Washington County 4-H will be hosting a 4-H Open House on Thursday, February 27 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm at the Jr Fair Building on the Washington County Fairgrounds. The public is invited.
The 4-H Open House is a fun-filled evening of games, prizes, activities, STEM demonstrations, small animals, summer camp opportunities, and 4-H membership Information for youth grades K-12. Each station will provide interactive and hands-on activities to engage the children and adults. Youth can pre-register for 4-H Camps at the Open House and receive a $10 discount with a minimum deposit for Junior & Senior summer camps. Participants can also register for door prizes, including one free camp scholarship for each of our Hervida 4-H Camps!
The 4-H Open House will kick-off Ohio 4-H Week to be held March 2-8 and will promote the April 1st enrollment deadline. Questions about 4-H and the Open House can be directed to the OSU Extension Office at 740-376-7431
Click on this link to help with the open house or complete the form below: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A094EADA72CA1FD0-54434486-washington