Dairy Beef Feeder – Zoom

OSU Extension is hosting a free Zoom for 4-H members and families on February 19 from 6:30-8:00 pm.

The focus will be on Dairy Beef Feeders 101 – Calf Health, Nutrition, Economics. What a great opportunity to learn more about raising dairy feeders and talk to the specialists!

Register for the zoom at: go.osu.edu/dbf2025

The Zoom will be hosted by Garth Ruff and Jason Hartshuh

Dairy Feeder Breed Verification Card

2025 Dairy Feeder Exhibitors will need this Breed Verification Card signed by the breeder. Cards have been mailed to all 2024 exhibitors.

Dairy Feeder Breed Verification Blue Card 2025

  • Animal Age/Breed: Must be born after Jan. 1st the year of Fair. Dam must come from State of Ohio dairy farm who has been selling milk since Jan. 1 of year prior to fair. Calf must be purchased directly from a dairy farmer. Calves must be purebred (absolutely no crosses) Acceptable dairy breeds:  Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein, Jersey, Milking Shorthorn. If DFS is to be entered as Milking Shorthorn, exhibitor must present registration papers as proof of dairy breed.

All About Goats Webinars

The Ohio State University Extension Small Ruminants Team is hosting a 6-part All About Goats! Fall Webinar series. This webinar series is going to answer producers burning questions concerning their own herd and help new producers start their herds. Whether you are thinking about or currently raising Dairy or Meat goats- this webinar is for you! All youth livestock exhibitors are encouraged to attend. Registration is required and can be completed by visiting go.osu.edu/allaboutgoatsfall 

Monroe County Multi-specie Clinic – June 29

A multi-species animal clinic we held in Monroe County on June 29th. This is a nice event that offers hands-on practice and grooming demonstrations as well as many great door prize giveaways. They welcome participation from other counties, so please share the flier with your members or on your social media accounts.

Clinics Include:

  • Beef
  • Sheep
  • Goats
  • Swine
  • Poultry
  • Rabbits

Breeding Animal Leases – Due June 1

If you are enrolled in a breeding animal or dairy project, you are being mailed a letter with the following information.  If you do not own the breeding animal you are planning to show, then a lease must be completed and returned the OSU Extension Office by June 1, 2024.

Read the rules here: Ohio Youth Livestock Exhibition Rules 4.17.23

If you need to complete a lease, all leases are due to OSU Extension by June 1:

Just to clarify, leases are not needed for market animals as ALL market animals must be fully owned by the exhibitor or household. This leasing information is only for members that do not own their breeding animals.

June 1 – Market Goat, Market Lamb, Dairy Feeder Steer Tag-in

Required Tag-in for Market Lambs, Market Goats, Dairy Feeder Steers will be Saturday, June 1 from 7—9:00 am at the Washington County Fairgrounds. Watch for road signs to indicate lineup locations.

Time: 7-9 am

All Market Goats & Market Lambs must have a Scrapie Tag in the ear by the June 1 tag-in. The Scrapie Tag should be put in by the breeder or where you purchased your animals.

Blue Breed Verification Cards Required for Dairy Feeder Steers – due June 1 – must be signed by dairy farmer where purchased in Ohio and include the ODA Producer number. Cards are available from the OSU Extension Office, your advisor or printed here: Dairy Feeder Breed Verification Blue Card 2024

Dehorning and castration must be done prior to tag-in. The Fair Vet – Dr Lowe will be checking animals during tag-in but WILL NOT be castrating or dehorning animals at tag-in. If this is not done to the Vet’s satisfaction, the animal will not be tagged.

Avian Bowl, Poultry Judging, and Livestock Judging

The rules and entry forms are officially posted for the 2024 Avian Bowl, Poultry Judging, and Livestock Judging contests. Please visit our website for all of the up-to-date information. Please forward this information to anyone who may be interested. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out!