Camp is under the direction of the following OSU Extension staff members:

Camp Director: Kayla Oberstadt, Ohio 4-H Program Manager

Assistant Camp Director: Jenny Strickler, Coshocton County 4-H Youth Development Educator

Assistant Camp Director: Ashley Hughey, Portage County 4-H Youth Development Educator

Any questions about overall camp information can be directed to Kayla (Oberstadt.1@osu.edu) or 614-292-3758. Point of contact for camp counselors is Jenny Strickler (strickler.60@osu.edu). Point of contact for guest instructors and adult staff is Ashley (Hughey.28@osu.edu).

Livestock Project Update & Resources

March 23 Update

Do you need help with your 4-H Livestock Questions?

OSU Extension livestock project factsheets are located on the Extension website at: https://go.osu.edu/wcvolunteerforms

You can also get help regarding rules in the Jr Fair Guide: https://go.osu.edu/jrfairguide

Project books: Are you working on completing your 4-H Enrollment Form and need a list of livestock project numbers? Well, here they are:

Market Projects

  • Market Steers—117M
  • Feeder Calf Heifers/Steers—117BF
  • Dairy Feeder Steer—117DF
  • Market Goats—135M
  • Market Dairy Goats—135M
  • Market Hogs—139
  • Market Chickens—150CM
  • Market Turkeys—150TM
  • Market Ducks—150DM
  • Market Lambs—198
  • Market Rabbits—226

Breeding Projects

  • Beef Breeding—117B
  • Dairy Heifers—122
  • Dairy Cows—126
  • Goat Breeding-Dairy—135BD
  • Goat Breeding-Meat—135BM
  • Goats-Fiber—135F
  • Goats-Pygmy—135PY
  • Goats-Companion—135C
  • Swine Breeding—140
  • Chicken Exhibition—150CE
  • Chicken Egg Production, Hens, Pullet—150CEP
  • Duck Exhibition—150DE
  • Goose Exhibition—150GE
  • Turkey Exhibition—150TE
  • Helmeted Guinea Fowl—150H
  • Sheep Breeding—199
  • Breeding Rabbits—225
  • Ohio 4-H Project Central

4-H Enrollment Form for printing: https://go.osu.edu/wcforms

Record Keeping – maybe you don’t have your project books yet to keep your records, but you can always jot down your notes and add them to a project book later. You should be setting learning goals, recording livestock inventory, keeping feed tags, feed receipts, noting how much you are feeding, tracking growth/animal weights and management notes.

All 4-H Project Books – can be found and previewed http://projectcentral.ohio4h.org/

Stockshow Classroom: Click here for some online Pigs, Steer, Lambs, Goats



4-H Event Youth Assistant Apps to Help with Ohio State Fair

The 4-H Event Youth Assistant (4HEYA) applications are now available!  This is an opportunity for teens 13-18 as of January 1 to get a short term experience at the state level.  Applications are available at go.osu.edu/4HEYA and are due by May 15, 2020 to longo.79@osu.edu.

Here is a basic overview of the opportunity:

  • What: 4-H Event Youth Assistant (4HEYA)
  • Who: Individuals age 13-18 (as of January 1 of the year of application) and have at least 1 year prior 4-H experience.
  • Timeframe: Apply by May 15, selection, training, service to OSF, and evaluation.  Complete responsibilities by August 31, 2020.
  • Requirements (in addition to application/selection process):
    • Training-Must attend one of the options for training (July 8 or July 14)
    • Events-Must work a minimum of 3 events at the Ohio State Fair; may work more if desired
  • Program Fee: $25/person for first year members; $10 for 2nd or more year members
  • Teens Receive:
    • 4HEYA Polo & Nametag
    • State Fair admission, parking ticket, and meal ticket(s)
    • Optional State Fair housing in the Rhodes Center (if desired)
    • Experience of working events at the Ohio State Fair
    • Opportunity to enhance leadership skills and be involved in the State 4-H program
  • What about the Teen Leadership Council? YES, these members may apply for 4HEYA AND TLC this year, if desired.  TLC applications will be available in June and will be due the Friday following the Ohio State fair.  Their term is September 1, 2020-August 31, 2021.  Current TLC members are not eligible to apply for 4HEYA, as they are already fulfilling obligations at the Ohio State Fair.
  • Questions? Contact Hannah (epley.24@osu.edu), Kayla (oberstadt.1@osu.edu), Sarah (longo.79@osu.edu) or Frances (nicol.115@osu.edu)

March 19 – 4-H Video Update
